Selected Papers
- Vanegas, L. H. and Paula, G. A. (2016). Log-symmetric
distributions: statistical properties and parameter estimation.
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 30, 196-220.
- Manghi, R. F., Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, J. F. A. (2016). On
elliptical multilevel models. Journal of Applied Statistics 43,
- Relvas, C. E. M. and Paula, G. A. (2016). Partially linear models
with first order autoregressive symmetric errors. Statistical Papers
(to appear).
- Vanegas,
L. H. and Paula, G. A. (2016). An extension of log-symmetric regression
models: R codes and applications. Journal of Statistical Simulation and
Computation 86, 1709-1735.
- Vanegas, L. H. and Paula, G. A. (2015). A semiparametric approach
for joint modeling of median and skewness. TEST 24, 110-135.
- Ibacache-Pulgar,G., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M. (2014). On
diagnostics in elliptical multivariate regression models with
equicorrelated random errors. Statistical Methodology 16, 14-31.
- Paula, G. A. (2013). On diagnostics in double generalized linear
models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 68, 44-51.
- Ibacache-Pulgar, G., Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, F. J. A. (2013).
Semiparametric additive models under symmetric distributions. TEST 22,
- Villegas, C., Paula, G. A., Cysneiros, F. J. A. and Galea, M.
(2013). Influence diagnostics in generalized symmetric linear models.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 59, 161-170.
- Ibacache-Pulgar, G., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M. (2012). Influence
diagnostics for elliptical semiparametric mixed models. Statistical
Modelling 12, 165-193.
- Paula, G. A., Leiva, V., Barros, M. and Liu, S. (2012). Robust
statistical modeling using Birnbaum-Saunders-t distribution applied to
insurance. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 28, 16-34.
- Russo, C. M., Paula, G. A., Cysneiros, F. J. A. and Aoki, R.
(2012). Influence diagnostics in heteroscedastic and/or autoregressive
nonlinear elliptical models for correlated data. Journal of Applied
Statistics 39, 1049-1067.
- Fabio, L. C., Paula, G. A. and de Castro, M. (2012). A Poisson
mixed model with nonnormal random effect distribution. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis 56, 1499-1510.
- Russo, C. M., Aoki, R. and Paula, G. A. (2012). Assessment of
variance components in nonlinear mixed-effect elliptical models. TEST
21, 519-545.
- Villegas, C., Paula, G. A. and Leiva, V. (2011).
Birnbaum-Saunders mixed models for censored reliability data analysis.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 60, 748-757.
- Ibacache-Pulgar, G. and Paula, G. A. (2011). Local influence
for Student-t partially linear models. Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis 55, 1462-1478.
- Hashimoto, E. M., Ortega, E. M. M., Paula, G. A. and Barreto,
M. L. (2011). Regression models for grouped survival data.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 55, 993-1007.
- Silva, G. O., Ortega, E. M. M. and Paula, G. A. (2011).
Residuals for log-Burr XII regression models in survival analysis.
Journal of Applied Statistics 38, 1435-1445.
- Cancho, V. G., Ortega, E. M. M. and Paula, G. A. (2010). On
estimation and influence diagnostics for log-Birnbaum-Saunders
regression models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140,
- Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, F. J. A. (2010). Local influence
under parameter constraints. Communications in Statistics - Theory and
Methods 39, 1212-1228.
- Ortega, E. M. M., Cancho, V. G. and Paula, G. A. (2009).
Generalized log-gamma regression models with cure fraction. Lifetime
Data Analysis 15, 79-106.
- Paula, G. A., Medeiros, M. J. e Vilca-Labra, F. E. (2009).
Influence diagnostics for linear models with first-order autoregressive
elliptical errors. Statistics and Probability Letters 79, 339-346.
- Osorio, F., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M. (2009). On
estimation and influence diagnostics for the Grubbs' model under
heavy-tailed distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
53, 1249-1263.
- Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, F. J. A. (2009). Systematic
risk estimation in symmetric models. Applied Economics Letters 16,
- Barros M., Paula, G. A. and Leiva, V. (2009). An R
implementation for generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distributions.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 53, 1511-1528.
- Russo, C., Paula, G. A. and Aoki, R. (2009). Influence
diagnostics in nonlinear mixed-effects elliptical models.Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis 53, 4143-4156.
- Leiva, V., Barros, M.; Paula, G. A. and Sanhueza, A.
(2008). Generalized Birnbaum-Saunders distribution applied to air
pollutant concentration. Environmetrics 19, 235-249.
- Carrasco, J. M., Ortega, E. M. M. and Paula, G. A.
(2008). Log-modified Weibull regression models with censored data:
sensitivity and residual analysis. Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis 52, 4021-4039.
- Barros, M., Paula, G. A. and Leiva, V. (2008). A new
class of survival regression models with heavy-tailed errors:
robustness and diagnostics. Lifetime Data Analysis 14,316-332.
- Ortega, E. M. M., Paula, G. A. and Bolfarine, H. (2008).
Deviance residuals in generalized log-gamma regression models with
censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78,
- Leiva, V., Sanhueza, A.; Sen, P. K. and Paula, G. A.
(2008). Random number generators for the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders
distribution. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78,
- Osorio, F., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M. (2007).
Assessment of local influence in elliptical linear models with
longitudinal structure. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51,
- Cysneiros, J. F. A., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M. (2007).
Heteroscedastic symmetrical linear models. Statistics and Probability
Letters 77, 1084-1090.
- Leiva, V., Barros, M., Paula, G. A. and Galea, M.
(2007). Influence diagnostics in log-Birnbaum Saunders regression
models with censored data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
51, 5694-5707.
- PariseFilho, R., Menezes, C. M. S., Pinto, P. L. S.,
Paula, G. A., Brandt, C. A., Silveira, M. A. B.(2007). Design,
synthesis, and in vivo evaluation of oxamniquine methacrylate and
acrylamide. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 15, 1229-1236.
- Savalli, C., Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, F. J. A.
(2006). Assessment of variance components in elliptical linear mixed
models. Statistical Modelling 6, 59-76.
- Cysneiros, J. F. A. and Paula, G. A. (2005).
Restricted methods in symmetrical linear regression models.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 49, 689-708.
- Galea, M., Paula, G. A. and Cysneiros, F. J. A.
(2005). On diagnostic in symmetrical nonlinear models. Statistics and
Probability Letters 73, 459-467.
- Paula, G. A. (2005). Comentário sobre o
artigo "Conceitos de Estatística: Reflexões" de Carlos A.
B. Pereira. Revista Brasileira de Estatística 66, 7-49.
- Galea, M., Leiva-Sánchez, V. and Paula, G.
A. (2004). Influence diagnostics in Log-Birnbaum-Saunders regression
models. Journal of Applied Statistics 31, 1049-1064.
- Cysneiros, J. F. A. and Paula, G. A. (2004).
One-sided tests in linear models with multivariate t-distribution.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 33, 747-771.
- Galea, M., Paula, G. A. and Uribe-Opazo, M.
(2003). On influence diagnostics in univariate elliptical linear
regression models. Statistical Papers 44, 23-45.
- Ortega, E. M. M., Bolfarine, H. and Paula, G.
A. (2003). Influence diagnostics in generalized log-gamma regression
models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 42, 165-186.
- Svetliza,C. F. and Paula, G. A. (2003).
Diagnostics in nonlinear negative binomial models. Communications in
Statistics, Theory and Methods 32, 1227-1250.
- Menezes, C. M. S., Kirchgatter, K., Di Santi,
S. M. F., Savalli, C.; Monteiro, F. G., Paula, G. A. and Ferreira, E.
I. (2003). In vitro evaluation of verapamil and other modulating agents
in Brazilian chloroquine-resistent Plasmodium falciparum isolotes.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 36, 5-9.
- de Souza, F. A. M. and Paula, G. A. (2002).
Deviance residuals for an angular response . Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Statistics 44, 345-356.
- Bolfarine,H., Cabral, C. R. B. and Paula, G.
A. (2002). Distance tests under non regular conditions: applications to
the comparative calibration model. Journal of Statistical Computation
and Simulation 72, 231-244.
- *Menezes, C. M. S., Kirchgatter, K., Di
Santi, S. M. F. ; Savalli, C.; Monteiro, F. G.; Paula, G. A. and
Ferreira, E. I. (2002). In vitro chloroquinerresistence modulation
study on fresh isolates of brazilian Plasmodium falciparum: intrinsic
antimalarial activity of phenotiazine drugs. Memórias do
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 97, 1033 - 1039. *Trabalho contemplado em 2004
com o XI Prêmio "Vicente Amato Sobrinho" promovido pela Sociedade
Médica Ítalo-Brasileira .
- Svetliza,C. F. and Paula, G. A. (2001). On
diagnostics in log-linear negative binomial models. Journal of
Statistical Computation and Simulation 71, 231-244.
- Cardoso-Neto, J. and Paula, G. A. (2001).
Wald one-sided test using generalized estimating equations approach.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 36, 475-495.
- Menezes, C. M. S., Kirchgatter, K., Di
Santi, S. M. F., Paula, G. A. and Ferreira, E. I. (2001). In vitro
evaluation of quinidine sensitivity in brazilian Plasmodium falciparum
isolates: comparative analysis to quinine and chloroquine. Revista do
Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 43, 221-226.
- Artes, R., Paula, G. A. and Ranvaud, R.
(2000). Analysis of circular longitudinal data based on generalised
estimating equations. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics
42, 347-358.
- Paula, G. A. and Artes, R. (2000).
One-sided test to assess correlation in logistic linear models using
estimating equations. Biometrical Journal 42, 701-714.
- Galea, M., Riquelme, M. and Paula, G. A.
(2000). Diagnostic methods in elliptical linear regression models.
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 14 , 167-184.
- Paula, G.A. (1999).Leverage in
inequality constrained regression models. The Statistician 48, 529-538.
- Paula, G.A. (1999). One-sided tests in
generalized linear dose response models. Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis 30, 413-427.
- Menezes, C.M.S., Kirchgatter, K., Di
Santi, S. M. F., Savalli, C., Monteiro, F. G., Paula, G. A. and
Ferreira, E. I. (1999). In vitro evaluation of erythromycin in
chloroquine resistent brazilian Plasmodium falciparum freshly isolates:
modulating effect and antimalarial activity evidence. Revista do
Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 41, 249-253.
- Menezes, C.M.S., Kirchgatter, K., Di
Santi, S.M.F., Savalli, C.; Monteiro, F. G., Paula, G. A. and Ferreira,
E. I.(1997). Antimalarial effect in vitro and lack of modulating effect
of desipramine and imipramine. Transactions of the Royal Society of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 91, 697-700.
- Paula,G. A. and Rojas, O. V.
(1997).On restricted hypotheses in extreme value regression models.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 25, 143-157.
- Galea, M., Paula, G. A. and
Bolfarine, H.(1997). Local influence in elliptical linear regression
models. The Statistician 46,71-79.
- Paula, G.A. (1996). Influence
diagnostic in proper dispersion models. The Australian Journal of
Statistics 38, 307-316.
- Paula, G.A. (1996). On
approximation of the level probabilities for testing ordered parallel
regression lines. Statistics and Probability Letters 30, 333-338.
- Paula, G.A. and Sen, P. K.
(1995). One-sided tests for generalized linear models with parallel
regression lines. Biometrics 51, 1494-1501.
- Paula, G.A. (1995). Influence and
residuals in restricted generalized linear models. Journal of
Statistical Computationand Simulation 51, 315-331.
- Paula, G.A. and Cordeiro, G. M.
(1995). Bias correction and improved residuals for non-exponential
family nonlinear models. Communications in Statistics, Theory and
Methods 24, 1193-1210.
- Paula, G.A. and Sen, P.
K.(1994).Tests of ordered hypotheses in linkage in heredity. Statistics
and Probability Letters 20,395-400.
- Cordeiro,G. M., Paula, G. A.
and Botter, D. A.(1994). Improved likelihood ratio tests for dispersion
models. International Statistical Review 62, 257-274.
- Paula, G.A. (1993). Assessing
local influence in restricted regression models. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis 16, 63-79.
- Cordeiro,G. M., Ferrari, S.
L. P. and Paula, G. A. (1993). Improved score tests in generalized
linear models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 55, 661-67.
- Paula, G. A. (1992). Bias
correction for exponential family nonlinear models. Journal of
Statistical Computation and Simulation 40, 43-54.
- Cordeiro, G. M. and Paula,
G. A. (1992).Estimation, large-sample parametric tests and diagnostics
for non-exponential family nonlinear models. Communications in
Statistics, Simulation and Computation 21, 149-172.
- Cordeiro,G.M. and Paula,
G. A.(1989). Improved likelihood ratio statistics for exponential
family nonlinear models. Biometrika 76, 93-100.
- Cordeiro,G. M. and Paula,
G. A. (1989). Fitting non-exponential family nonlinear models in GLIM
by using the offset facility. Lecture Notes in Statistics 57 , 105-114.
- Dachs, J. N. W. and
Paula, G. A. (1988).Testing for ordered ratio rates in follow-up
studies with incidency density data. Brazilian Journal of Probability
and Statistics 2, 125-137.
- Paula, G.A. and Peres,
C. A. (1988). Diagnostics for GLMs with linear inequality parameter
constraints. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 17,
- Paula, G. A. (1987).
Projected residuals in Glim. GLIM Newsletter 15, 28-31.