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[MAC315] Sem. prof. Sethi na quarta


 A seguir vai o resumo do seminário do professor Sethi dará na quarta. Por
favor, divulguem para todos os que vocês acham que poderiam se interessar
(Kan, talvez tenha interessados na FEA, se puder divulgar aí seria bom...)


  Peeling Layers of an Onion: A Periodic Review Inventory Model with
           Multiple Delivery Modes and Forecast Updates

           Suresh Sethi - University of Texas at Dallas


 This paper is concerned with a periodic review inventory system
 with fast and slow delivery modes and regular demand forecast updates. 
 At the beginning of each period, on-hand inventory and demand information
 are updated.  At the same time, decisions on how much to order using fast
 and slow delivery modes are made.  Fast and slow orders are delivered at
 the end of the current and next period, respectively.  It is shown that
 there exists an optimal Markov policy and that it is a modified
 base-stock policy.

 15/08 - Quarta
 Auditório Jaci Monteiro - bloco B

Leônidas de Oliveira Brandão  -  Computer Science Dep. of IME-USP (Brazil)
leo@ime.usp.br - http://www.ime.usp.br/~leo - +55 (011) 3818 [6298 | 6135]
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