We present a robust, frame-rate pupil detector technique, based on an
active illumination scheme, used for gaze estimation. The pupil
detector uses two light sources synchronized with the even and odd
fields of the video signal (interlaced frames), to create bright and
dark pupil images. The retro-reflectivity property of the eye is
exploited by placing an infra-red (IR) light source close to the
camera's optical axis resulting in an image with a bright pupil.
A similar off axis IR source generates an image with dark pupils.
Pupils are detected from the thresholded difference of the bright
and dark pupil images. After a calibration procedure, the vector
computed from the pupil center to the center of the corneal glints
generated from light sources is used to estimate the gaze position.
The frame-rate gaze estimator prototype is currently being
demonstrated in a docked 300 MHz IBM Thinkpad with a PCI frame
grabber, using interlaced frames of resolution 640480