Conference "Algebras, Representations and Applications"
Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications - IV
Mini Course
Jordan Algebras: What? and Why? (Kevin McCrimmon)
Plenary Talks
Matej Bresar(University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Functional identities and their applications to graded algebras
Vesselin Drensky (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
Computing with rational functions and applications to symmetric functions, invariant theory and PI-algebras
Alberto Elduque (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Jordan gradings on exceptional simple Lie algebras
Vladislav Kharchenko (UNAM, Mexico)
Right coideal subalgebras in U_{q^+}(so_{2n+1})
Aleksandr P. Pozhidaev (IM SB RAS, Russia)
Nonsupercommutative Jordan superalgebras of capacity n \geq 2
Invited Talks
Brian Boe (University of Georgia, USA)
Complexity and Module Varieties for classical Lie superalgebras
Irina Sviridova (UnB, Brazil)
Group-graded identities of PI-algebras
Michael Dokuchaev (USP, Brazil)
On the interaction between partial projective representations of groups and twisted partial actions
Kevin McCrimmon (University of Virginia, USA)
Minimal Ideals in Jordan Algebras
Vladimir Pestov (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Amenability of path groups
Juaci Picanço da Silva (UFPA, Brazil)
On right alternative superalgebras