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RE: JOT newsletter


Quem está nesta lista e não estava na lista de tópicos de POO, talvez não
conheça o JOT (Journal of Object Technology). Atualmente, é um dos melhores
lugares para conhecer as novidades da pesquisa em objetos. O sítio deles é 


For JOT volume 2, no. 1, January-February 2003

I. A few words from the JOT team

Happy 2003 to our readers!

We are very pleased that the first issue of the year 2003 includes again
a column by our well-known guest columnist Dave Thomas. He has written
an interesting piece which we're sure will be appreciated by many of our

The other five columns in this issue of course will be of no less
interest. They have been contributed by our "regulars" Anthony Simons,
Mahesh Dodani, James Odell (joined by H. Van Dyke Parunak and Mitchell
Fleischer), Donald Firesmith and Won Kim (joined by Seung-Soo Park). 

The dominant theme of the three feature-length articles is object
modeling. Our book review columnist, Charles Ashbacher, has contributed
three separate book reviews, and in addition he has compiled his
favorite books in a "Best Books of 2002" review.

We hope you will enjoy JOT volume 2, no. 1!

Best regards,
the JOT team

P.S.  We are happy to receive comments and criticism at
mailto:jot-comments@jot.fm. For comments about specific articles or
columns, please write to the editor-in-chief using the form at
http://www.jot.fm/issues/general/letter_form. We look forward to any

II. Content


Dave Thomas: UML - Unified or Universal Modeling Language? 
UML2, OCL, MOF, EDOC - The Emperor Has Too Many Clothes

Anthony J.H. Simons: The Theory of Classification, 
Part 5: Axioms, Assertions and Subtyping

Mahesh H. Dodani: Hello World! Goodbye Skills!

Won Kim and Seung-Soo Park: Knowledge Management: A Careful Look

James Odell, H. Van Dyke Parunak, and Mitchell Fleischer: The Role of Roles

Donald Firesmith: Engineering Security Requirements


Agusti Canals, Yannick Cassaing , Antoine Jammes, Laurent Pomiès, and
Etienne Roblet: How You Could Use NEPTUNE in the Modelling Process 
The main objective of the European NEPTUNE project is to develop both
a method and tools supporting the use of the UML notation. NEPTUNE
will apply to a variety of application fields, including software
engineering, business process and knowledge management.

José Alberto Rodrigues Pereira Sardinha, Paula Clark Ribeiro, Ruy Luiz
Milidiú, and Carlos José Pereira de Lucena: An Object-Oriented
Framework for Building Software Agents
Agent technology is a new approach of Distributed Artificial
Intelligence to implement autonomous entities driven by beliefs,
goals, capabilities and plans, and other agency properties such as
adaptation, interaction, and mobility.

Gonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens and Vicente Palacios: Sending Messages in UML
During the last decade there has been an intense controversy since
James Rumbaugh introduced a strong concept of association derived from
entity-relationship models. In this approach, associations should be
regarded as first-class semantic constructs of similar weight to
classes and generalizations, because classes and associations abstract
jointly, and in a natural way, not only the high-level static
structure of the system, but also the overall structure of
interactions between objects.


Richard Mitchell and Jim McKim: Design by Contract, by Example
(Reviewed by Charles Ashbacher)

Robert L. Glass: Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering
(Reviewed by Charles Ashbacher)

Karl E. Wiegers: Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide
(Reviewed by Charles Ashbacher)

My Best Books of the Year 2002
An overview by Charles Ashbacher

III. Disclaimer

JOT (Journal of Object Technology) is published six times a year, plus
special issues, by the Chair of Software Engineering at ETH Zürich
(http://se.inf.ethz.ch). JOT covers object technology, component
technology and other modern approaches to software development, with
emphasis on both concepts and applications.

JOT is available online at http://www.jot.fm and is free to both
readers and authors, with no registration required.

The JOT newsletter is sent with the publication of selected JOT issues
and is available by subscription to the JOT reader and author
community.  The subscription form may be found on the JOT Web
site. Subscribing requires no personal information or fee, only your
email address. We use such addresses for the sole purpose of
distributing the JOT newsletter and do not communicate them to third