This folder contains the source codes related to the article: Optimization of centroidal Voronoi tessellations. All codes needed to reproduce the numerical experiments in the paper are included. They include the necessary codes to run the L-BFGS-B method and GEOMPACK. File 'compile' shows how to compile the code. File optvorma-bfgs-test can be used to generate the CVTs diagrams showed in Section 3.1, file optvorma-bfgsJ2 can be used to reproduce the the experiments of Section 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. File evalpoints-bfgs-c allows to compute the necessary values to make Figure 8. L-BFGS-B METHOD =============== The files blas.f, linpack.f routine.f and timer.f correspond to Algorithm 778 L-BFGS-B: Fortran subroutines for large-scale bound-constrained optimization. They were taken from Files: GEOMETRY AND GEOMPACK ===================== The two third party packages GEOMETRY and GEOMPACK correspond to files geometry.f90 and geompack2.f90. They were taken from and