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curso de Padroes de Projeto do Joe amanha


Prá quem não fez o curso de padrões de projeto do Joe Yoder no ano passado recomendo
fortemente que o faça, vale a pena. Os padrões GoF ele vai cobrir amanhã,
inscreva-se hoje no CEC pessoalmente ou pelo telefone.

Aproveite o desconto de 90% para alunos do IME!

para maiores informações, os telefones do CEC são 3091-6191 e 3091-6212.


   Cursos Avançados em Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Objetos




              Joseph W. Yoder, The Refactory, Inc., USA

            IME / USP               7 e 14 de agosto de 2004

Após o grande sucesso dos cursos oferecidos por Joe Yoder em 2003, o
Departamento de Ciência da Computação do IME/USP tem o prazer de apresentar
novamente neste ano uma excelente oportunidade de aperfeiçoamento e reciclagem
para profissionais na área de desenvolvimento de software: um curso avançado
de projeto e desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos apresentado por
um grande especialista internacional da área.

O curso será ministrado por Joseph W. Yoder, especialista que conta com quase
duas décadas de experiência em desenvolvimento de software, é o autor de
vários padrões e artigos apresentados em conferências internacionais e
trabalha como consultor em desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos na
empresa norte-americana Refactory, Inc. (http://www.refactory.com).

Os cursos serão ministrados em dois sábados e os principais tópicos abordados serão:

- Padrões de Projeto de Software Orientado a Objetos (7/8/2004)
- Padrões Arquiteturais para Segurança de Sistemas e Aplicações  (14/8/2004)
- Padrões para Persistência de Objetos em Bancos de Dados Relacionais (14/8/2004)


Sábado 7/8, das 9:00 às 18:00

Introduction to Object-Oriented Design Patterns:
(8 hours, similar to the course we had last year)

The ongoing surge in interest in software patterns has placed a long 
overdue spotlight on how good programs are put together.  Design patterns 
are distillations of design insight drawn from practice.  They capture 
recurring solutions to software design problems.  Once a designer is 
familiar with these patterns, he or she can use them in his or her own 
designs without having to reinvent them from first principles.  Using 
patterns allows developers to make their systems more flexible, reusable, 
adaptable, and readable.  Patterns also provide a common vocabulary for 
concisely communicating these architectural insights.  This course 
examines all twenty-three patterns in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable 
Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley, 1994). The course begins with a 
detailed review of what patterns are and how they can be used to help 
design object oriented software. We examine the most important patterns in 
depth, while ensuring that attendees have seen all the patterns at least 
once.  In addition, the Type Object and Properties patterns will be 
reviewed, and their roles in building highly configurable dynamic systems 
will be examined. The course will be taught using examples from Java, and 
all exercises will be conducted in Java and UML.  Once the class is over, 
students should understand design patterns, know where they fit in the 
software development process, and be able to leverage them to solve design 
problems efficiently.

Sábado 14/8, das 9:00 às 18:00

Architectural Patterns for Enabling Application Security:
(4 hours, new this year)

Systems are often developed without security in mind. This omission is
primarily because the application programmer is focusing more on trying to
learn the domain rather than worrying about how to protect the system. In
these cases, security is usually the last thing he or she needs or wants to
worry about. When the time arrives to deploy these systems, it quickly becomes
apparent that adding security is much harder than just adding a password
protected login screen. This tutorial will present a collection of patterns to
be used when dealing with application security. Secure Access Layer provides
an interface for applications to use the security of the systems on which they
are built. Single Access Point limits entry into the application through one
single point. Check Point gives the developer a way to handle an unknown or
changing security policy. Groups of users have different Roles that define
what they can and cannot do. The global information about the user is
distributed throughout the application with a Session. Finally, users are
presented with either a Limited View of legal options or are given a Full View
With Errors. These patterns work to provide a security framework for building

Patterns for Persisting Objects in Relational Databases:
(4 hours, new this year)

For developing simple client-server applications, developing environments such
as VisualAge provides a visual language for generating the mappings of GUI's
to database values and domain objects. For complex applications, tools such as
TOPLink are very useful for simplifying the creation of persistent objects
while hiding their implementation details. Quite often, application
development requires tools for persistence that fall in between these two
extremes. Just using the facilities provided by JDBC or EJBs is not sufficient
to work with objects. JDBC forces developers to work at the SQL level with
rows and columns. Application developers do not want or need to write SQL
statements to read or store their objects; they are busy solving the domain
problem. This presentation will describe how to make business objects
persistent by mapping them to a relational database with minimal effort. It
will also examine the patterns used to map domain-objects to a relational
database. Participants of this tutorial will learn a set of patterns and a
language-independent object model that can be used for mapping business
objects to a relational database. They will also learn how to develop a data
access layer along with the design patterns used in the database tools
provided by VisualAge and TOPLink. 


Joseph W. Yoder has worked on the architecture, design, and implementation 
of various software projects dating back to 1985. These projects have 
incorporated many technologies and range from stand-alone to client-server 
applications, multi-tiered, databases, object-oriented, frameworks, 
human-computer interaction, collaborative environments, and domain-specific 
visual-languages. In addition these projects have spanned many domains, 
including Medical Information Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Medical 
Examination Systems, Statistical Analysis, Scenario Planning, Client-Server 
Relational Database System for keeping track of shared specifications in a 
multi-user environment, Telecommunications Billing System, and Business & 
Medical Decision Making.

Joseph has assisted many companies with the development of software 
applications, specifically object-oriented frameworks, enterprise 
components, and web-based systems.  Recently he has been teaching Java, 
Smalltalk, Patterns, Frameworks, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and 
has mentored analysts and developers on many of their applications. He has 
also worked with the management and development of a reusable Enterprise 
Class Libraries.

Joseph is the author of over two-dozen published patterns and has been working 
with patterns for a long time, writing his first pattern paper in 1995, and 
was the conference chair for the PLoP'97, conference on software patterns 
and was the programming chair of The Second Latin American Conference on 
Pattern Languages of Programming.

LOCAL: Auditório Jacy Monteiro
       Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME)
       Cidade Universitária - USP
       Butantã, São Paulo - SP

DATA:  sábado  7/8, 9:00 às 18:00 (intro to patterns)
       sábado  14/8, 9:00 às 18:00 (security and persistence)

CUSTO: R$ 300,00 para cada dia isoladamente
       R$ 500,00 para ambos os dias

PRÉ-REQUISITOS: Conhecimentos básicos de programação orientada a objetos. Os
                exemplos dados durante o curso utilizarão a linguagem Java.
                Os cursos serão ministrados em inglês.

INSCRIÇÕES: pelos telefones 3091-6191 ou 3091-6212.
            Ou pessoalmente no IME/USP na secretaria do 
            Centro de Ensino de Computação (CEC), sala B-138.
            Informações: janaina arroba ime.usp.br