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Convite para palestra com Dirk Koning
- Subject: Convite para palestra com Dirk Koning
- From: "Gilson Schwartz" <schwartz@uol.com.br>
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 05:59:31 -0300
Caros colegas,
O projeto Cidade do Conhecimento, do Grupo de Estudos de Informação e
Comunicação do IEA-USP, estará recebendo a visita nessa quinta-feira, às 9
horas, de Dirk Koning, uma das mais expressivas lideranças no movimento de
mídias comunitárias nos EUA. Espero contar com a presença de vocês, apesar
desse aviso estar sendo enviado com tão pouca (ou quase nenhuma)
antecedência. Abaixo, a foto, uma nota biográfica e o link para o centro
dirigido por Dirk.
Gilson Schwartz
Professor Visitante
Dirk Koning has been Executive Director of the Community Media Center (dba
Grand Rapids Cable Access Center, GRTV, WYCE, GrandNet, Pulse 98) since
1981. In no small amount the success of the Community Media Center can be
attributed to the dedication and hard work put forth by Mr. Koning. With his
guidance, the organization has grown from a US $50,000 a year public access
cable television station, to a US $2 million per year operation including
two television stations, a radio station, a computer center, civic network,
media archive center and research institute. Mr. Koning recently guided the
Community Media Center in a 3 million dollar relocation project to a
rehabilitated building in the heart of the WestSide, the oldest neighborhood
in Grand Rapids. Mr. Koning lectures extensively on community media issues,
serves on several national boards and edits Community Media Review magazine.
Community Media Center