Initial Version-
package; /* * @(#) * * (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1997, 1998 * * IBM grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable License to * use this program internally solely for the purposes of testing * and evaluating Java Aglet API. * You may not distribute, sublicense, lease, rent or use this * sample program externally. * * THIS ROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF * NON-INFRINGEMENT AND THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY YOU AS * A RESULT OF USING THIS SAMPLE PROGRAM. IN NO EVENT WILL IBM BE * LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOST * PROFITS EVEN IF IBM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THEIR * OCCURRENCE OR LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO YOUR RECORDS OR DATA. * IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU. */ import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import; import java.awt.Image; import java.applet.AudioClip; /** * The <tt>AgletContext</tt> interface is used by an aglet to get information * about its environment and to send messages to the environment and other * aglets currently active in that environment. It provides means for * maintaining and managing running aglets in an environment where the host * system is secured against malicious aglets. * * @version 1.50 $Date: 2001/07/28 06:34:04 $ * @author Danny B. Lange * @author Mitsuru Oshima */ public interface AgletContext { /** * Adds the specified context listener to receive context events * from this context. * @param listener the context listener * @exception SecurityException */ abstract public void addContextListener(ContextListener listener); /** * Clears class cache in memory. * @param codebase the codebase of the cache to clean up. if null, * entire cache in this context is cleared. */ abstract public void clearCache(URL codebase); /** * Creates an instance of the specified aglet class. The aglet's class * code file can be located on the local file system as well as on a * remote server. If the <tt>codeBase</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, the context * will search for the code in the local system's aglet search path * (<tt>AGLET_PATH</tt>). The createAglet method takes three arguments: * <tt>codeBase</tt>, <tt>code</tt>, and <tt>init</tt>: * * @param codeBase * <tt>codeBase</tt> specifies the base URL of the aglet class file, * in other words, the (possibly remote) directory that contains the * aglet's code. If this argument is <tt>null</tt>, then the directories * specified in the local host's aglet search path are searched. * The aglet search path works in a similar way to Java's class path. * It is typically an environment variable that specifies a list of * directories to be searched for aglet code files. * @param code * <tt>code</tt> gives the name of the file that contains the * aglet's compiled class code. This file is relative to the base URL * of the aglet, and cannot be absolute. * @param init * <tt>init</tt> is an object passed on to the aglet's onCreation * method. * @return the proxy of the new aglet. * @exception AgletException if the aglets can not be created. * @exception UnknownHostException if the given host could not be found. * @exception ServerNotFoundException if the server could not be found. * @exception InstantiationException if the instantiation failed. * @exception ClassNotFoundException if the class not found. * @see Aglet#onCreation */ abstract public AgletProxy createAglet(URL codeBase, String code, Object init) throws IOException, AgletException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException; /** * Gets an enumeration of all aglets in the current context including * deactivated aglets. * @return a list of proxies. */ abstract public Enumeration getAgletProxies(); /** * Gets an array of aglet proxies in the current context. * @see Aglet#ACTIVE * @see Aglet#INACTIVE * @param type the type of aglets. ACTIVE, INACTIVE or ACTIVE | INACTIVE, * @return a list of proxies that matches the given state. */ abstract public Enumeration getAgletProxies(int type); /** * Gets a proxy for an aglet in the current context. The selected aglet * is specified by its identity. * @param id the identity of the aglet. * @return the proxy. */ abstract public AgletProxy getAgletProxy(AgletID id); /** * Gets a proxy for an aglet in a remote context. The remote context is * identified by its URL, and the aglet is indicated by its identifier. * * @param contextAddress the address specifing a remote context. * @param id the identity of the aglet. * @return the proxy. * @see getName * @deprecated */ abstract public AgletProxy getAgletProxy(URL contextAddress, AgletID id); /** * Gets an audio clip. * @param audio an absolute URL giving the location of the audio file. * @return the Audio clip object give by the URL. */ abstract public AudioClip getAudioClip(URL audio); /** * Returns the URL of the daemon serving this context. * @return the URL of the daemon. <tt>null</tt> if the hosting information is not available. */ abstract public URL getHostingURL(); /** * Gets an image. This is a tempolary solution. * * @param image a serializable image data. * @return the image object converted from the image data. */ abstract public Image getImage(ImageData image); /** * Gets an image. * @param image an absolute URL giving the location of the image file. * @return the image object give by the URL. */ abstract public Image getImage(URL image); /** * Gets an image data. This is a tempolary solution. * @param image an absolute URL giving the location of the image file. * @return the serializable image data. */ abstract public ImageData getImageData(URL image); /** * Gets the name of the context. Each context running in the same * server can be distinguished by the name. The example of an address for * contexts is, "atp://". * * @return a name of aglet context */ abstract public String getName(); /** * Gets the context property indicated by the key. * @param key the name of the context property. * @return the value of the specified key. */ abstract public Object getProperty(String key); /** * Gets the context property indicated by the key and default value. * @param key the name of the context property. * @param def the value to use if this property is not set. * @return the value of the specified key. */ abstract public Object getProperty(String key, Object def); /** * Sends a multicast message to the subscribers in the context. * @param message to send * @return ReplySet containing FutureReplies */ abstract public ReplySet multicastMessage(Message msg); /** * Removes the specified context listener. * @param listener the context listener * @exception SecurityException */ abstract public void removeContextListener(ContextListener listener); /** * Retracts the aglet specified by its url: * <tt>atp://host-domain-name/#aglet-identity</tt>. * @param url the location and aglet identity of the aglet to be retracted. * @return the aglet proxy for the retracted aglet. * @exception AgletException when the method failed to retract the aglet. * @exception UnknownHostException if the specified HOST is not found. * @exception ServerNotFoundException if the aglet server specified * in the URL is not available. * @exception MalformedURLException if the given url is not URI for * an aglet. * @exception RequestRefusedException if the retraction refused. * @exception AgletNotFoundException if the aglet could not be found. * * @deprecated */ abstract public AgletProxy retractAglet(URL url) throws IOException, AgletException; /** * Retracts the aglet specified by its url and id * @param url the location of the aglet to be retracted. * @param id the aglet identity of the aglet to be retracted. * @return the aglet proxy for the retracted aglet. * @exception AgletException when the method failed to retract the aglet. * @exception UnknownHostException if the specified HOST is not found. * @exception ServerNotFoundException if the aglet server specified * in the URL is not available. * @exception MalformedURLException if the given url is not URI for * an aglet. * @exception RequestRefusedException if the retraction refused. * @exception AgletNotFoundException if the aglet could not be found. */ abstract public AgletProxy retractAglet(URL url, AgletID aid) throws IOException, AgletException; /** * Sets the context property indicated by the key and value. * @param key the name of the context property. * @param value the value to be stored. * @return the value of the specified key. */ abstract public void setProperty(String key, Object value); /** * Shows a new document. This may be ignored by the aglet context. * @param url an url to be shown */ abstract public void showDocument(URL url); /** * Shutdown the context. This is ignored if the context is already stopped. * @exception SecurityException if the current execution context is not * allowd to shutdown * @see start */ abstract public void shutdown(); /** * Shutdown the context with the specific message object. This message * object is delivered to all aglets in the context before all aglets * are killed. This is ignored if the context is already stopped. * @exception SecurityException if the current execution context is not * allowd to shutdown * @see start */ abstract public void shutdown(Message msg); /** * Starts the context. This is ignored if the context is already runnig. * @exception SecurityException */ abstract public void start(); /** * Starts the context. This is ignored if the context is already runnig. * @param reactivate if false, it does not activate aglets in the deactivation spool * @exception SecurityException */ abstract public void start(boolean reactivate); }
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