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SugarLoafPLoP 2003 - Call for submissions

                SugarLoafPLoP 2003 - Call for submissions

The Third Latin American Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming:
                             SugarLoafPLoP 2003

              August 12 - 15, 2003 - Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil


                         SUBMISSIONS DUE: 7 APRIL 2003

Software developers have long observed that certain themes recur and 
endure across different applications and systems. The emerging interest 
in patterns represents an effort to catalog and communicate these themes 
and motives to provide handbooks of proven solutions to common problems.

SugarLoafPLoP brings together researchers, educators and practitioners 
whose interests span a remarkably broad range of topics, and who share 
an interest in exploring the power of the pattern form. SugarLoafPLoP 
invites you to add your expertise to the growing corpus of patterns. 
SugarLoafPLoP focuses on improving the expression of patterns. You will 
have the opportunity to refine and extend your patterns with help from 
knowledgeable and sympathetic fellow patterns enthusiasts. You will also 
be able to discuss applications of patterns in industry and academia.


All aspects of programs and their production are suitable topics of 
pattern languages. Patterns might be so specific as to name particular 
objects, interface elements or implementation structures in a solution; 
or so general as to describe high-level architectures. They could 
describe configurations of hardware, software or even people. Patterns 
may or may not be specific to a domain or programming language. But they 
always work together with other patterns. We encourage the submission of 
small collections of patterns that build on each other, and particularly 
encourage the submission of pattern languages that capture the timeless 
structures of our industry. Above all, we encourage the submission of 
patterns that tie into the existing body of published pattern 
literature. For examples of patterns from past years, browse the 
material at the industry Patterns Home Page (http://www.hillside.net/).


We accept submissions for three different tracks: the Writer's Workshop, 
a traditional activity of all PLoPs and two special sessions, Software 
Pattern Applications (SPA) and Writing Patterns (WP).

* Writer's Workshop

	For this track, we accept papers written in the pattern form. The 
actual subject of patterns need not be original. Rather, preference will 
be shown to authors best able to exploit the form in the field of 
computing. Very liberal revision policies will ensure that authors can 
incorporate insights obtained at the conference into the proceedings.

	You will be assigned a shepherd who will review your paper and suggest 
improvements. At the end of the shepherding period, the program 
committee will evaluate papers for inclusion in the conference workshop. 
Authors who don't respond to their shepherd will have their papers 
rejected.  We really expect that once you submit a paper and engage a 
shepherd, you implicitly agree to attend the conference if accepted.

* Software Pattern Applications

	This track accepts papers that explore application of patterns, such as 
using patterns in industry or academia, tools for using patterns, 
comparisons of productivity using patterns, and so on. Formatting 
guidelines for this kind of paper should be found at 

* Writing Patterns

	This track will receive newcommers who want to learn how to better 
elaborate an idea intended to evolve to a pattern. Here we also prefer 
papers in the pattern form, but we assume the authors are new to the 
patterns field, so the evaluation focus more on the idea rather than on 
the form of the paper. This is more like a hands-on tutorial on writing 

All submissions should be sent to sugarloafplop@cin.ufpe.br by April 
7th, 2003. Like last year, we are encouraging submissions in three 
languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English. We will make every effort 
to make this a trilingual venue. However, all submissions should include 
an English abstract.

Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted on June 20th, 

Detailed submission requirements are available on SugarLoafPLoP's Web 
page: http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~sugarloafplop


Authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate feedback from their 
writers' workshops. The resulting papers will appear *after the 
conference* in a proceedings to be published as a Federal University of 
Pernambuco(UFPE) technical report. Online proceedings will also be 
available at the Hillside patterns repository. Authors are encouraged to 
seek subsequent publication of their patterns in works such as the SPS 
series (http://www.awl.com/patterns) after the conference. All papers 
will also be available on-line at 


Submissions Due:                     7 April  2003
Shepherding Starts:                 22 April  2003
Shepherding Ends:                    6 June   2003
Notification of Acceptance:         20 June   2003
Final Conference Copy Due:          14 July   2003

Conference Dates:                  12-15 August 2003


SugarLoafPLoP will be held in Porto de Galinhas, only fifty minutes from 
Recife. Porto de Galinhas is one of the most beautiful beaches of Brazil 
(http://www.portodegalinhas.com.br ). See more about Pernambuco and its 
beaches at http://www.brazzil.com/trajan99.htm.


Paulo Borba (CIn/UFPE, BR)
Sérgio Soares (CIn/UFPE, BR)


Rossana Andrade (DC/UFC, BR)
Robert Hanmer (Lucent Technologies, US)


Ayla Souza (CIn/UFPE, BR)
Rohit Gheyi (CIn/UFPE, BR)

Underwritten by the Hillside Group
Supported by SBC (Brazilian Computer Society)

Sérgio Soares
Centro de Informática - UFPE