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RE: Follow up on Course Descriptions

Caro chefe e OO-maníacos,

O Joe Yoder, do grupo de patterns de Illinois, um cara que é muito conhecido
no meio OO internacional, está interessado em vir ao IME em agosto dar um
mini-curso e umas palestras para nós. Eu vou tentar organizar algo. Em
particular, seria legal conseguir atrair pessoas de empresas de São Paulo para
que possamos arrecadar um dinheiro para ajudar a pagar a passagem aérea para

Se alguém tiver alguma sugestão ou quiser me ajudar a viabilizar isso, favor
entrar em contato.


Joseph W. Yoder writes:
 > Fabio:
 > If we can sell enough to industry like we did last year to help me with the 
 > international ticket, then it is definitely worthwhile for me.  I am also 
 > going to try to do something near where the conference will be, which will 
 > help as well.  Last year, I think they made enough off of the sales of the 
 > course to industry where they were able to pay all of my expenses plus a 
 > little honorarium.
 > I'm not looking to really make any money, just enough to pay expenses, have 
 > some living money while I'm there, and help promote patterns and other cool 
 > object ideas.  Of course making a little money to spend while I'm visiting 
 > is always nice too :-).
 > So I'm sure we can work something out.  Also, I wanted you to know that I 
 > can evolve the courses to your specific needs.  So a one day or two day 
 > pattern and/or refactory course, would work well.  I can do a two-hour AOM 
 > but I also have a half day tutorial for this that I have taught at OOPSLA 
 > and will be evolving for ECOOP this year.  Two hours is better for advanced 
 > OO students where I can just give a talk and present it at an accelerated rate.
 > We also have some XP things we could go over but it sounds like you are 
 > doing that anyway.
 > As far as Addison Wesley book, we are still waiting for the formal 
 > announcement..I just wanted to give you a heads up on it and also you might 
 > be able to promote SugarLoafPLoP better since any publication to it through 
 > this year is also eligible for the book.  I'll let you know once the call 
 > goes out.
 > --joe y.
 > ========
 > Joseph W. Yoder    joeyoder@joeyoder.com        http://www.joeyoder.com
 > The Refactory Inc & Joe Yoder Enterprises                 Phone: (217) 344-4847
 > 7 Florida Drive, Urbana, IL  61801 USA                Fax: (217) 384-4458