MAC0338  Análise de Algoritmos

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Algoritmos na Web


  Na internet há muito material muito bom de algoritmos. A lista de sítios de Algoritmos e assuntos relacionados foi garimpada pelos professores e alunos de edições passadas de MAC0338. Se você encontrar algum sítio de Algoritmos (ou de qualquer outra coisa) que você ache interessante, por favor, não deixe de me avisar. Durante o andamento da disciplina a lista abaixo deve ser atualizada e expandida.

Edições passadas de MAC0338

Cristina Gomes Fernandes2003, 2001.
Paulo Feofiloff2002, 1999.
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa2000.


Algorithms Courses on the WWW
O nome já diz tudo.


Stony Brook Algorithms Repository
Repositório de algoritmos de Steven Skiena em Nova Iorque. Não é bem um sítio de teoria dos grafos, mas pode ser interessante para MAC328.  A propósito, veja o que Skiena diz do


Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to implementations and more information. Index pages list entries by area and by type. The two-level index has a total download 1/20 as big as this page.


Sorting Algorithms
We all know that Quicksort is one of the fastest algorithms for sorting. It's not often, however, that we get a chance to see exactly how fast Quicksort really is. The following applets chart the progress of several common sorting algorithms while sorting an array of data using in-place algorithms. This means that the algorithms do not allocate additional storage to hold temporary results: they sort the data in place. (This is inspired by the algorithm animation work at Brown University and the video Sorting out Sorting By Ronald Baecker from the University of Toronto (circa 1970!).)


Analysis of Algorithms Home Page
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA) is a field in computer science whose overall goal is an understanding of the complexity of algorithms. While an extremely large amount of research is devoted to worst-case evaluations, the focus in these pages is methods for average-case and probabilistic analysis. Properties of random strings, permutations, trees, and graphs are thus essential ingredients in the analysis of algorithms.




Last modified: Mon Mar 1 08:52:52 BRT 2004