This folder ( contains the 50 large instances and 60 small instances introduced in: [ERR] E. G. Birgin, J. A. Riveaux, and D. P. Ronconi, Energy-aware flexible job shop scheduling problem with nonlinear routes and position-based learning effect, submitted. Available at: The format in which each instance is described follows below. The objective function values of the solutions computed by CPLEX, as well as the solutions found by the heuristics, local searches, and metahuristics introduced in [ERR], are in [ERRSuppl] E. G. Birgin, J. A. Riveaux, and D. P. Ronconi, Supplementary material to the article ``Energy-aware flexible job shop scheduling problem with nonlinear routes and position-based learning effect'', Technical Report MCDO27062024, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2024. Available at: Format of the file describing each instance: ============================================ First line: number_of_operations, number_of_precedence_relations, number_of_machines Subsequent number_of_precedence_relations lines: Pairs of the form i1 i2 meaning that operation i2 cannot start being processed before the completion time of operation i1. Subsequent number_of_operations lines: Each line i starts with the number of machines that can process operation i and, in the sequel, contains pairs of the form k pik, denoting that operation i can be processed in machine k with processing time pik. (The machines are numbered from 0 to number_of_machines - 1). Subsequent number_of_machines lines: Each line k contains the values \gamma^proc_k, \gamma^on_k, \gamma^off_k, \gamma^idle_k, \tau^on_k, \tau^off_k. The last line contains the value of \gamma^extra.