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Re: sobre os palestinos comemorando - video falso
- Subject: Re: sobre os palestinos comemorando - video falso
- From: "Michel Vale Ferreira" <michelvf@uol.com.br>
- Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 18:13:01 -0300
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paulo Eduardo Azevedo Silveira" <peas@linux.ime.usp.br>
> mais uma vez a midia
> aquela cena dos paquistaneses comemorando, era de 1991, da guerra do
> golfo, um professor da unicamp que descobriu:
O brasuca q postou o mail lá fora falou com a tal professora e ela não tem
as provas... O mail do cara segue abaixo.
[]s, Michel
Dear all,
Last September 13, I've sent an email to a social theory list in which
I provided some information about the falsity of the images of
Palestinian celebration for the terrorism in USA, information given to
me by a teacher. I spent the last day looking for that teacher, and,
unfortunately, when I found her, she DENIED having access to such
She said that she was sure she had seen the images back in 1991, but
SHE CAN'T PROVE. She was not willing to provide further information,
DENYING what she had said before to a full class of students.
I sincerely apologize for this uncertain information; unfortunately I
can't prove the information contained in my last post; IT'S ONLY A
bought the idea myself, and reproduced it for you because of the
importance of it, in the case it was to be confirmed.
Whatever news I get I'll pass to you.
Best regards
Márcio A. V. Carvalho
State University of Campinas - Brazil