
Researchers in the group (funded undergrads, masters, doctoral candidates, and post-docs). Ongoing and concluded.

Most of the researchers are based at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the Institute (

Most of the theses and dissertations can be found here:

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Fernando Valdes Ravelo. Time integration methods for efficient anisotropic viscoelastic full waveform inversion. Total Energies/ANP (2024 – )
  • Felipe A. Guedes da Silva. Spatial Numerical Schemes and Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Anisotropic Visco Elastic Equations Associated with Seismic Inversion Problems. Total Energies/ANP. (2024-)
  • Guilherme L. Torres Mendonça. Data assimilation for next-generation weather and climate models. FAPESP. (2023-)
  • Felipe Augusto Ventura de Bragança Alves. Numerics-turbulence interactions in atmospheric models. FAPESP. (2023-)
  • William Corrêa Radunz. Multi-scale modeling and characterization of winds for onshore and offshore wind-energy applications. FAPESP (2022 –)
  • João Guilherme Caldas Steinstraesser. Parallel-in-time resolution of the shallow water equations on the rotating sphere using spherical harmonics and semi-Lagrangian discretization. FAPESP. (2021 – 2024)
  • Felipe A. Guedes da Silva. Reduction of numerical dispersion of finite difference schemes for wave equations. Shell Brasil/ANP (2019 – 2023)

PhD candidates

  • Fellipe A. D. Prudente. Adaptive time integration. (2024–)
  • Joao Luiz Santos Gomes. Discrete Exterior Calculus and Applications. (2023 –)
  • Juan Camilo B. Camargo. Finite volume methods on cubed sphere grids. (2022 –)
  • Paulo Sérgio L. da Silva. Neural network data assimilation in PDEs. (2021–)
  • Guilherme B. A. Oliveira. Integration of mesoscale and microscale climate models for critical operation of wind farms (2021 –)
  • Arthur A. R. Campos. Multiscale multigrid full-waveform inversion. International “Sandwich” stay at Univ. Grenoble Alpes in 2023-2024. Shell Brasil/CAPES (2019 — )
  • Luan da Fonseca Santos. Analysis of finite-volume advection schemes on cubed-sphere grids and an accurate alternative for divergent winds. FAPESP (2020 – 2024). –> Postdoc at Princeton University – USA.
  • Fernando Valdes Ravelo. Application of explicit exponential integrators in the solution of the elastic equations for the wave propagation. International “Sandwich” stay at Univ. Grenoble Alpes (2023). Shell Brasil/CNPq. (2017 – 2024)
  • Luana Tais Bassani. A matrix population forecasting model for Aedes aegypti considering basic sanitation environment, daily weather, and its impact over the dormancy state. CAPES/CNPq (2016 -2023)
  • Fabricio R. Lapolli. Finite volume numerical methods for ocean dynamics on distorted grids. CNPq (2019 –2023). -> Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology.
  • Genilson Schunck de Lima. Numerical methods for shallow water equations on reduced spherical grids. CAPES (2017-2022)
  • Leonardo A. P. Cuevas. Supra-convergence of finite volumes on quasi-uniform spherical grids. CAPES/CNPq (2015-2021) -> Postdoc at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Jeferson Brambatti Granjeiro. High order finite volume schemes for quasi-uniform spherical grids. CAPES/CNPq (2012-2019)

MSc students

  • Yuri Assis Pinto. Study and development of higher order Semi-Lagrangian Exponential Integrators. (2024 –)
  • Marco A. Dourado. Nonlinear interactions in Rotating Shallow Water Equations and Applications. FAPESP (2024 –)
  • Amanda Maciel de Oliveira. Vertical discretizations in weather and climate models. (2023 –)
  • Luciano R. Danninger. Krylov exponential schemes for the elastic wave equations (2020 –)
  • Angelo Jonathan Diaz Soto. Optimal parameter analysis of the Fama and French three factor model using machine learning. CAPES (2024)
  • Marta Gil Bardajı. Smooth Dynamical Downscaling of the Wind with the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS). Facultat de Fı́sica, Universitat de Barcelona (2021-2022). Thesis
  • Juan Camilo B. Camargo. Finite volume methods for wave modeling of seismic imaging. Shell Brasil (2019 -2022)
  • Luan da Fonseca Santos. Finite volume methods for shallow water equations considering topography based local refinement in spherical Voronoi grids. FAPESP (2018-2020)
  • Ana Cecília Rojas Mendoza. Laplace transform numerical methods for hyperbolic equations. CAPES/CNPq (2016 – 2020)

Undergrad students (funded projects)

  • Maria Iolanda da Silva Feitosa. Introdução à dinâmica dos fluidos computacional e aplicações. PICME (2023–2024)

  • Isabela Miki Suzuki. Numerical exponential integrators for dynamical systems. FAPESP (2022–2023)
  • Arthur Clemente Giannotta. Automatic code generation for implicit Finite difference methods for seismic imaging. Shell Brasil (2019 – 2021)
  • Luan da Fonseca Santos. Topography-based local refinement in spherical Voronoi grids. FAPESP (2017-2018)