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Trechos do Livro - Parte 2
- Subject: Trechos do Livro - Parte 2
- From: Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior <npaulo@linux.ime.usp.br>
- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:15:03 -0300 (BRT)
Ai vai um texto do segundo livro, "The Power of Identity" do Manuel
Castells da página 302 (este trecho está em inglês).
"Furthermore, while the nation-state keeps the capacity for violence, it
is losing its monopoly because its main challengers are taking the form
of, either, transnational networks of terrorism, or, communal groups
resorting to suicidal violence. In the first case, the global character of
terrorism (political, criminal, or both), and of their supplier networks
in information, weapons, and finance, requires a systemic cooperation
between nation-states' police, so that the operating unit is an
increasingly transnational police force. In the second case, when communal
groups, or local gangs, renounce their membership of the nation-state, the
state becomes increasingly vulnerable to violence rooted in the social
structure of its society, as if states were to be permanently engaged in
fighting a guerrilla war. Thus the contradiction the state faces: if it
does not use violence, it fades away as a state; if it uses it, on a
quasi-permanent basis, there will go a substantial part of its resources
and legitimacy, because it would imply an endless state of emregency. So,
the state can only proceed with such a durable violence when and if the
survival of the nation, or of the nation-state, is at stake. Because of
the increasing reluctance of societies to support a lasting use of
violence, except in extreme situations, the dificulty of the state to
actually resort to violence on a scale large enough to be effective leads
to its diminishing ability to do so frequently, and thus to the gradual
loss of its privilege as holding the means of violence.
Thus, the capacity of surveillance is diffused in society, the monopoly of
violence is challenged by transnational, non-state networks, and the
ability to repress rebelion is eroded by endemic communalism and
tribalism. While the nation-state still looks imposing in its shiny
uniform, and people's bodies and souls still are routinely tortured around
the world, information flows bypass, and sometimes overwhelm, the
state; terrorist wars criss-cross national boundaries; and communal turfs
exhaust the law and order patrol. The state still relies on violence and
surveillance, but it does not hold their monopoly any longer, nor can it
exercise them from its national enclosure."
Bom, eu não conferi se digitei tudo certo, logo se alguma coisa não fizer
sentido depois a gente vê, pega o livro com o professor, olha de novo e
por ai vai.
Boa leitura!!!!
Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior
E-mail: <npaulo@linux.ime.usp.br> UIN: 2489382 (Tender [:alpha:]*)
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