A.1. Subroutines versus Variables modified (declared in Commons)




Module: advance Source File: model/rtimi.f


eps real*4 in common /all/ offset:1888


Module: advwts Source File: model/radvn.f


advwtx real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:0 size:3002112

advwty real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:3002112 size:698112 advwtz real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:3700224 size:304128


Module: arrsnd Source File: model/rhhi.f


hs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:335480 size:800

ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68

ps real*4 array in common /all/ offset:334680 size:800

rts real*4 array in common /soundg/ offset:16 size:800

thds real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333880 size:800

ts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333080 size:800

us real*4 array in common /all/ offset:331480 size:800

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:332280 size:800


Module: binom Source File: lib/rutil.f


yoo real*4 in common /bin/ offset:16


Module: blankpg Source File: lib/rname.f


page char array in common /pageout/ offset:0 size:10560


Module: bruvais Source File: model/rturb.f


pi real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:0 size:528

prt real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1584 size:528

rc real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:2112 size:528

temp real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1056 size:528

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr12 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:13376 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr20 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:23104 size:1216

vctr21 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:24320 size:1216

vctr22 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:25536 size:1216

vctr23 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:26752 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr32 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:37696 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216


Module: cfll Source File: model/rbnd.f


iflag int*4 in common /all/ offset:76

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: coefz Source File: model/raco.f


pfactr real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3696

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr12 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:13376 size:1216


Module: cofnest Source File: model/rnest.f


ei1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:59844 size:41696

ei2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:101540 size:41696

ei3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:143236 size:41696

ei4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:184932 size:41696

ei5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:226628 size:41696

ei6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:268324 size:41696

ei7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:310020 size:41696

ej1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:351716 size:9696

ej2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:361412 size:9696

ej3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:371108 size:9696

ej4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:380804 size:9696

ej5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:390500 size:9696

ej6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:400196 size:9696

ej7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:409892 size:9696

ek1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:419588 size:4224

ek2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:423812 size:4224

ek3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:428036 size:4224

ek4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:432260 size:4224

ek5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:436484 size:4224

ek6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:440708 size:4224

ek7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:444932 size:4224

fbcf real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:449156 size:16896

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: conpar Source File: model/rconv.f


contim real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:68

dncon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:3200 size:400

icpltfl int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:88

icprtfl int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:84

picon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:2400 size:400

prcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:2000 size:400

rvcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:1600 size:400

thtcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:1200 size:400

tmpcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:2800 size:400

ucon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:0 size:400

vcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:400 size:400

wcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:800 size:400

wconmin real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:56

zcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:3600 size:400

zzcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:4000 size:400


Module: corlsu Source File: model/rmisc.f


vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: corlsv Source File: model/rmisc.f


vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: cp2mod Source File: model/rconv.f


frcon real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:1200 size:400

ftcon real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:1600 size:400

qvct1 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:10000 size:400

qvct2 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:10400 size:400

qvct3 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:10800 size:400

qvct4 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:11200 size:400

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216


Module: cross Source File: isan/astga.f


ioffm int*4 in common /ctcon/ offset:52

ioffp int*4 in common /conre1/ offset:0

nulbll int*4 in common /ctcon/ offset:40

spval real*4 in common /conre1/ offset:4

ybt real*4 in common /ctcon/ offset:24


Module: crsect Source File: isan/astga.f


icra3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:84 size:80

icrb3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:164 size:80

itrans int*4 in common /trans/ offset:0

lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000

xll real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:805000 size:1000


Module: cu_environ Source File: model/rconv.f


cdzmin real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:24

dzhigh real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:32

dzlow real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:28

igo int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:60

kcon int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:0

ketl int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:12

klcl int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:4

kmt int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:64

pe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6800 size:400

pke real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:7600 size:400

rhoe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:8000 size:400

rve real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:9200 size:400

te real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6000 size:400

theu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:0 size:400

thve real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:8400 size:400

zc real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:8800 size:400

ze real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:5600 size:400

zmid real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:20


Module: diffsclr1 Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: diffvel1 Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: diffvel2 Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: dtcheck Source File: model/rinit.f


sspct real*4 in common /all/ offset:2044

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: eng_params Source File: model/ruser.f


iadvf int*4 in common /all/ offset:16

iadvl int*4 in common /all/ offset:12

ibctop int*4 in common /all/ offset:140

impl int*4 in common /all/ offset:8

izflat int*4 in common /all/ offset:84

ntopsmth int*4 in common /all/ offset:80

sspct real*4 in common /all/ offset:2044


Module: fillpg Source File: lib/rname.f


page char array in common /pageout/ offset:0 size:10560


Module: first_rams Source File: isan/asti.f


dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

interp int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:412

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224


Module: flds3d Source File: model/rhhi.f


p0 real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:528 size:528

rc real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:2112 size:528

temp real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1056 size:528

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr12 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:13376 size:1216

vctr13 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:14592 size:1216


Module: fmrefs1d Source File: model/rnest.f


pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216


Module: framdrw Source File: isan/aplt.f


ivtran int*4 in common /trans2/ offset:0

izstran int*4 in common /trans2/ offset:4004

zmodtop real*4 in common /trans2/ offset:8008

zs real*4 array in common /trans2/ offset:4008 size:4000

ztr real*4 array in common /trans2/ offset:4 size:4000


Module: get_press Source File: isan/astp.f


cntlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:56

cntlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:60

elon real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:48

idd int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:16

ihh int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:20

imm int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:12

inproj int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:28

isversion int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:4

itinc int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:24

ivertcoord int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:68

iyy int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:8

marker int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:0

n int*4 in common /trans/ offset:8

secondlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:64

splamx real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:32

splamy real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:36

tnlat real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:52

xnelat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:48

xnelon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:52

xswlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:40

xswlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:44


Module: gridinit Source File: model/rinit.f


jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nnx int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:0 size:32

nnx1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:32 size:32

nnx2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:64 size:32

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

nnxysp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:288 size:32

nnxyzp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:256 size:32

nny int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:96 size:32

nny1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:128 size:32

nny2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:160 size:32

nnz int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:192 size:32

nnz1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:224 size:32


Module: gridset Source File: model/rinit.f


centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

deltazn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338932 size:32

dtlongn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339568 size:32

dzm2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:12672 size:4224

dzmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:4224 size:4224

dzt2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:8448 size:4224

dztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:0 size:4224

ihtran int*4 in common /all/ offset:60

ipm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4228 size:41696

jpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:45924 size:9696

kpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:55620 size:4224

nhemgrd2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:2120

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

nrz int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4 size:4224

platn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2056 size:32

plonn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2088 size:32

xmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:58592 size:41696

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ymn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:109984 size:9696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224

zmnvc real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 4320

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028


Module: hadvance Source File: model/rtimi.f


eps real*4 in common /all/ offset:1888


Module: hemintrp Source File: model/hemi2.f


ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68


Module: hstart Source File: model/rio.f


ngridsh int*4 in common /hisgrd/ offset:0


Module: initlz Source File: model/rdint.f


iinput int*4 in common /files/ offset:12

iopunt int*4 in common /files/ offset:20

iversion int*4 in common /all/ offset:1668

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: initpara Source File: model/rnode.f


lbc_recvadd int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1296 size:256

lbc_sendadd int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1040 size:256

nbuff_feed int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:4

newbuff_feed int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:0


Module: input_rawi Source File: isan/asti2.f


dz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:28000 size:2000

fz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:30000 size:2000

h real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:6000 size:2000

n int*4 in common /trans/ offset:8

p real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:0 size:2000

pp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:12000 size:2000

rp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:26000 size:2000

t real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:2000 size:2000

tp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:16000 size:2000

z real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:4000 size:2000

zp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:14000 size:2000

zz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:24000 size:2000


Module: iosetb Source File: model/rdint.f


ibpx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:292 size:32

ibpy int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:324 size:32

ibpz int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:356 size:32

ibsx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:388 size:2240

ibsy int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:2628 size:2240

ibsz int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:4868 size:2240

ibux int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:4 size:32

ibuy int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:36 size:32

ibuz int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:68 size:32

ibvx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:100 size:32

ibvy int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:132 size:32

ibvz int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:164 size:32

ibwx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:196 size:32

ibwy int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:228 size:32

ibwz int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:260 size:32

membsz int*4 in common /nbndind/ offset:0


Module: iosetup Source File: model/rio.f


ind2dn int*4 array in common /index2n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dm int*4 array in common /indmx3/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size:284

ind3dn int*4 array in common /index3n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dsn int*4 array in common /index4sn/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

iopunt int*4 in common /files/ offset:20

iscr1 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:12

iscr2 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:16

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

maxpts int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:56

memscr int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:12

memsize int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:0

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

nnxysp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:288 size:32

nnxyzp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:256 size:32

ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68


Module: isan_driver Source File: isan/asgen.f


cntlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:56

cntlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:60

hybbot real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:436

hybtop real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:440

idd int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:16

ihh int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:20

ihour int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:24

imm int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:12

innpr char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:0

inproj int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:28

ioffp int*4 in common /conre1/ offset:0

itinc int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:24

iversion int*4 in common /all/ offset:1668

ivertcoord int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:68

iyy int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:8

levpr int*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:108 size:80

marker int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:0

maxpts int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:56

n int*4 in common /trans/ offset:8

natime int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:40

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000

nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

nsigz int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:444

secondlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:64

sigz real*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:448 size:400

spcnprx real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:100

spcnpry real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:104

splamx real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:32

splamy real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:36

splat real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:16

spval real*4 in common /conre1/ offset:4

topsigz real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:432

wplon real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:12

xnelat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:48

xswlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:40

xswlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:44


Module: isan_file_inv Source File: isan/asgen.f


ihour1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:100

iproc_flag int*4 array in common /isan_proc/ offset:4 size:16000

iproc_names char array in common /isan_proc_n/ offset:0 size:512000

npdates int*4 in common /isan_proc/ offset:0


Module: isenio Source File: isan/asgen.f


idd int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:16

ihh int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:20

imm int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:12

iyy int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:8

levth int*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:12 size:400


Module: isnsig Source File: isan/avarf.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr10 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:10944 size:1216

vctr15 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:17024 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr20 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:23104 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216


Module: isnstage Source File: isan/asti.f


inrawi char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:80

insrfce char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:480

ipt int*4 in common /indmx3/ offset:16

irsp int*4 in common /index3/ offset:56

irst int*4 in common /indmx3/ offset:40

nssfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:4

nsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:0


Module: jnmbinit Source File: model/mic_init.f


jnmb int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:36 size:28


Module: kuocp Source File: model/rconv.f


cprecip real*4 in common /cptend/ offset:2000

envshr real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:76

frcon real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:1200 size:400

ftcon real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:1600 size:400

igo int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:60

kct int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:16

ketl int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:12

klfc int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:8

preff real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:72

qvct1 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:10000 size:400

supply real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:80

thcon real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:2400 size:400

thd real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:1600 size:400

theu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:0 size:400

thu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:800 size:400

vheat real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:0 size:400

vmdry real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:800 size:400

vmois real*4 array in common /cptend/ offset:400 size:400

wtd real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:2000 size:400


Module: latnormv Source File: model/rbnd.f


cphx real*4 array in common /bndcon/ offset:0 size:639936

cphy real*4 array in common /bndcon/ offset:639936 size:2751936


Module: latset Source File: model/rbnd.f


vctr17 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:19456 size:1216

vctr18 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:20672 size:1216


Module: leaf Source File: model/rsurf.f


ubmin real*4 in common /all/ offset:1884


Module: leaftw Source File: model/rsurf.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr14 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:15808 size:1216

vctr16 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:18240 size:1216

vctr18 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:20672 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216

vctr7 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:7296 size:1216


Module: master_getall Source File: model/mpass_full.F


ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: master_memory Source File: model/rio.f


ind2dn int*4 array in common /index2n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dm int*4 array in common /indmx3/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size:284

ind3dn int*4 array in common /index3n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dsn int*4 array in common /index4sn/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

iscr1 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:12

iscr2 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:16

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

maxpts int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:56

memsize int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:0

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

nnxysp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:288 size:32

nnxyzp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:256 size:32


Module: master_sendinit Source File: model/mpass_full.F


ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: masterput_grid_dimens Source File: model/mpass_init.F


ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: masterput_processid Source File: model/mpass_init.F


machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

mainnum int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:22528

nmachs int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:24836


Module: micro_master Source File: model/mic_init.f


cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cfvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360584 size:60

coltabc real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:1892 size:148800

coltabr real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:150692 size:209600

emb0 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360704 size:28

emb1 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360732 size:28

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

icat int*4 in common /indmx3/ offset:72

ipairc int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:92 size:900

ipairr int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:992 size:900

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

pwvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360644 size:60

shape real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360404 size:60


Module: model Source File: model/rdriv.f


isstp int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:4

istp int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:8

ngbegun int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1328 size:32

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: movenest Source File: model/rnest.f


dimove real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339600 size:32

djmove real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339632 size:32

iflag int*4 in common /all/ offset:76

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32


Module: mxdefm Source File: model/rturb.f


rmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:1848

rmin real*4 in common /all/ offset:1764

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: mxtked Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr25 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:29184 size:1216

vctr26 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:30400 size:1216

vctr27 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:31616 size:1216

vctr28 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:32832 size:1216


Module: namein Source File: lib/rname.f


nfatal int*4 in common /nread/ offset:4

nrflag int*4 in common /nread/ offset:0


Module: newgrid Source File: model/rinit.f


deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

deltaz real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3176

dtl real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:44

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

dtlv real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:56

dts real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:48

dzm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17612 size:528

dzm2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:18668 size:528

dzt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17084 size:528

dzt2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:18140 size:528

ht real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:0 size:528

ht2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:528 size:528

ht4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1056 size:528

hw real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1584 size:528

hw2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2112 size:528

hw4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2640 size:528

i0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:28

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

ind2d int*4 array in common /index2/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size:284

ind3d int*4 array in common /index3/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size:284

ind3ds int*4 array in common /index4s/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 284

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

j0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:32

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nqparm int*4 in common /option/ offset:4

nscl int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:60

nstbot int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:68

nsttop int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:64

nx int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:4

nx1 int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:8

nx2 int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:12

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52

nxysp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:56

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

ny int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:20

ny1 int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:24

ny2 int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:28

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nz int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:40

nz1 int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:44

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

nzpp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:36

xm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:8392 size:5212

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

ym real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:14816 size:1212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212

zm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16556 size:528

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: newsclr Source File: model/rio.f


iscp int*4 in common /indtrc/ offset:4

isct int*4 in common /indtrc/ offset:8


Module: node_decomp Source File: model/para_init.f


lbc_buffs int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5421580 size:32768

nbuff_nest1 int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5454348 size:256

newbuff_nest1 int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5454604 size:256


Module: node_getinit Source File: model/mpass_full.F


ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: node_index Source File: model/rnode.f


ia1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:68

ia2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:72

ia3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:76

ia_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:56

ia_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:60

ia_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:64

iz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:116

iz2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:120

iz3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:124

iz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:104

iz_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:108

iz_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:112

izu int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:152

ja1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:92

ja2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:96

ja3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:100

ja_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:80

ja_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:84

ja_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:88

jz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:140

jz2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:144

jz3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:148

jz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:128

jz_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:132

jz_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:136

jzv int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:156


Module: node_memory Source File: model/rio.f


ind2dn int*4 array in common /index2n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dm int*4 array in common /indmx3/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size:284

ind3dn int*4 array in common /index3n/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ind3dsn int*4 array in common /index4sn/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

iscr1 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:12

iscr2 int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:16

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

maxpts int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:56

memsize int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:0

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: node_sendall Source File: model/mpass_full.F


ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: node_sendfeed Source File: model/mpass_feed.F


irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256


Module: node_sendlbc Source File: model/mpass_lbc.F


irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256


Module: node_sendnbc Source File: model/mpass_nest.F


irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256


Module: nodeget_grid_dimens Source File: model/mpass_init.F


mi0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:224 size:32

mia int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:96 size:32

mibcon int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:288 size:32

miz int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:128 size:32

mj0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:256 size:32

mja int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:160 size:32

mjz int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:192 size:32

mmxp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:0 size:32

mmyp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:32 size:32

mmzp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:64 size:32


Module: nudge Source File: model/rvari.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr10 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:10944 size:1216

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216


Module: onenode Source File: model/para_init.f


i0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:28

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ia1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:68

ia2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:72

ia3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:76

ia_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:56

ia_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:60

ia_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:64

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

ipara int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:48

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

iz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:116

iz2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:120

iz3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:124

iz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:104

iz_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:108

iz_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:112

izu int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:152

j0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:32

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

ja1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:92

ja2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:96

ja3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:100

ja_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:80

ja_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:84

ja_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:88

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

jz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:140

jz2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:144

jz3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:148

jz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:128

jz_2 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:132

jz_3 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:136

jzv int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:156

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: opspec1 Source File: model/rdint.f


iaggr int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:24

icloud int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:8

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

ipris int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:16

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

isnow int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:20

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nhemgrd2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:2120


Module: optlib Source File: model/rprnt.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: par_decomp_bounds Source File: model/para_init.f


ibcflg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:25096 size:2048

ixoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:16384 size:2048

iyoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:18432 size:2048

npxy int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:20480 size:2048

nxbeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:0 size:2048

nxbegc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:8192 size:2048

nxend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:2048 size:2048

nxendc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:10240 size:2048

nybeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:4096 size:2048

nybegc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:12288 size:2048

nyend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:6144 size:2048

nyendc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:14336 size:2048


Module: par_model Source File: model/rdriv.f


isstp int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:4

istp int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:8

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: pltisn Source File: isan/astga.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0


Module: pltpr Source File: isan/astga.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

pnpr real*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:20 size:80


Module: pltsig Source File: isan/astga.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0


Module: pltxy Source File: isan/astga.f


incxv int*4 in common /vec2/ offset:4

incyv int*4 in common /vec2/ offset:8

itrans int*4 in common /trans/ offset:0

m int*4 in common /trans/ offset:4

n int*4 in common /trans/ offset:8

nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000

spv real*4 array in common /aa/ offset:0 size:8

xlonl real*4 in common /trans/ offset:12

xlonr real*4 in common /trans/ offset:16

ylatb real*4 in common /trans/ offset:20

ylatt real*4 in common /trans/ offset:24


Module: pressio Source File: isan/asgen.f


cntlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:56

cntlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:60

elon real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:48

idate int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:20

ihour int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:24

imonth int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:16

inproj int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:28

iyear int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:12

levpr int*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:108 size:80

secondlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:64

spcnprx real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:100

spcnpry real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:104

splat real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:16

tnlat real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:52

wplon real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:12

xnelat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:48

xnelon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:52

xswlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:40

xswlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:44


Module: prstage Source File: isan/astp.f


elon real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:48

pnpr real*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:20 size:80

tnlat real*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:52


Module: prtopt Source File: model/rprnt.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: prtout Source File: model/rprnt.f


abcisa real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 1212

iaa int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:604 size:200

iab int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:804 size:200

joa int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1004 size:200

job int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1204 size:200

naavg int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1604 size:200

noavg int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1804 size:200

ordin real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:1216 size: 1212

plfmt char array in common /prtchr/ offset:0 size:400

pltit char array in common /prtchr/ offset:400 size:400


Module: radcomp Source File: model/rmisc.f


dn0r real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:1076 size:528

dzmr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:3720 size:528

dztr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:4248 size:528

fthrs real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:4776 size:528

pird real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:1604 size:528

prd real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:2132 size:528

rtr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:548 size:528

rvr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:20 size:528

temprd real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:2660 size:532


Module: rams_master Source File: model/rdriv.f


iparallel int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:29192

ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68

ntsteps int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:64


Module: rams_mkmap Source File: isan/aplt.f


xplat real*4 in common /pole/ offset:0

xplon real*4 in common /pole/ offset:4


Module: rams_node Source File: model/rnode.f


ipara int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:48

isendflg int*4 in common /machinfo/ offset:24836

isstp int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:4

ngbegun int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1328 size:32

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: rams_output Source File: model/rdriv.f


isstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96128 size:32

nvarf int*4 in common /var2/ offset:8008

runtype char*10 in common /filchr/ offset:320

sstfil1 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560000 size:640

sstfil2 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560640 size:640

ssttime real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:32000 size:64000

ssttime1 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96000 size:32

ssttime2 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96032 size:32

varfil1 char*80 in common /varchr/ offset:0

varfil2 char*80 in common /varchr/ offset:80

vtime1 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:0

vtime2 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:4


Module: rams_sst_init Source File: model/make_sfc.f


ssttime1 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96000 size:32

ssttime2 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96032 size:32


Module: rams_sstf_init Source File: model/make_sfc.f


isstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96128 size:32

isstrecy int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96164 size:32

nsstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96096 size:32

sstfil char array in common /sstchr/ offset:1280000 size:1280000

sstfil1 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560000 size:640

sstfil2 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560640 size:640

ssttime real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:32000 size:64000

ssttime1 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96000 size:32

ssttime2 real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96032 size:32


Module: rams_varf_init Source File: model/rvari.f


nvarf int*4 in common /var2/ offset:8008

varfil char array in common /varchr/ offset:160 size:160000

varfil1 char*80 in common /varchr/ offset:0

varfil2 char*80 in common /varchr/ offset:80

vtime real*4 array in common /var2/ offset:8 size:8000

vtime1 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:0

vtime2 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:4


Module: rams_vsstf_init Source File: model/make_sfc.f


idatevs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:16000 size:8000

ihourvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:24000 size:8000

imonthvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:8000 size:8000

iyearvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:0 size:8000

nvsstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96064 size:32

vsstfil char array in common /sstchr/ offset:0 size:1280000


Module: rayf Source File: model/rbnd.f


vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: read_nl Source File: model/rdint.f


timmax real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:0

timstr real*4 in common /files/ offset:16


Module: refs1d Source File: model/rhhi.f


dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216


Module: refs3d Source File: model/rinit.f


vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: rtgintrp Source File: model/rnest.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: sfcdata Source File: model/rsurf.f


albedv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337032 size:72

cka real*4 in common /all/ offset:338920

ckw real*4 in common /all/ offset:338924

emisg real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336984 size:48

emisv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337104 size:72

kroot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1680 size:72

root real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337464 size:1440

slbs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336376 size:48

slcond real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336424 size:48

slcons real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336472 size:48

slcons1 real*4 array in common /efold/ offset:0 size:960

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

slden real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336280 size:48

slfc real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336936 size:48

slmsts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336600 size:48

slpots real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336648 size:48

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

soilcp real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336888 size:48

vctr10 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:10944 size:1216

vctr7 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:7296 size:1216

vgdfrac real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337392 size:72

vgdlai real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337248 size:72

vgfrac real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337320 size:72

vglai real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337176 size:72


Module: sfcproc Source File: isan/asti2.f


namesfc char array in common /stach/ offset:800 size:16000

nssfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:4


Module: sfcrad Source File: model/rsurf.f


vctr32 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:37696 size:1216


Module: sfcread Source File: model/make_sfc.f


nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: sigzio Source File: isan/asgen.f


idd int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:16

ihh int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:20

imm int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:12

iyy int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:8

sigz real*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:448 size:400


Module: skewtplt Source File: isan/askewt.f


nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000


Module: sndproc Source File: isan/asti2.f


nameraw char array in common /stach/ offset:16800 size:16000

nsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:0


Module: sstread Source File: model/make_sfc.f


nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: stalib Source File: isan/astgb.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0


Module: staplt Source File: isan/astga.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0


Module: staxy Source File: isan/astga.f


nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000


Module: staxyn Source File: isan/astga.f


nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000


Module: tkemy Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr30 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:35264 size:1216

vctr31 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:36480 size:1216

vctr32 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:37696 size:1216

vctr33 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:38912 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr9 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:9728 size:1216


Module: transfm Source File: model/rinit.f


ht real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:0 size:528

ht2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:528 size:528

ht2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:4224 size:4224

ht4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1056 size:528

ht4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:8448 size:4224

htn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:0 size:4224

hw real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1584 size:528

hw2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2112 size:528

hw2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:16896 size:4224

hw4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2640 size:528

hw4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:21120 size:4224

hwn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:12672 size:4224

itopo int*4 in common /all/ offset:0

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028


Module: uwc Source File: model/rprnt.f


vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: varhyd Source File: model/rvari.f


vctr30 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:35264 size:1216

vctr31 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:36480 size:1216


Module: varlib Source File: isan/astgb.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0


Module: varref Source File: model/rvari.f


dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

iref int*4 in common /all/ offset:52

jref int*4 in common /all/ offset:56

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

topref real*4 in common /all/ offset:2040

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216


Module: vecstrm Source File: isan/aplt.f


incxv int*4 in common /vec2/ offset:4

incyv int*4 in common /vec2/ offset:8


Module: vfinit Source File: lib/rvfor.f


vc char array in common /vform/ offset:0 size:64


Module: visurf Source File: isan/avarf.f


vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: vshyd Source File: isan/avarf.f


vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: vtables Source File: model/rvtab.f


iounit int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:4

ivopt2d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:4480 size:4480

ivopt3d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:0 size:4480

ivopt3dm char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:13440 size:4480

ivopt3ds char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:8960 size:4480

ivopt3m char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:17920 size:560

ivtab3m int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:31776 size:280

na2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:288 size:32

na3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:256 size:32

na3dm int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:352 size:32

na3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:320 size:32

nh2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:160 size:32

nh3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:128 size:32

nh3dm int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:224 size:32

nh3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:192 size:32

nmp21 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9088 size:32

nmp22 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11360 size:32

nmp23 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13632 size:32

nmp2i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15904 size:32

nmp31 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:0 size:32

nmp32 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2272 size:32

nmp33 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4544 size:32

nmp3i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6816 size:32

nmps1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18176 size:32

nmps2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20448 size:32

nmps3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22720 size:32

nmpsi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:24992 size:32

nsclr int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27264 size:32

nv2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:32 size:32

nv3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:0 size:32

nv3dm int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:96 size:32

nv3dmt int*4 in common /vtabls/ offset:32056

nv3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:64 size:32


Module: vterpp_i Source File: isan/asti.f


pnpr real*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:20 size:80


Module: vterpp_s Source File: isan/asti.f


pnpr real*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:20 size:80


Module: writevl Source File: lib/rname.f


page char array in common /pageout/ offset:0 size:10560


Module: zen Source File: model/rmisc.f


cdec real*4 in common /radcom/ offset:8

declin real*4 in common /radcom/ offset:12

jday int*4 in common /radcom/ offset:16

sdec real*4 in common /radcom/ offset:4

tdec real*4 in common /radcom/ offset:0
