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Research Announcements, General, etc
- La noción de ]'Angulo y el Sentido en el Plano, Conceptos de Matemática, vols. 9 e 10, Buenos Aires, 1968.
- The Nilpotency of the Group of Units of a Group Ring, Atas da III Escola de Álgebra, SBM, Rio de Janeiro, 1974, pp.151 - 162.
- The Group of Units of
, Atas da III Escola de Álgebra, SBM, Rio de Janeiro, 1974, pp. 163 - 170.
- A Gênese da Álgebra Moderna, Suplemento Cultural de O Estado de São Paulo, ano I ,
- A História da Álgebra Abstrata, Suplemento Cultural de O Estado de São Paulo, ano I ,
- Certain Properties of the Group of Units of a Group Ring, Atas do XI Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
- Gauss, o Príncipe da Matemática, Suplemento Cultural de O Estado de São Paulo, ano II,
83, (1978), pp. 14 - 15.
- Torsion Units in Group Rings, Atas do XII Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
- On Group Rings with t.p.p., Atas da VI Escola de Álgebra, SBM, Rio de Janeiro,
- On a Conjecture of Zassenhaus, Atas da VII Escola de Álgebra, SBM, Rio de Janeiro,
- On a Conjecture of H. J. Zassenhaus on Torsion Units of Finite Order in Integral Group Rings, Atas da VIII Escola de Álgebra, Vol I, SBM, Rio de Janeiro, 1985, pp. 125 - 131.
- Isomorphisms and Units in Alternative Group Rings, Atas da IX Escola de Álgebra, Vol I, SBM, Brasília, 1986, pp. 183 - 188.
- História da Álgebra Abstrata, Coleç ao Tópicos da Matemática Elementar, IMEUSP, São Paulo, 1987, pp. 38 - 61.
- Classes de Conjugação Finitas em Anéis de Grupo, Atas da X Escola de Álgebra, Vol I, SBM, Rio de Janeiro, 1990, pp. 59 -68 (with Sônia P. Coelho).
- Groups whose Quotients by their Centers are Isomorphic to
, Atas da XI Escola de Álgebra, Vol I, SBM, São Paulo, 1990, pp. 93 - 97(with Guilherme Leal).
- Derivations of Full Matrix Rings, Atas da XI Escola de Álgebra, Vol I, SBM, São Paulo, 1990, pp. 99 - 103 (with Sônia P. Coelho).
- A Emergência dos Números Complexos, Revista do Prof. de Mat., 24, (1993), 5 - 15.
- Indecomposable RA loops and the Isomorphism Problem, I Encontro de Álgebra IMEUSP-IMECCUNICAMP, RT. MAT. 93-15 (1993), 10-15.
- Group Algebras of Dihedral Groups, II Encontro de Álgebra IMEUSP-IMECCUNICAMP, Campinas, 1994, pp. 15-20.
- A Solução de Tartaglia para a Equação de Terceiro Grau, Revista do Prof. de Mat., 25. (1994), 16-22.
- Units in Alternative Loop Rings and the Conjectures of H.J. Zassenhaus, Atas da XIII Escola de Álgebra, IMECC-UNICAMP, Campinas, 1995, pp. 193-200.
- Álgebras alternativas com propriedade de torção, atas do VI Encontro em Álgebra, realizado na Unicamp, São Paulo, 1997, pp. 77-82.
- The Torsion Product Property in Alternative Algebras, Proc. of the International Congress in Algebra and Combinatorics 1997, Springer-Verlag, to appear.
Published Papers
- The Nilpotency of the Group of Units of a Group Ring,
Atas da III Escola de Álgebra, Soc. Brasileira de Mat.,Rio de Janeiro, 1974, pp. 151 - 162.
- The Group of Units of the Integral Group Ring
, Bol. Soc. Brasileira de Mat., 4, 2, (1973) 85 - 92.
- Integral Group Rings with Nilpotent Unit Groups, Canad. J. of Math., 28, 5, (1976) 954 - 960.
- Group Rings whose Units form a Nilpotent or FC Group, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 68, 2, (1978) 247 - 248 (with M.M. Parmenter).
- p-adic Group Rings with Nilpotent Unit Groups, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 12, (1978) 147 - 151.
- Isomorphic Group Rings of Direct Products, Archiv der Math., 31, (1978) 11 - 14 (with M.M. Parmenter).
- Group Rings whose Units form an FC group, Archiv der Math., 30 (1978) 380 - 384.
- On the Isomorphism Problem for Group Rings of Finite Groups, Atas da IV Escola de Álgebra, Soc. Bras. de Mat. , Rio de Janeiro, 1979, pp. 81 - 95.
- Group Rings over
with FC Unit Groups, Canad. J. of Math. , 32, 5 (1980), 1268 - 1269 (with H. Merklen).
- Group Rings whose Torsion Units form a Subgroup, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 81, 2, (1981) 172 - 174.
- Group Rings whose Torsion Units form a Subgroup II, Comm. in Algebra, 9, 7, (1981) 699 - 712.
- FC elements in Group Rings, Comm. in Algebra, 9, 12, (1981) 1285 - 1293 (with S.K. Sehgal).
- A note on Isomorphic Group Rings, Bol. Soc. Brasileira de Mat., 12, 2, (1981) 57 - 59 (with M.M. Parmenter).
- Units in Group Rings: a short survey, in Groups St. Andrews - 1981 , ed by C. M. Campbell and E. F. Robertson, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series
, Cambridge Univ. Press, London 1982, pp. 281 - 297.
- The Early History of Group Rings, in Groups St. Andrews - 1981, ed. by C. M. Campbell and E. F. Robertson, London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series,
, Cambridge Univ. Press, London 1982, pp. 270 - 280.
- O Problema do Isomorfismo para Anéis de Grupo, Not. Soc, Brasileira de Mat. , 13, 1, (1982) 5 -21.
- Torsion Units of Integral Group Rings of Metacyclic Groups, J. of Number Theory, 19, 1, (1984) 103 - 114 (with S.K. Sehgal).
- Torsion Units in Group Rings and a Conjecture of H. J. Zassenhaus, in Group and Semigroup Rings, ed. by G. Karpilovsky, North Holland Math. Studies
, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 179 - 192.
- Derivations with Invertible Values in Rings with Involutions, Pacific J. of Math., 123, 1, (1986) 47 - 54 (with A Giambruno and P. Misso).
- A Conjecture of Zassenhaus on Torsion Units of Integral Group Rings II, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 97, 3, (1986) 201 - 206 (with J. Ritter and S.K. Sehgal).
- Isomorphisms and Units in Alternative Loop Rings, Comptes Rendus of the Canad. Acad. of Sciences, 9, (1987) 259 - 263 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- A note on Central Idempotents in Group Rings II, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 31, (1988) 211 - 215 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Isomorphisms of Integral Alternative Loop Rings, Rend. Circolo Mat. Palermo, 2, 37, (1988) 126 - 135 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Anéis de Loop Alternativos, Atas do XVI Colóquio Brasileiro de Mat., IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 1988, pp. 16 - 32 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Torsion Units in Alternative Loop Rings, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 107, 1, (1989) 7 - 15 (with E.G. goodaire).
- Supercenters and FC Units in Group Rings, Israel Math. C. Proc.,
1, (1989) 74 - 78 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Finite Conjugacy in Group Rings, Comm. in Algebra, 19, 3, (1991) 981 - 995 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Indecomposable R.A. Loops and their Loop Algebras , Comptes Rendus of the Canad. Acad. of Sciences, 25,5 (1992), 189 - 194 (with E. Jespers and G. Leal).
- Isomorphic Group (and Loop) Algebras, J. of Algebra, 155 (1993), 195 - 210 (with G. Leal).
- Derivations of Upper Triangular Matrix Rings, Linear Algebra and its Appl., 187 (1993), 263 - 237 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Group Rings whose Torsion Units form a Subgroup, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc, 37, (1994), 201-205 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Loop Algebras of Indecomposable R.A Loops, Comm. in Algebra, 22, 4 (1994), 1369-1379 (with E. Jespers and G. Leal).
- Units of Integral Group Rings of some Metacyclic Groups . Can. Math. Bull., 37, 2(1994), 223-237 (with E. Jespers and G. Leal).
- Indecomposable R.A. Loops and related topics, Mat. Contemp, 6 (1994), 137-145.
- On a Conjecture of Zassenhaus in an Alternative Setting. Comptes Rendus of the Canad. Acad. of Sciences, 16, 2-3(1994), 75-78 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Ring Alternative Loops and their Loop Rings, Resenhas Inst. Mat. Est. Univ. São Paulo, 2, 1(1995), 47-82 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Modular Loop Algebras of R.A. Loops, J. of Algebra, 175 (1995), 1027-1040 (with L.G.X. de Barros).
- Classifying Indecomposable R.A. Loops, J. of Algebra, 176 (1995), 569-584 (with E. Jespers and G. Leal).
- On the Loop of Units of an Alternative Loop Ring, Nova J. of Algebra and Geometry, 3,3 (1995), 199-208 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- A Note on Derivations of Group Rings, Canad. Math. Bull., 38, 4 (1995), 434-437 (with A. Giambruno e M. Ferrero).
- Loop Algebras of Code Loops, Comm. in Algebra, 23, 13 (1995), 4781-4790 (with L.G.X. de Barros).
- Finite conjugacy and nilpotency in loops of units,
C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 17 (1995),201-206 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Automorphisms of Group Algebras of Dihedral Groups, Boll. Unione Mat. Italiana, 3, 9 (1995), 541-548 (with Sônia P. Coelho).
- Units of Group Rings, J. of Pure and Appl. Algebra, 107 (1996), 233-251 (with E. Jespers).
- The torsion product property in alternative algebras, J. of Algebra, 184 (1996), 58-70 (with E. G. Goodaire).
- Finite Subloops of Units in an Alternative Loop Ring, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 4 (1996), 995-1002 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Finite Conjugacy in Alternative Loop Rings, Comm. in Algebra, 24, 3 (1996), 881-889 (with E. G. Goodaire).
- Automorphisms of Group Algebras of some Metacyclic Groups,Commun. Algebra, 24, 13 (1996), 4135-4145 (with S. P. Coelho e Eric Jespers).
- Central idempotents in alternative loop rings, Nova J. of Math., Game Theory and Algebra, 5, 3 (1996), 207-214 (with E. G. Goodaire).
- On the Loop of Units of an Alternative Loop Ring. Comptes Rendus of the Canad. Acad. of Sciences, 5, 3 (1996), 207-214 (with E. G. Goodaire).
- Nilpotent Moufang Loops of Units, J. of Algebra, 190 (1997), 88-99 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Integral Group Rings of Frobenius Groups and the Conjectures of H.J. Zassenhaus, Comm. in Algebra, 25, 7 (1997), 3211-3225 (with S.O. Juriaans e M. Dokuchaev).
- Some Remarks on central idempotents in group rings, Publ. Math. (Debrecen), 52, 1-2 (1998), 187-192 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Torsion Subgroups of Units in Artinian Rings, in ``Methods in Ring Theory'', ed. by
V. Drensky, A. Giambruno and S.K. Sehgal, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998, pp. 75-81 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Nilpotent elements and ideals in alternative loop rings, East-West J. of Math, 2 (1999), 159-169 (com A. Zatelli) (submitted by invitation of the editors).
- The Torsion Product Property in Alternative Algebras II, Comm. in Algebra, 27, 6 (1999), 2905-2911.
- Some results on Integral Group Rings of Frobenius Groups, Mat. Contemporánea, 16 (1999), 227-236.
- Alternative loop rings and related topics, in Algebra: recent advances, ed. by I.B.S. Passi, Indian Math. Society, Hindustan book agency, New Dehli, 1999, pp. 117-133 (submitted by invitation of the editor).
- Central Units of Integral Group Rings, Commun. in Algebra, 27, 12 (1999), 6233-6241 (with S.K. Sehgal).
- The torsion product property in Alternative Algebras, in Algebras and Combinatorics, ed. by K.P. Shum, E.J. Taft and Z.X. Wan, Springer-Verlag, Singapore, 1999, pp. 353-358.
- More on the units of an alternative loop ring, C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada,1 (2000), 28-32 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- FC centres of units in algebras and orders, C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 1 (2000), 25-27 (with M. Dokuchaev, S.O. Juriaans and M.L.S. Singer).
- Units of Integral Group Rings of Frobenius Groups, J. of Group Theory, 3 (2000), 277-284 (with S.O. Juriaans).
- Normal Subloops in the Integral Loop Ring of an RA Loop, Can. Math. Bull., 44, 1 (2001), 27-35 (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Finite conjugacy in algebras and orders, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 44 (2001), 201-213 (with M. Dokuchaev, S.O. Juriaans and M.L.S. Singer).
- Alternative loop rings with solvable unit loops, J. of Algebra, 240 (2001), 25-39. (with E.G. Goodaire).
- Normal subgroups of the group of units in the group rings of torsion groups, Publ. Math. (Debrecen), 59, 1-2 (2001), 235-242 (with A.A. Bovdi).
- FC elements in algebras and orders, Mat. Contemporánea, to appear.
- A normal complement for an RA loop in its integral loop ring, Quaestiones Mathematicae, to appear (with E.G. Goodaire).
- The normalizer propery for integral group rings of Frobenius groups, J. of Algebra, to appear (with T. Petit Lobão).
Papers Submitted.
- The smallest simple Moufang Loop (with M.L. Merlini Giuliani).
- Units in Group Rings of Torsion Groups (with A.A. Bovdi).
- Anéis e Módulos, Publicações do IME- USP, São Paulo, 1973.
- Anéis de Grupo, IV Escola de Álgebra, São Paulo, 1976.
- História da Geomeria Clássica, FTD, São Paulo, to appear (with J.H. Bussab).
- Alternative Loop Rings, North Holland Math. Studies N. 184, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996 (with E.G. Goodaire e E. Jespers).
- Unidades de Anéis de Grupo, Monografias de Matemática 58, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 1998.
- Números: Uma Introdução à Matemática, EDUSP, São Paulo, 1998 (with Sônia P. Coelho).
- An Introduction to Group Rings, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002, 371 pp. (with S.K. Sehgal).
Chapters of Books
- Ideais em Anéis de Grupo, in Atas da VIII Escola de Álgebra, Soc. Brasileira de Mat., Rio de Janeiro, 1985, pp. 75 - 127 (with S.P. Coelho).
- Breve Introdução à História da Teoria de Anéis, in Atas da XI Escola de Álgebra, Soc. Brasileira de Mat., São Paulo, 1990, pp. 1 - 46.
- Breve Introdução à História da Teoria de Grupos, in Atas da XII Escola de Álgebra, Soc. Brasileira de Mat., to appear.
- Contar, calcular, compreender: a aritmética na Idade Média, in Trivium e Quadrivium, org. by Lênia Márcia Mogelli, Ibis, Cotia, SP, 1999, pp. 161-202.
Up: vita
Francisco Cesar Polcino Milies