Algebra: celebrating Paulo Ribenboim's ninetieth birthday
An international conference on Algebra will be held at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of University of São Paulo, from October 24th to 27th, 2018, to honor Paulo Ribenboim on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday.

Prof. Ribenboim is a very well-known researcher and teacher who received his PhD degree from the University of São Paulo in 1957 and has made significant contributions to many areas of Algebra and, in particular, to Number Theory. He has published more than 260 items, among which a remarkable collection of research papers, monographs, graduate and undergraduate texts, and widely accessible mathematics books.
The event will consist on a series of talks delivered by algebraists from Brazil and by invited speakers from abroad.
Contact the organizer at and send the following information:
- Fullname
- Institution
- Title and Abstract (in english), to present a communication