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[Fwd: [JOT] JOT subscriber newsletter, vol. 4 no. 7]
- Subject: [Fwd: [JOT] JOT subscriber newsletter, vol. 4 no. 7]
- From: Fabio Kon <kon*ime:usp:br>
- Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:37:52 -0300
O Jornal of Object Technology à a revista cientÃfica internacional mais
importante na Ãrea de orientaÃÃo a objetos. DÃem uma olhada no email da
ediÃÃo de setembro que inclui abaixo.
Nela sÃo publicados artigos dos maiores especialistas do mundo na Ãrea
(jà tivemos uns artigos de brasileiros). à um dos lugares onde a
pesquisa de ponta em OO aparece.
Uma opÃÃo de seminÃrio que pode ser interessante à apresentar um artigo
que apareceu nessa revista. Pessoalmente, esses artigos da ediÃÃo de
setembro nÃo me sensibilizaram muito, mas em ediÃÃes anteriores tem
aparecido coisas interessantes.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [JOT] JOT subscriber newsletter, vol. 4 no. 7
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 16:55:12 +0200
From: newsletter*jot:fm
Reply-To: newsletter*jot:fm
To: <newsletter*jot:fm>
For JOT vol. 4 no.7, September - October 2005
I. A few words from the JOT team
Dear readers,
We are glad to announce and present to you the latest JOT issue. In this issue you will find five columns as well as five full-featured articles.
The first article presents a way of reducing the size of .Net executable by using reflection; the second one adds support for Design by Contract TM to C# programs; the third one presents advances in modeling by identifying powertypes and stereotypes in UML; the fourth one presents a framework for testing Eiffel programs; and the last article presents notions on qualified types in Timor.
We would particularly like to thank and congratulate Anthony Simons who just completed his 20th and final column in his language types-related series. We also would like to thank our other columnists, Mahesh Dodani, Won Kim, Douglas Lynn and John McGregor as well as article authors for giving so much of their time for bringing to fruition of this JOT summer issue.
Kind regards,
the JOT team
P.S. We are happy to receive comments and criticism at
mailto:jot-comments*jot:fm: For comments about specific articles or columns, please write to the editor-in-chief using the form at
We look forward to any feedback!
II. Content
Anthony J H Simons:
"The Theory of Classification Part 20: Modular Checking of Classtypes"
Mahesh H. Dodani:
"Confessions of a Service-Oriented Abuser"
Douglas Lyon, Martin Fuhrer and Thomas Rowland:
"The JBoss Integration Plug-in for IntelliJ IDEA, Part 2."
John McGregor:
Won Kim:
"On Issues with Component-Based Software Reuse"
"Using Reflection to Reduce the Size of .NET Executables"
By Vasian Cepa
Current binary compressors cannot be used to pack .NET executables because .NET makes use of a specially modified PE file format. We will rely on reflection capabilities supported by .NET to pack .NET binaries using pure C# code. The solution is quite general and can be used with any .NET executable, no matter in what front-end language it was written.
"Support for Design by Contract TM in the C# Programming Language"
By Rachel Henne-Wu, Dr. William Mitchell and Dr. Cui Zhang
There is evidence that âcontracts,â or assertion techniques involving preconditions, postconditions, and invariants, have a positive effect on overall software quality. Regrettably, very few programming languages support these techniques. Since the advent of Bertrand Meyerâs Design by Contractï method, introduced in the language Eiffel, a number of systems have been built to implement support for contracts in more commonly-used languages. Such support has not been satisfactorily implemented in C#. In this paper, we compare the different approaches of existing systems and introduce Contract Sharp, a tool that provides support for contracts in C#.
"Connecting Powertypes and Stereotypes"
By Brian Henderson-Sellers and Cesar Gonzalez-Perez
Powertypes constitute an advanced OO modelling mechanism that is usually utilized in the form of a specific pattern. Stereotypes comprise the basic customization and extension mechanism in UML, and are also used following a certain pattern. Although different in purpose, these two patterns present some interesting similarities and are shown here to become structurally identical in specific circumstances. This fact can help reduce the apparent complexity of UML and may be of special importance for tools that store and transform models that use powertypes and stereotypes.
"E-Tester: a Contract-Aware and Agent-Based Unit Testing Framework for Eiffel"
By Jonathan S. Ostroff, Richard F. Paige, David Makalsky and Phillip J. Brooke
We describe a contract-aware unit testing framework, E-Tester, for the Eiffel programminglanguage. The framework differs from JUnit in its first-class support for lightweight formal methods, through test support for contracts and assertions. As well, it supports a form of negative test, called violation cases, which aim at validating contracts. It also differs based on its use of agents for expressing tests and test cases.
"Statically Qualified Types in Timor"
By J. Leslie Keedy, Klaus Espenlaub, Christian Heinlein, Gisela Menger, and Mark Evered
Instances of qualifying types ("qualifiers") have a role analogous to adjectives in natural language which are used to qualify nouns (the "targets"), e.g. a "synchronised person" or a "protected list". Such adjectival qualification occurs in two forms in natural language.
III. Disclaimer
JOT (Journal of Object Technology) is published six times a year, plus special issues, by the Chair of Software Engineering at ETH Zurich (http://se.inf.ethz.ch). JOT covers object technology, component technology and other modern approaches to software development, with emphasis on both concepts and applications.
JOT is available online at http://www.jot.fm and is free to both
readers and authors, with no registration required.
The JOT newsletter is sent with the publication of selected JOT issues and is available by subscription to the JOT reader and author community. The subscription form may be found on the JOT Web site. Subscribing requires no personal information or fee, only your email address. We use such addresses for the sole purpose of distributing the JOT newsletter and do not communicate them to third parties.
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