- Generalized Cuts and Grothendieck Covers: a Primal-Dual Approximation Framework Extending the Goemans–Williamson Algorithm
(with Nathan Benedetto Proença, Cristiane M. Sato, and Levent Tunçel)
- A Primal-Dual Extension of the Goemans–Williamson Algorithm for the Weighted Fractional Cut-Covering Problem
(with Nathan Benedetto Proença, Cristiane M. Sato, and Levent Tunçel)
- An eigenvalue bound for the fractional chromatic number
(with Gabriel Coutinho and Rafael Grandsire)
- Dual Hoffman Bounds for the Stability and Chromatic Numbers Based on Semidefinite Programming
(with Nathan Benedetto Proença and Gabriel Coutinho)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35.4 (2021), pp. 2880–2907
- A Notion of Total Dual Integrality for Convex, Semidefinite, and Extended Formulations
(with Levent Tunçel)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34.1 (2020), pp. 470–496
- Algebras, Graphs and Thetas
(with Gabriel Coutinho, Chris Godsil, and David E. Roberson)
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 346 (2019), pp. 275–283
- Strict Complementarity in Semidefinite Optimization with Elliptopes Including the MaxCut SDP
(with Levent Tunçel)
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29.4 (2019), pp. 2650–2676
- Commute Time as a Method to Explore Brain Functional Connectomes
(with João R. Sato, Cristiane M. Sato, and Claudinei E. Biazoli Jr.)
Brain Connectivity, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Mar 2019)
- An Axiomatic Duality Framework for the Theta Body and Related Convex Corners
(with Levent Tunçel)
Mathematical Programming 162, Issue 1–2 (Mar 2017), pp. 283–323
- Flag algebras: a first glance
(with Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho and Cristiane M. Sato)
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 17.3 (Sep 2016), pp. 193–199
- Sparse sums of positive semidefinite matrices
(with Nicholas J. A. Harvey and Cristiane M. Sato)
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 12.1 (Dec 2015), Article 9
- Vertices of Spectrahedra arising from the Elliptope, the Theta Body, and Their Relatives
(with Levent Tunçel)
SIAM Journal on Optimization 25.1 (2015), pp. 295–316
- Optimization Problems over Unit-Distance Representations of Graphs
(with Levent Tunçel)
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 20.1 (2013), Paper 43.