Henrique Guzzo Junior

                      Associate Professor 3

                             University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil


                             University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain

                             University of León, León, Spain


                             Non-Associative Structures, their Representations, Identities and Relations
 Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
 Department of Mathematics

 São Paulo City

                            Disciplinas:  1º semestre de 2025

                 MAT0111 - Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I


                                   Critério de avaliação e datas das provas

                                   Lista 1


                 MAT0112 - Vetores e Geometria


                                   Critério de avaliação e datas das provas

                                   Lista 1


 Areas of Interest

 Nonassociative rings and algebras in general.
 Baric algebras, Bernstein algebras.

 Train algebras, nth-order Bernstein algebras.
 Bar-radical, b-simple and b-semisimple baric algebras.
 Quadratic algebras.
 Alternative and generalized alternative algebras.
 Cayley-Dickson algebras.

 Published Papers