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class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, world"); } } % 2 ============================================================= class Fibonacci { /** Print out the Fibonacci sequence for values < 50 */ public static void main(String[] args) { int lo = 1; int hi = 1; System.out.println(lo); while (hi < 50) { System.out.println(hi); hi = lo + hi; // new hi lo = hi - lo; /* new lo is (sum - old lo) i.e., the old hi */ } } } % 3 =============================================================== class CircleStuff { static final double pi = 3.1416; } % 4 ================================================================ class Suit { final static int CLUBS = 1; final static int DIAMONDS = 2; final static int HEARTS = 3; final static int SPADES = 4; } % 5 ================================================================= class ImprovedFibonacci { /** Print out the first few Fibonacci * numbers, marking evens with a '*' */ static final int MAX_INDEX = 10; public static void main(String)[] args) { int lo = 1; int hi = 1; String mark; System.out.println("1: " + lo); for (int i = 2; i < MAX_INDEX; i++) { if (hi % 2 == 0) mark = " *"; else mark = ""; System.out.println(i + ": " + hi + mark); hi = lo + hi; // new hi /* new lo is (sum - old lo) i.e., the old hi */ lo = hi - lo; } } } % 6 ================================================================= class Point { public double x, y; } % 7 ================================================================== public void clear() { x = 0; y = 0; } % 8 =================================================================== public void clear () { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } % 9 =================================================================== public void move(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } % 10 ================================================================== public double distance(Point that) { double xdiff = x - that.x; double ydiff = y - that.y; return Math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff); } % 11 ================================================================== class Deck { final int DECK_SIZE = 52; Card[] cards = new Card[DECK_SIZE]; public void print() { for (int i = 0; i < cards.lenght; i++) System.out.println(cards[i]); } // ... } % 12 =============================================================== class StringsDemo { static public void main(String args[]) { String myName = "Petronius"; myName = myName + " Arbiter"; System.out.println("Name = " + myName); } } % 13 ================================================================= class BetterStringsDemo { static public void main(String args[]) { String myName = "Petronius"; String occupation = "Reorganization Specialist"; myName = myName + " Arbiter"; myName += " "; myName += "(" + occupation + ")"; System.out.println("Name = " + myName); } } % 14 ================================================================== class Pixel extends Point { Color color; public void clear() { super.clear(); color = null; } }
% 1 ============================================================ class Body { public long idNum; public String nameFor; public Body orbits; public static long nextID = 0; } % 2 ============================================================= Body sun = new Body(); sun.idNum = Body.nextID++; sun.nameFor = "Sol"; sun.orbits = null; // in solar system, sun is middle Body earth = new Body(); earth.idNum = Body.nextID++; earth.nameFor = "Earth"; earth.orbits = sun; % 3 =============================================================== class Body { public long idNum; public String name = ""; public Body orbits = null; private static long nextID = 0; Body() { idNum = nextID++; } } % 4 ================================================================ Body sun = new Body(); // idNum is 0 sun.name = "Sol"; Body earth = new Body(); // idNum is 1 earth.name = "Earth"; earth.orbits = sun; Body(String bodyName, Body orbitsAround) { this(); name = bodyName; orbits = orbitsAround; } Body sun = new Body("Sol", null); Body earth = new Body("Earth", sun); public class SimpleClass { /** Same as default constructor */ public SimpleClass() { } } % 5 ================================================================= public String toString() { String desc = idNum + " (" + name + ")"; if (orbits != null) desc += " orbits " + orbits.toString(); return desc; } % 6 ================================================================= System.out.println("Body " + sun); System.out.println("Body " + earth); Body 0 (Sol) Body 1 (Earth) orbits 0 (Sol) public class Permissions { public boolean canDeposit; canWithdraw, canClose; } % 7 ================================================================== class PassByValue { public static void main(String[] args) { double one = 1.0; System.out.println("before: one = " + one); halveIt(one); System.out.println("after: one = " + one); } public static void halveIt(double arg) { arg /= 2.0; // divide arg by two System.out.println("halved: arg = " + arg); } } % 8 =================================================================== class PassRef { public static void main(String[] args) { Body sirius = new Body("Sirius", null); System.out.println("before: " + sirius); commonName(sirius); System.out.println("after: " + sirius); } public static void commonName(Body bodyRef) { bodyRef.name = "Dog Star"; bodyRef = null; } } % 9 =================================================================== class Body { private long idNum; // now "private" public String name = " "; public Body orbits = null; private static long nextID = 0; Body() { idNum = nextID++; } public long getID() { return idNum; } // ... } % 10 ================================================================ class Name { public String str; Name() { str = " "; } } class Moose { String hairdresser; Moose(String hairdresser) { this.hairdresser = hairdresser; } } % 11 ================================================================= public boolean orbitsAround(Body other) { return (orbits == other); } public boolean orbitsAround(long id) { return (orbits != null && orbits.idNum == idNum); } % 12 =============================================================== class Value { public static double UNSET = Double.NaN; private double V; public void unset() { V = UNSET; } // ... } % 13 ================================================================= class Primes { protected static int[] knownPrimes = new int[4]; static { knownPrimes[0] = 2; for (int i = 1; i < knownPrimes.length; i++) knownPrimes[i] = nextPrime(); } } % 14 ================================================================== public class ProcessFile { private Stream file; public ProcessFile(String path) { file = new Stream(path); } // ... public void close() { if (file != null) { file.clos(); file = null; } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { close(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } } % 15 ==================================================================== static void displayBodies(Body[] bodies) { for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++) System.out.println(i + ": " + bodies[i]); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program Strategy 3.15 Inserting a Second Node for BRU in a List (DUS,ORD,SAN) */ | void insertNewSecondNode(BRU) { // let the initial list L be given by | // L = (DUS, ORD, SAN) | | (declare a pointer variable newNode, that can point to list nodes) | 5 | (construct a new node and let the pointer variable newNode point to it) | (set the airport field of the newNode to BRU) | (change the link field of newNode to point to L's second node) | (change the link of L's first node to point to the newNode) | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Refinement of Program Strategy 3.15 into a program given on page 76 */ | void insertNewSecondNode() { | | ListNode newNode; // let newNode be a ListNode variable | 5 | newNode = new ListNode(); // store a new node in newNode | newNode.airport = "BRU"; // set newNode's airport to "BRU" | newNode.link = L.link; // let newNode link to L's second node | L.link = newNode; // let L's first node link to the newNode | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.16 The LinkedList Class Definition */ | public class LinkedList { | | // the two data fields of a LinkedList are: | 5 | int length; // the number of nodes in the list. | ListNode firstNode; // contains a pointer to the first node | // of its list of linked ListNodes | | // definitions of methods that manipulate LinkedLists are given next. 10 | // for example, the size() method gives the number of items in the list | | public int size() { // returns the number of items in the list | return length; | } 15 | | // insert here the texts of the following LinkedList methods given in: | // Program 3.17 insertNewSecondNode(airportCode) | // Program 3.19 listSearch(airportCode) | // Program 3.21 deleteLastNode() 20 | // Program 3.22 insertNewLastNode(airportCode) | // Program 3.23 print() | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.17 General Method for Inserting a New Second Node */ | public void insertNewSecondNode(String airportCode) { | | // if the list has no first node, the result is undefined. | // in this case, exit the method instead of trying to insert a second node 5 | if (length == 0) return; | | // declare a pointer variable newNode that can point to ListNodes | // and initialize it to an initially empty ListNode object | ListNode newNode = new ListNode(); 10 | | // set the airport of the newNode to the method's airportCode argument | newNode.airport = airportCode; | | // change the link field of the newNode to point to the list's second node 15 | newNode.link = firstNode.link; | | // change the link field of the firstNode to point to the newNode | firstNode.link = newNode; | 20 | // increase the length of the list by one | length++; | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program Strategy 3.18 Strategy for List Searching */ | public ListNode listSearch(String airportCode) { | | (declare a variable N that can point to ListNodes) | 5 | (initially, set N to point to the first node of the list) | | while (N points to a non-null node on the list) { | | if (N's airport field contains the airportCode) { 10 | | (exit the method and return the node pointer in N) | | } else { | 15 | (advance the pointer N to point to the next node on the list) | } | } | | (return N's value, null, as the result of the list search) 20 | | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.19 List Searching Method */ | public ListNode listSearch(String airportCode) { | | // declare a variable N that can point to ListNodes | ListNode N; 5 | | // initially, set N to point to the first node of the list | N = firstNode; | | // while N points to a non-null node on the list 10 | // examine N's airport field | while (N != null) { | if (airportCode.equals(N.airport)) { // if node N contains the | return N; // airportCode, return the | } else { // node pointer in N; otherwise, 15 | N = N.link; // advance N to point to | } // the next node on the list | } | | // return null if no node's airport equals the airportCode 20 | return N; | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program Strategy 3.20 Strategy for Deleting the Last Node of a List */ | public void deleteLastNode() { // a method that deletes the last node | // of a LinkedList object | | (let previousNode and currentNode contain pointers to ListNodes) 5 | | if (the list is not the empty list) { | | if (the list has exactly one node) { | 10 | (set the list to be empty) | (and decrease its length by one) | | } else { // otherwise the list must have two or more nodes | 15 | (initialize a pair of pointers, (previousNode, currentNode) ) | (to point to the first and second nodes) | | (advance the pointer pair along the list until) | (currentNode points to the last node) 20 | | while (currentNode does not point to the last node) { | (advance the pair of pointers to the next pair of nodes) | } | 25 | (now previousNode points to the next-to-last node on the list) | (and currentNode points to the last node on the list) | | (finally, change the next-to-last node into the new last node) | (and decrease the list length by one) 30 | | } | | } | | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.21 Deleting the Last Node of a List */ | public void deleteLastNode() { | | // let previousNode and currentNode contain pointers to ListNodes | ListNode previousNode, currentNode; 5 | | if (firstNode != null) { // do nothing if the list was empty | | if (firstNode.link == null) { // if the list had exactly | // one node, then 10 | firstNode = null; // set the list to be empty, and | length--; // decrease its length by one | | } else { // otherwise the list must have two or more nodes | 15 | // initialize a pair of pointers (previousNode, currentNode) | // to point to the first and second nodes | previousNode = firstNode; | currentNode = firstNode.link; | 20 | // advance the pointer pair along the list until | // currentNode points to the last node on the list | while (currentNode.link != null) { | previousNode = currentNode; | currentNode = currentNode.link; 25 | } | | // now previousNode points to the next-to-last node on the list | // and currentNode points to the last node on the list | previousNode.link = null; // set null link in new last node 30 | length--; // decrease list length by one | | } | | } 35 | | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.22 Inserting a New Last Node on a List */ | public void insertNewLastNode(String airportCode) { | | // construct a new node N with airport == airportCode and link == null | ListNode N = new ListNode(); 5 | N.airport = airportCode; | N.link = null; | | // insert N as the new last node on the list | if (firstNode == null) { // if the list was empty 10 | | firstNode = N; // let N become the new first node | | } else { | 15 | // locate the last node of the list, using the node pointer P | ListNode P = firstNode; | while (P.link != null){ | P = P.link; | } 20 | | // finally, link node N onto the end of the list | P.link = N; | | } 25 | | // increase the length of the list by one | length++; | | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.23 Printing a List */ | public void print() { | | ListNode N; // N points to successive nodes on the list | 5 | // first, print a left parenthesis | System.out.print( "(" ); | | // let N start by pointing to the first node on the list | N = firstNode; 10 | | // provided N doesn't point to an empty node, print N's airport | // and advance N to point to the next node on the list | | while (N != null) { 15 | System.out.print(N.airport); // print airport code | N = N.link; // make N point to next node | if (N != null) { | System.out.print(", "); // print comma between list items | } 20 | } | | // finally, print a closing right parenthesis | System.out.println( ")" ); | } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Program 3.24 An Example That Puts Some Pieces Together */ | import java.io.*; | import java.applet.Applet; | | 5 | public class LinkedListApplet extends Applet { | | public void init() { | | // let L be a new linked list 10 | LinkedList L = new LinkedList(); | | // first, construct the list L = (DUS, ORD, SAN) | L.insertNewLastNode("DUS"); | L.insertNewLastNode("ORD"); 15 | L.insertNewLastNode("SAN"); | | // now, print the list to show what it looks like before changing it | L.print(); | 20 | // then, insert a new second node with the airport code BRU | L.insertNewSecondNode("BRU"); | | // print the modified list | L.print(); 25 | | // delete the last node of the list | L.deleteLastNode(); | | // finally, print the shortened list 30 | L.print(); | | } // end init() | | 35 | } // end class LinkedListApplet | | // to finish the program, insert the full texts for the class | // definitions of ListNode and LinkedList here. | /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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Imre Simon <is@ime.usp.br>