ISO-LATIN-1 table

The ISO-LATIN-1 table, also known as ISO-8859-1 table, specifies the characters (column c of the table) associated with bytes 0 to 255.  The first 128 lines of the table are equal to those of the ASCII table.

A char b in the interval −128 .. −1 represents the same character as the unsigned char 256+b.

With the popularization of the UTF-8 encoding, the ISO-LATIN-1 table has been deprecated and the numbers 128 to 255 no longer represent characters.

decimal hexa c observation

0 x80
   ⋮ equal to ASCII table
127 x7F
128 x80 not used
129 x81 not used
130 x82 not used
131 x83 not used
132 x84 not used
133 x85 not used
134 x86 not used
135 x87 not used
136 x88 not used
137 x89 not used
138 x8A not used
139 x8B not used
140 x8C not used
141 x8D not used
142 x8E not used
143 x8F not used
144 x90 not used
145 x91 not used
146 x92 not used
147 x93 not used
148 x94 not used
149 x95 not used
150 x96 not used
151 x97 not used
152 x98 not used
153 x99 not used
154 x9A not used
155 x9B not used
156 x9C not used
157 x9D not used
158 x9E not used
159 x9F not used
160 xA0   non-breaking space
161 xA1 ¡
162 xA2 ¢
163 xA3 £ pound
164 xA4 ¤ generic currency
165 xA5 ¥ yen
166 xA6 ¦
167 xA7 §
168 xA8 ¨ dieresis
169 xA9 © copyright
170 xAA ª
171 xAB «
172 xAC ¬ logical NOT
173 xAD ­ soft hyphen
174 xAE ® registered
175 xAF ¯ overscore
176 xB0 ° degree
177 xB1 ± plus or minus
178 xB2 ² superscript 2
179 xB3 ³ superscript 3
180 xB4 ´ acute accent
181 xB5 µ micro, mü
182 xB6
183 xB7 · middle dot
184 xB8 ¸ cedilla
185 xB9 ¹ superscript 1
186 xBA º
187 xBB »
188 xBC ¼
189 xBD ½
190 xBE ¾
191 xBF ¿
192 xC0 À
193 xC1 Á
194 xC2 Â
195 xC3 Ã
196 xC4 Ä
197 xC5 Å
198 xC6 Æ ligature AE
199 xC7 Ç
200 xC8 È
201 xC9 É
202 xCA Ê
203 xCB Ë
204 xCC Ì
205 xCD Í
206 xCE Î
207 xCF Ï
208 xD0 Ð Eth
209 xD1 Ñ
210 xD2 Ò
211 xD3 Ó
212 xD4 Ô
213 xD5 Õ
214 xD6 Ö
215 xD7 × multiplication
216 xD8 Ø
217 xD9 Ù
218 xDA Ú
219 xDB Û
220 xDC Ü
221 xDD Ý
222 xDE Þ Thorn
223 xDF ß ligature sz
224 xE0 à
225 xE1 á
226 xE2 â
227 xE3 ã
228 xE4 ä
229 xE5 å
230 xE6 æ ligature ae
231 xE7 ç
232 xE8 è
233 xE9 é
234 xEA ê
235 xEB ë
236 xEC ì
237 xED í
238 xEE î
239 xEF ï
240 xF0 ð eth
241 xF1 ñ
242 xF2 ò
243 xF3 ó
244 xF4 ô
245 xF5 õ
246 xF6 ö
247 xF7 ÷ division
248 xF8 ø
249 xF9 ù
250 xFA ú
251 xFB û
252 xFC ü
253 xFD ý
254 xFE þ thorn
255 xFF ÿ

decimal hexa c observation