Selected talks
On Mazur rotations problem and its topological and multidimensional aspects.
New perspectives in Banach spaces and Banach lattices,
Castro-Urdiales, 2024;
On real versus complex ideals in Banach spaces.
Methods in Banach spaces,
Badajoz, 2024;
Isometries on interpolation scales with or without lattice structure.
Conference on Ordered Structures with Applications,
Tozeur, Tunísia, 2023;
A solution to a problem of Pietsch on operator ideals.
WorC(K)shop on Banach spaces,
Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, 2023;
Homogeneity and Lp-spaces.
Functional Analysis in Lille - a conference in honor of Gilles Godefroy,
Presential. Université de Lille, 2022;
Homogeneity, mean ergodic projections, and Korovkin envelopes in Banach spaces.
Frontiers of Operator Theory,
Presential. CIRM, Marseille, 2021.
Não existe ideal de operadores próprio universal.
Seminário de Matemática,
Virtual. Universidade Federal da Paraiba, 2021.
There is no largest proper operator ideal. pdf
Seminar on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras,
Virtual. University of Virginia, 2021.
There is no largest proper operator ideal. pdf
International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications,
Operator ideals and operators in Banach spaces Session,
Virtual. Lancaster University, 2021.
There is no largest proper operator ideal. pdf
Virtual. Banach space theory webinar at the University of North Texas, 2021.
Group actions on exact sequences of Banach spaces.
Presential. Coloquium do Departamento de Análisis Matemático da Universidad Complutense.
Madrid, 2021.
Group actions on exact sequences of Banach spaces.
Entangling noncommutative functional analysis and geometry
of Banach spaces.
Virtual. CIRM, Marseille, 2020.
On envelopes and Lp-spaces. pdf
Virtual. Banach space theory webinar at the University of North Texas, 2020.
Fraïssé and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces. pdf
Virginia Operator Theory and Complex Analysis Meeting, Richmond, 2019.
Mini-course. Transitivity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces.pdf
Workshop on Banach spaces and Banach lattices, Madrid, 2019.
Amalgamation and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces.
Banach spaces and their applications, Lviv, 2019.
Geodesic properties of the differential process generated by complex interpolation.
International Conference of Mathematicians, Rio de Janeiro 2018.
Amalgamation and Ramsey properties of Lp-spaces.
Large scale geometry of Polish groups, Centre Bernoulli, Lausanne, 2018.
On non-unitarizable representations and maximal symmetry.
Operator Algebras Seminar of the Fields Institute, Toronto, 2018.
On homogeneity and Ramsey properties of Lp-spaces.
Rencontres du GDR Analyse Fonctionnelle, Nice, 2018.
Mini-cours. Le problème des rotations de Mazur.
Groupes d'isométries et transitivité dans les espaces de Banach.pdf1 pdf2 pdf3
Rencontres do GDR Analyse Fonctionnelle, Lens, 2016.
About Mazur's rotations problem.
XII Encuentro de la Red de Análisis Funcional y Aplicaciones, Cáceres, 2016.
About singular twistings of Hilbert spaces.
Banach spaces and their applications in analysis, Marseille, 2015.
Approximate Ramsey properties of finite dimensional lp spaces.
Relations between Banach Space Theory and Geometric Measure Theory, Coventry, 2015.
On maximality of bounded groups on Banach spaces and on the Hilbert space.
Workshop on Functional Analysis and Dynamical Systems, Florianópolis, 2015.
On singular twistings of Banach spaces.pdf
Conference on Geometric functional analysis and its Applications, Besançon, 2014.
Interpolation and singularity of twisted sums.
Interpolation and Banach space constructions, Castro-Urdiales, 2014.
Twisted Hilbert spaces and interpolation.
Hausdorff Institute Trimester on Universality and Homogeneity, Bonn, 2013.
On Gowers' classification program in Banach space theory.pdf
Back to Fields Colloquium, Fields Institute, Toronto, 2012.
Ranges and supports in Banach spaces.
Banach space theory Workshop at Banff International Research Station, Banff, 2012.
Isometric representations and maximal norms.
Géométrie des Espaces de Banach, Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, 2012.
Isometry groups in Banach spaces.
Mathematical Coloquium of the Australian National University, Canberra, 2012.
Isometry groups in Banach spaces.
Pure Seminar of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2012.
Isometry groups and maximality.
Seminário de Matemática, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas, 2012.
On Gowers' classification program.
Seminário de Análise, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 2012.
On Gowers' classification program.
Seminário de Lógica da Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 2012.
Groups of isometries in Banach spaces.
Logic methods in analysis - Castrourdiales, Castro Urdiales, 2011.