A.3. Subroutines versus Variables passed as Arguments


Module: acctimes Source File: model/rtimh.f


a real*4 dummy array

ip int*4

jp int*4

kp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

ww real*4


Module: acoustc Source File: model/raco.f


a real*4 dummy array

a1da2 real*4

bfct1 real*4

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

izu int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:152

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

jzv int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:156

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

t1 real*4

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

w1 real*4


Module: advance Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

dtlv real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:56

iac int*4 dummy

mxyzp int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: advect Source File: model/radvn.f


a real*4 dummy array

advscr real*4 array size:3696

advwtx real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:0 size:3002112

advwty real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:3002112 size:698112

advwtz real*4 array in common /advctn/ offset:3700224 size:304128

atypeh char*2

atypev char*2

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

dtlv real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:56

dzm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17612 size:528

dzt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17084 size:528

hw4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2640 size:528

i0 int*4 dummy

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

izu int*4 dummy

j0 int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jz int*4 dummy

jz1 int*4 dummy

jzv int*4 dummy

ka int*4

kz int*4

mxp int*4 dummy

mxyzp int*4

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: advwts Source File: model/radvn.f


iadvf int*4 in common /all/ offset:16

idxcon int*4

idycon int*4

idzcon int*4

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nz int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:40

wtscr real*4 array size:144

xm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:8392 size:5212

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

ym real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:14816 size:1212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212

zm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16556 size:528

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: anlwrt Source File: model/rio.f


a real*4 dummy array

afilout char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:240

anamel char*80

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

ioaunt int*4

ioutput int*4 in common /files/ offset:8

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

npointer int*4

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: arrsnd Source File: model/rhhi.f


ps real*4 array in common /all/ offset:334680 size:800

rts real*4 array in common /soundg/ offset:16 size:800

rtss real*4

ts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333080 size:800


Module: axislab Source File: isan/aplt.f


axlabx char*(*) dummy

axlaby char*(*) dummy

nlablx int*4

nlably int*4

number char*16

px1 real*4 dummy

py1 real*4 dummy

xcoord real*4

xinc real*4

xlabn real*4

xlabst real*4

xmax real*4 dummy

xmax1 real*4

xmin real*4 dummy

xmin1 real*4

xplot real*4 dummy array

ycoord real*4

yinc real*4

ylabn real*4

ylabst real*4

ymax real*4 dummy

ymax1 real*4

ymin real*4 dummy

ymin1 real*4

yplot real*4 dummy array


Module: backlab Source File: isan/aplt.f


hpos real*4

px1 real*4 dummy

px2 real*4 dummy

py1 real*4 dummy

py2 real*4 dummy

title char*60

vpos real*4


Module: bn_pass Source File: isan/aobj.f


glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gxxx real*4

gyyy real*4

polat real*4 dummy

polon real*4 dummy


Module: bn_qual Source File: isan/aobj.f


glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gxxx real*4

gyyy real*4

polat real*4 dummy

polon real*4 dummy

qual real*4 dummy array


Module: bruvais Source File: model/rturb.f


m1 int*4 dummy

prt real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1584 size:528

rvls real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:3168 size:528

rvlsi real*4

temp real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1056 size:528


Module: buoyancy Source File: model/raco.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: c03 Source File: model/mic_misc.f


cfemb0 real*4 dummy

cfen0 real*4 dummy

cx real*4 dummy array

dn0 real*4 dummy array

dn0i real*4 dummy array

emb real*4 dummy array

emb0 real*4 dummy

emb1 real*4 dummy

enmlttab real*4 dummy array

i int*4 dummy

icat int*4 dummy

jflag int*4

jhcat int*4 dummy array

jnmb int*4 dummy

k1 int*4 dummy

k2 int*4 dummy

ninc int*4 dummy

parm real*4 dummy

rx real*4 dummy array

vap real*4 dummy array


Module: canopy Source File: model/rsurf.f


fracliqv real*4

hcapveg real*4

pcpgl real*4 dummy

qwtot real*4

tvegk real*4


Module: cfl Source File: model/rbnd.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: ch2ch Source File: lib/rname.f


str char*(*) dummy


Module: cio_c Source File: model/rcio.f


cstr char*(*) dummy

ierr int*4

iun int*4 dummy


Module: cio_f Source File: model/rcio.f


cstr char*(*) dummy

ierr int*4

iun int*4 dummy


Module: cio_f8 Source File: model/rcio.f


cstr char*(*) dummy

ierr int*4

iun int*4 dummy


Module: cio_i Source File: model/rcio.f


cstr char*(*) dummy

ierr int*4

iun int*4 dummy


Module: cio_pos_file Source File: model/rcio.f


cstr char*(*) dummy


Module: col2 Source File: model/mic_cols.f


fracliq real*4

qcoal real*4

tcoal real*4


Module: col3 Source File: model/mic_cols.f


fracliq real*4

qcoal real*4

tcoal real*4


Module: commio Source File: model/rcio.f


akmin real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1852 size:32

albedo real*4 in common /all/ offset:1892

albedv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337032 size:72

aparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:80

brunt real*4 in common /all/ offset:1752

cair real*4 in common /all/ offset:338916

centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cka real*4 in common /all/ offset:338920

ckw real*4 in common /all/ offset:338924

cmin real*4 in common /all/ offset:338904

confrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1780

corg real*4 in common /all/ offset:338908

cparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:64

cphas real*4 in common /all/ offset:2032

csx real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1816 size:32

csz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1784 size:32

cwat real*4 in common /all/ offset:338912

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

deltazn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338932 size:32

dimove real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339600 size:32

distim real*4 in common /all/ offset:1772

djmove real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339632 size:32

dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

drtcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1760

dthcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1964

dtlong real*4 in common /all/ offset:2036

dzmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:339564

dzmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:4224 size:4224

dzrat real*4 in common /all/ offset:339560

dztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:0 size:4224

emisg real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336984 size:48

emisv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337104 size:72

eps real*4 in common /all/ offset:1888

expnme char*64 in common /allch/ offset:0

gparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:84

gridu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339664 size:32

gridv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339696 size:32

hparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:88

hs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:335480 size:800

iadvf int*4 in common /all/ offset:16

iadvl int*4 in common /all/ offset:12

iaggr int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:24

ibctop int*4 in common /all/ offset:140

ibnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:32

icloud int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:8

icorflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:40

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idiffk int*4 array in common /all/ offset:104 size:32

iflag int*4 in common /all/ offset:76

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

ihtran int*4 in common /all/ offset:60

iinput int*4 in common /files/ offset:12

ilwrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:44

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

impl int*4 in common /all/ offset:8

initial int*4 in common /all/ offset:4

inucprg int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:4

ipris int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:16

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

iref int*4 in common /all/ offset:52

irw int*4

isfcl int*4 in common /all/ offset:136

isnow int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:20

iswrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:48

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

itopo int*4 in common /all/ offset:0

iun int*4 dummy

iversion int*4 in common /all/ offset:1668

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

izflat int*4 in common /all/ offset:84

jbnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:36

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jref int*4 in common /all/ offset:56

kroot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1680 size:72

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

lonrad int*4 in common /all/ offset:20

lsflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:28

naddsc int*4 in common /all/ offset:1648

nestz1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1652

nestz2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1656

nfpt int*4 in common /all/ offset:64

ngbegun int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1328 size:32

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

nndtrat int*4 array in common /all/ offset:176 size:32

nnqparm int*4 array in common /all/ offset:144 size:32

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nratio int*4 in common /all/ offset:72

ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68

nstratx int*4 array in common /all/ offset:208 size:32

nstraty int*4 array in common /all/ offset:240 size:32

nstratz1 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:272 size:528

nstratz2 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:800 size:528

ntopsmth int*4 in common /all/ offset:80

nvegpat int*4 in common /all/ offset:1676

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzs int*4 in common /all/ offset:1664

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

pparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:72

ps real*4 array in common /all/ offset:334680 size:800

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

radfrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1768

rmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:1848

rmin real*4 in common /all/ offset:1764

root real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337464 size:1440

rparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:68

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

sclay real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336744 size:48

seatmp real*4 in common /all/ offset:1776

slbs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336376 size:48

slcond real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336424 size:48

slcons real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336472 size:48

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

slden real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336280 size:48

slfc real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336936 size:48

slmsts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336600 size:48

slpots real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336648 size:48

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

soilcp real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336888 size:48

sorgan real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336792 size:48

sparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:76

sporo real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336840 size:48

ssand real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336696 size:48

sspct real*4 in common /all/ offset:2044

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

thds real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333880 size:800

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928

tkmin real*4

topref real*4 in common /all/ offset:2040

ts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333080 size:800

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

us real*4 array in common /all/ offset:331480 size:800

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:332280 size:800

wcldbs real*4 in common /all/ offset:1756

xkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1896 size:32

xmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:58592 size:41696

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ymn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:109984 size:9696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

zkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1928 size:32

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028

zz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339032 size:528


Module: conpar Source File: model/rconv.f


ibcon int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy


Module: contour Source File: isan/aplt.f


n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

px1 real*4 dummy

px2 real*4 dummy

py1 real*4 dummy

py2 real*4 dummy

rhi real*4 dummy

rinc real*4 dummy

rlo real*4 dummy

slab real*4 dummy array

titl char*16

title char*80

ymax real*4 dummy

ymin real*4 dummy


Module: corlos Source File: model/rmisc.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

izu int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jzv int*4 dummy

mxp int*4 dummy

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy


Module: corlsu Source File: model/rmisc.f


nz int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:40

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: corlsv Source File: model/rmisc.f


nz int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:40

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: cp2mod Source File: model/rconv.f


qvct3 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:10800 size:400

qvct4 real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:11200 size:400

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216


Module: cputime Source File: model/rtimh.f


cc real*4


Module: cross Source File: isan/astga.f


aa real*4 dummy array

acon real*4 dummy

iplab char*4

ires int*4 dummy

ix int*4 dummy

label char*80 dummy

pbot real*4

ppt real*4

prlk real*4

ptop real*4

px1 real*4

px2 real*4

py1 real*4

py2 real*4

thcon real*4 dummy

title char*20

x real*4 dummy array

xii real*4

xlab char*8


Module: crsect Source File: isan/astga.f


aa real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:303000 size:250000

acon3 real*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:444 size:120

ca real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:202000 size:101000

cpp real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:101000 size:101000

cth real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:0 size:101000

i int*4

icrfld3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:960 size:240

ix int*4

iz int*4

j int*4

lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

p real*4 dummy array

thcon3 real*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:324 size:120

xll real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:805000 size:1000

yc real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:804000 size:1000


Module: cu_environ Source File: model/rconv.f


dzlcl real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:44

kmt int*4 in common /cpars/ offset:64

nz int*4 dummy

pe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6800 size:400

plcl real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:36

plll real*4

rdsu real*4

rlll real*4

rvcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:1600 size:400

rve real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:9200 size:400

tdu real*4

te real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6000 size:400

thdu real*4

the real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6400 size:400

thee real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:9600 size:400

theu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:0 size:400

thtcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:1200 size:400

tlcl real*4 in common /cpars/ offset:40

tlll real*4

ucon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:0 size:400

upe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:4400 size:400

vcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:400 size:400

vpe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:4800 size:400

wcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:800 size:400

wpe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:5200 size:400

zcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:3600 size:400

ze real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:5600 size:400

zzcon real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:4000 size:400


Module: cuparm Source File: model/rconv.f


a real*4 dummy array

dtl real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:44

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: datassim Source File: model/rvari.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: decomp_plot Source File: model/modsched.f


cnum char*2

px real*4

pxb real*4

pxe real*4

py real*4

pyb real*4

pye real*4

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696


Module: diffsclr1 Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

hkkh real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

indh int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

ja1 int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jz_1 int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

n int*4 dummy

nh int*4 dummy

scp real*4 dummy array

slabxzk real*4 dummy array

slabxzs real*4 dummy array

slabyzk real*4 dummy array

slabyzs real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3dg real*4 dummy array

vt3ec real*4 dummy array

vt3ef real*4 dummy array

vt3eg real*4 dummy array

vt3ej real*4 dummy array

vt3ek real*4 dummy array

vt3eo real*4 dummy array


Module: diffsclr2 Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

hkkh real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

ja_1 int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jz_1 int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

n int*4 dummy

scp real*4 dummy array

slabxzk real*4 dummy array

slabxzs real*4 dummy array

slabyzk real*4 dummy array

slabyzs real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3dg real*4 dummy array


Module: diffuse Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ia1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:68

ia_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:56

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

idiffk int*4 array in common /all/ offset:104 size:32

ioff int*4

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

iz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:116

iz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:104

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

ja1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:92

ja_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:80

jd int*4

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

jz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:140

jz_1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:128

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mxyzp int*4

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nhkh int*4

npsize int*4

slabs real*4 array size:4

vctr34 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:40128 size:1216

xkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1896 size:32


Module: diffvel1 Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

indh int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

ja1 int*4 dummy

ja_1 int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jz1 int*4 dummy

jz_1 int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

nh int*4 dummy

scr1 real*4 dummy array

scr2 real*4 dummy array

slabxz real*4 dummy array

slabyz real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3dc real*4 dummy array

vt3dd real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3dg real*4 dummy array

vt3dh real*4 dummy array

vt3di real*4 dummy array

vt3dj real*4 dummy array

vt3dk real*4 dummy array

vt3dn real*4 dummy array

vt3ej real*4 dummy array

vt3ek real*4 dummy array

vt3el real*4 dummy array

vt3em real*4 dummy array

vt3en real*4 dummy array

vt3eo real*4 dummy array


Module: diffvel2 Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

dn0 real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

ibcon int*4 dummy

indh int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

ja_1 int*4 dummy

jd int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jz1 int*4 dummy

jz_1 int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

nh int*4 dummy

scr1 real*4 dummy array

scr2 real*4 dummy array

slabxz real*4 dummy array

slabyz real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3dc real*4 dummy array

vt3dd real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3dg real*4 dummy array

vt3dh real*4 dummy array

vt3di real*4 dummy array

vt3dj real*4 dummy array

vt3dk real*4 dummy array

vt3dn real*4 dummy array

vt3ej real*4 dummy array

vt3ek real*4 dummy array

vt3el real*4 dummy array

vt3em real*4 dummy array

vt3eo real*4 dummy array


Module: divcart Source File: model/rgrad.f


a real*4 dummy array

dir char*(*) dummy

gpnt char*(*) dummy

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

optyp char*6

vc3da real*4 dummy array

vc3db real*4 dummy array


Module: divstar Source File: model/rgrad.f


a real*4 dummy array

dir char*(*) dummy

gpnt char*(*) dummy

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

optyp char*6

vc3da real*4 dummy array

vc3db real*4 dummy array


Module: dptjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


t real*4


Module: dtcheck Source File: model/rinit.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: dumset Source File: model/rbnd.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: each_column Source File: model/mic_misc.f


press real*4 dummy array

tair real*4 dummy array

tref real*4 dummy array


Module: fa_x Source File: model/radvn.f


advscr real*4 dummy array

awt real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 dummy

flux real*4 dummy array

i0 int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

j0 int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

npmax int*4 dummy

scpa real*4 dummy array

velw real*4 dummy array

wtf real*4 dummy array


Module: fa_y Source File: model/radvn.f


advscr real*4 dummy array

awt real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 dummy

flux real*4 dummy array

i0 int*4 dummy

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

j0 int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

npmax int*4 dummy

scpa real*4 dummy array

velw real*4 dummy array

wtf real*4 dummy array


Module: fa_z Source File: model/radvn.f


advscr real*4 dummy array

awt real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 dummy

flux real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

npmax int*4 dummy

rtg real*4 dummy array

scpa real*4 dummy array

velw real*4 dummy array

wtf real*4 dummy array


Module: fdback Source File: model/rnest.f


sumflg real*4 dummy array


Module: fdbackp Source File: model/rnest.f


ac real*4 dummy array


Module: fillpg Source File: lib/rname.f


col int*4

form char*64

leftcol int*4

length int*4

row int*4


Module: findln Source File: isan/astga.f


text char*(*) dummy


Module: first_rams Source File: isan/asti.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

cdname char*32

cdunits char*32

flnma char*128

ifm int*4

innpr char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:0

ivbtab int*4 array size:4000

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nvbtab int*4

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

pi2 real*4 dummy array

ri2 real*4 dummy array

ti2 real*4 dummy array

ui2 real*4 dummy array

vi2 real*4 dummy array


Module: fldinit Source File: model/rinit.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: flds3d Source File: model/rhhi.f


dummy real*4

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

p0 real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:528 size:528

platn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2056 size:32

plonn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2088 size:32

qlatu real*4

qlatv real*4

qlonu real*4

qlonv real*4

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

rtp real*4 dummy array

rvls real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:3168 size:528

temp real*4 array in common /stuff/ offset:1056 size:528

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

uc real*4 dummy array

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vc real*4 dummy array

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr12 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:13376 size:1216

vctr13 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:14592 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216

xm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:8392 size:5212

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

ym real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:14816 size:1212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: fmdn0 Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: fmint3 Source File: model/rnest.f


bx real*4 dummy array

by real*4 dummy array

bz real*4 dummy array

dn0c real*4 dummy array

dn0f real*4 dummy array

i0 int*4 dummy

ifm int*4 dummy

j0 int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 dummy

m1c int*4 dummy

m2c int*4 dummy

m3c int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 dummy

maxnyp int*4 dummy

maxnzp int*4 dummy

n1f int*4 dummy

n2f int*4 dummy

n3f int*4 dummy

nstbot int*4 dummy

nsttop int*4 dummy

scr1 real*4 dummy array

scr2 real*4 dummy array

toptf real*4 dummy array

varc real*4 dummy array

varf real*4 dummy array

vnam char*(*) dummy

vt2da real*4 dummy array


Module: fmint4 Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

icm int*4

ifm int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

var1 real*4 dummy array

var2 real*4 dummy array

vpnt char*(*) dummy

vt2da real*4 dummy array


Module: fmints Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

n4b int*4 dummy

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32


Module: fmrefs1d Source File: model/rnest.f


dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216

vctr7 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:7296 size:1216

vctr8 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:8512 size:1216


Module: fmrefs3d Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

icm int*4

ifm int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: framdrw Source File: isan/aplt.f


axlabx char*16

axlaby char*16

icoor int*4 dummy

ixbeg int*4

iybeg int*4

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

nib int*4 dummy

nie int*4 dummy

njb int*4 dummy

nje int*4 dummy

px1 real*4 dummy

px2 real*4 dummy

py1 real*4 dummy

py2 real*4 dummy

topt real*4 dummy array

xlabfmt char*16

xmax real*4 dummy

xmin real*4 dummy

xplot real*4 dummy array

ylabfmt char*16

ymax real*4 dummy

ymin real*4 dummy

yplot real*4 dummy array

zs real*4 array in common /trans2/ offset:4008 size:4000


Module: gammp Source File: model/mic_driv.f


a real*4 dummy

gammcf real*4

gln real*4

x real*4 dummy


Module: gammq Source File: model/mic_driv.f


a real*4 dummy

gamser real*4

gln real*4

x real*4 dummy


Module: gcf Source File: model/mic_driv.f


a real*4 dummy


Module: gdtost Source File: lib/rutil.f


r real*4 array size:16

scr real*4 array size:16

staval real*4 dummy

xx real*4

yy real*4


Module: geodat Source File: model/rinit.f


a real*4 dummy array

dato real*4 array size:4

datr real*4 dummy array

deltallo real*4

deltaxp real*4

deltaxq real*4

deltayp real*4

deltayq real*4

erad real*4

iaddr int*4

iblksizo int*4

ioff int*4

isbego int*4

iwbego int*4

mof int*4

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

niq int*4

njq int*4

no int*4

np int*4

offlat real*4

offlon real*4

ofn char*80 dummy

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

silwt real*4 dummy

title char*80

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696


Module: geonest Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

icm int*4

ind3dsn int*4 array in common /index4sn/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 2272

ipm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4228 size:41696

itoptfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:0 size:640

ivegtfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:1280 size:640

ivtime int*4

jpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:45924 size:9696

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nvegpat int*4 in common /all/ offset:1676

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

silavwt real*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:160 size:32

toptwvl real*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:192 size:32

vctr40 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:47424 size:1216

vnam char*(*) dummy

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696


Module: get_press Source File: isan/astp.f


as real*4 array size:4

iadd int*4

innpr char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:0

ioffas int*4

ipoff int*4

ithere int*4 array size:400

jpoff int*4

levpr int*4 array in common /nprdat/ offset:108 size:80

nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

npx int*4

npy int*4

rn real*4 dummy array

tn real*4 dummy array

un real*4 dummy array

vn real*4 dummy array

zn real*4 dummy array


Module: grad Source File: model/rgrad.f


a real*4 dummy array

dir char*(*) dummy

gpnt char*(*) dummy

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

optyp char*6

vc3da real*4 dummy array

vc3db real*4 dummy array


Module: gridset Source File: model/rinit.f


centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

centx real*4

centx1 real*4

centy real*4

centy1 real*4

platn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2056 size:32

plonn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2088 size:32


Module: grndvap Source File: model/rsurf.f


fracliq real*4

prss real*4 dummy array

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

tempk real*4

tgp real*4 dummy array

wgp real*4 dummy array


Module: gser Source File: model/mic_driv.f


a real*4 dummy


Module: hadvance Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

dtlv real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:56

iac int*4 dummy

mxyzp int*4


Module: haznuc Source File: model/mic_init.f


gnuccn real*4


Module: hemintrp Source File: model/hemi2.f


a real*4 dummy array

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: hemintrp_cof Source File: model/hemi2.f


deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

hlatt real*4 array in common /all/ offset:282136 size:4000

hlatu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:286136 size:4000

hlatv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:290136 size:4000

hlont real*4 array in common /all/ offset:294136 size:4000

hlonu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:298136 size:4000

hlonv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:302136 size:4000

ihem1tt int*4 array in common /all/ offset:2136 size:16000

ihem1uu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:50136 size:16000

ihem1uv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:98136 size:16000

ihem1vu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:146136 size:16000

ihem1vv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:194136 size:16000

ihem2tt int*4 array in common /all/ offset:242136 size:4000

ihem2uu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:250136 size:4000

ihem2uv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:258136 size:4000

ihem2vu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:266136 size:4000

ihem2vv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:274136 size:4000

jhem1tt int*4 array in common /all/ offset:18136 size:16000

jhem1uu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:66136 size:16000

jhem1uv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:114136 size:16000

jhem1vu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:162136 size:16000

jhem1vv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:210136 size:16000

jhem2tt int*4 array in common /all/ offset:246136 size:4000

jhem2uu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:254136 size:4000

jhem2uv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:262136 size:4000

jhem2vu int*4 array in common /all/ offset:270136 size:4000

jhem2vv int*4 array in common /all/ offset:278136 size:4000

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

nhemt int*4 in common /all/ offset:2124

nhemu int*4 in common /all/ offset:2128

nhemv int*4 in common /all/ offset:2132

qlatt real*4 dummy array

qlatu real*4 dummy array

qlatv real*4 dummy array

qlont real*4 dummy array

qlonu real*4 dummy array

qlonv real*4 dummy array

whem1tt real*4 array in common /all/ offset:34136 size:16000

whem1uu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:82136 size:16000

whem1uv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:130136 size:16000

whem1vu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:178136 size:16000

whem1vv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:226136 size:16000

xm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:8392 size:5212

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

ym real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:14816 size:1212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212


Module: hemintrp_table Source File: model/hemi2.f


hlat real*4 dummy array

hlon real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

i3 int*4

i4 int*4

ii int*4

iyes int*4

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

j3 int*4

j4 int*4

jj int*4

whem1 real*4 dummy array

x real*4

x0 real*4

x1 real*4

x2 real*4

x5 real*4

y real*4

y0 real*4

y1 real*4

y2 real*4

y5 real*4


Module: hemintuv Source File: model/hemi2.f


hlatu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:286136 size:4000

hlatv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:290136 size:4000

hlonu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:298136 size:4000

hlonv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:302136 size:4000

u real*4

u2r real*4

ue real*4

v real*4

v2r real*4

ve real*4


Module: hiswrt Source File: model/rio.f


hfilout char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:80

hnamel char*80

hnamelh char*80

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

iohunt int*4

ioutput int*4 in common /files/ offset:8

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928


Module: hodograph Source File: isan/askewt.f


ctit char*2

isnorm int*4 dummy

ll int*4

nlevs int*4

sb real*4

sbn real*4

sl real*4

sln real*4

sr real*4

srn real*4

st real*4

stid char*5 dummy

stn real*4

ub real*4

ul real*4

ur real*4

ut real*4

uw real*4 array size:600

vw real*4 array size:600

xcirc real*4 array size:1440

xoff real*4

ycirc real*4 array size:1440


Module: homfrzcl Source File: model/mic_init.f


gnuc real*4


Module: hstart Source File: model/rio.f


a real*4 dummy array

hfilin char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:0

hnamein char*80

iadds int*4

inhunt int*4

isoff int*4

maxarr int*4

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52

nxysp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:56

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

scr real*4 array size:4


Module: hydro Source File: model/rsurfaux.f


dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

fa real*4 array size:60

finv real*4 array size:60

gsf real*4 dummy array

ig int*4 array size:800

ipg int*4 array size:12000

jg int*4 array size:800

lpg int*4 array size:60

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

m4 int*4 dummy

m5 int*4 dummy

ngrps int*4

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

rhow real*4

rhowi real*4

schar real*4 dummy array

slcons real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336472 size:48

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

slmsts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336600 size:48

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

tgp real*4 dummy array

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928

wgp real*4 dummy array

wi real*4 array size:60

zi real*4 array size:60


Module: hydrol Source File: model/rsurfaux.f


fracliq real*4

slcpdsum real*4

tempk real*4

tempktopm real*4

tgp real*4 dummy array

tgpsum real*4


Module: ibindec Source File: lib/rutil.f


str char*(*) dummy


Module: icenuc Source File: model/mic_misc.f


cx real*4 dummy array

dn1 real*4

dtlt real*4 dummy

dynvisc real*4 dummy array

i int*4 dummy

pbvi real*4

pdvi real*4

press real*4 dummy array

ptotvi real*4

ptvi real*4

rx real*4 dummy array

tair real*4 dummy array

tairc real*4 dummy array

thrmcon real*4 dummy array

tx real*4 dummy array

vap real*4 dummy array


Module: initg Source File: model/mic_init.f


gnu1 real*4 dummy

gnu2 real*4 dummy


Module: inithh Source File: model/rhhi.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: initlz Source File: model/rdint.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

ifileok int*4

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

makesst int*4

name_name char*(*) dummy

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

rest char*8

vtab_name char*(*) dummy


Module: initpara Source File: model/rnode.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

iaddr int*4 dummy

iaddrb int*4 dummy

iboff int*4 dummy

init int*4 dummy

ioff int*4 dummy

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

lbc_recvadd int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1296 size:256

lbc_recvoff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:784 size:256

lbc_sendadd int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1040 size:256

lbc_sendoff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:528 size:256

master_num int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:36

membsz int*4 in common /nbndind/ offset:0

memsize int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:0

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24


Module: initv Source File: model/rvari.f


a real*4 dummy array

flnm char*80

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: input_rawi Source File: isan/asti2.f


chstid char dummy array

dz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:28000 size:2000

elev real*4

fz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:30000 size:2000

idsta char*8

lp int*4

lz int*4

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

pp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:12000 size:2000

psnd real*4 dummy array

rp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:26000 size:2000

rsnd real*4 dummy array

stln real*4 dummy array

stlp real*4 dummy array

stlt real*4 dummy array

stlz real*4 dummy array

topsnd real*4 dummy array

tp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:16000 size:2000

tsnd real*4 dummy array

usndz real*4 dummy array

vsndz real*4 dummy array

xlat real*4

xlon real*4

zp real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:14000 size:2000

zsnd real*4 dummy array

zsndz real*4 dummy array

zz real*4 array in common /snding/ offset:24000 size:2000


Module: input_sfc Source File: isan/asti2.f


ddx real*4

ffx real*4

idsta char*5

m1 int*4 dummy

pss real*4 dummy array

px real*4

rss real*4 dummy array

sfln real*4 dummy array

sflt real*4 dummy array

sss real*4 dummy array

tdx real*4

tss real*4 dummy array

tx real*4

uss real*4 dummy array

vss real*4 dummy array

xlat real*4

xlon real*4

zss real*4 dummy array

zx real*4


Module: isan_driver Source File: isan/asgen.f


a real*4 dummy array

ari real*4 array size:4

ars real*4 array size:4

b real*4 dummy array

iaddrp int*4

idate int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:20

iglatn int*4 array size:32

iglonn int*4 array size:32

ihour int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:24

imonth int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:16

ioffari int*4

ioffars int*4

ioffpr int*4

iproc_dates int*8 array in common /isan_proc_8/ offset:0 size:8000

itoptn int*4 array size:32

iyear int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:12

locfn char*80

memari int*4

memars int*4

mempr int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nigrids int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:428

nisn int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:8

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

nsigz int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:444

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

p real*4 array size:4

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

spcnprx real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:100

spcnpry real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:104

splat real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:16

wplon real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:12


Module: isan_file_inv Source File: isan/asgen.f


fnames_fg char array size:128000

fnames_sf char array size:128000

fnames_up char array size:128000

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idate2 int*4

idate_end int*8

idatef int*4

ihour1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:100

ihour2 int*4

ihourf int*4

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

imonth2 int*4

imonthf int*4

indate int*4

inhour int*4

inmonth int*4

inyear int*4

iproc_dates int*8 array in common /isan_proc_8/ offset:0 size:8000

itotdate_fg int*8 array size:8000

itotdate_sf int*8 array size:8000

itotdate_up int*8 array size:8000

itotdates int*8 array size:32000

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

iyear2 int*4

iyearf int*4

ndates int*4

nfgfiles int*4

nsffiles int*4

nupfiles int*4

timmax real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:0


Module: isenio Source File: isan/asgen.f


ifn char*(*) dummy

ioflag int*4

iun int*4 dummy

locfn int*4

npts int*4

scra real*4 dummy array

scrb real*4 dummy array

sdat real*4 dummy array

udat real*4 dummy array


Module: isnsig Source File: isan/avarf.f


n1 int*4 dummy

nki int*4

rr real*4 dummy array

tt real*4 dummy array

uu real*4 dummy array

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr10 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:10944 size:1216

vctr15 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:17024 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr20 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:23104 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vv real*4 dummy array


Module: isnstage Source File: isan/asti.f


a real*4 dummy array

aou real*4 array size:4

api real*4 array size:4

aps real*4 array size:4

ari real*4 dummy array

ars real*4 dummy array

asf real*4 dummy array

chstid char array size:1500

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

gobrad real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:424

gobsep real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:420

gridwt real*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:848 size:40

gxval real*4 array size:2000

gyval real*4 array size:2000

iaddraou int*4

iaddrapi int*4

iaddraps int*4

iaddros int*4

iaddrou int*4

iaddrpps int*4

igridfl int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:416

ioffaou int*4

ioffapi int*4

ioffaps int*4

ioffos int*4

ioffou int*4

ioffpps int*4

maxsfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:36

maxsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:32

memaou int*4

memapi int*4

memaps int*4

memos int*4

memou int*4

mempps int*4

nisn int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:8

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nplot int*4 in common /plscr/ offset:806000

npltraw int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:532

nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

nsigz int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:444

nssfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:4

nsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:0

nwordpi int*4

nwordps int*4

olat1 real*4

olat2 real*4

olatmax real*4

olatmin real*4

olon1 real*4

olon2 real*4

olonmax real*4

olonmin real*4

os real*4 array size:4

ou real*4 array size:4

p real*4 dummy array

plat real*4 dummy array

plon real*4 dummy array

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

pps real*4 array size:4

respon real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:80 size:40

spcnprx real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:100

spcnpry real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:104

splat real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:16

swvlnth real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:120 size:40

wplon real*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:12

wvlnth real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:40 size:40

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224


Module: klbnd Source File: model/rturb.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: kuocp Source File: model/rconv.f


pe real*4 array in common /cpenv/ offset:6800 size:400

rsu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:400 size:400

theu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:0 size:400

thu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:800 size:400

tu real*4 array in common /cpcon/ offset:1200 size:400


Module: lambcon_ps Source File: isan/asti.f


all real*4 dummy array

aps real*4 dummy array

cntlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:56

cntlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:60

glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

np1 int*4 dummy

np2 int*4 dummy

ri real*4

rj real*4

xe real*4

xw real*4

yn real*4

ys real*4


Module: latbnd Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: latlon_ps Source File: isan/asti.f


all real*4 dummy array

aps real*4 dummy array

grx real*4

gry real*4

np1 int*4 dummy

np2 int*4 dummy


Module: latnormv Source File: model/rbnd.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: latset Source File: model/rbnd.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: latset_theta Source File: model/rbnd.f


a real*4 dummy array

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: lc Source File: model/rname.f


str char*(*) dummy


Module: lcl Source File: model/rconv.f


pp0 real*4 dummy

pppi real*4

r0 real*4 dummy

ti real*4


Module: leaf Source File: model/rsurf.f


a real*4

albedt real*4 dummy array

cosz real*4 dummy array

dens real*4 dummy array

dpcpgl real*4 dummy array

fracliq real*4 dummy array

glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gsf real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jz int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

m4 int*4 dummy

pcpgl real*4 dummy array

pis real*4 dummy array

prss real*4 dummy array

qpcpgl real*4 dummy array

rlong real*4 dummy array

rlongup real*4 dummy array

rshort real*4 dummy array

rvs real*4 dummy array

schar real*4 dummy array

snowfac real*4 dummy array

t1 real*4

tempk real*4 dummy array

tgp real*4 dummy array

thetacan real*4 dummy array

ths real*4 dummy array

transp real*4 dummy array

ubmin real*4 in common /all/ offset:1884

ups real*4 dummy array

upwp real*4 dummy array

vels real*4 dummy array

vf real*4 dummy array

vps real*4 dummy array

vpwp real*4 dummy array

vt2da real*4 dummy array

vt2db real*4 dummy array

vt2dc real*4 dummy array

vt2dd real*4 dummy array

vt2de real*4 dummy array

vt2df real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3dc real*4 dummy array

vt3dd real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3di real*4 dummy array

w1 real*4

wgp real*4 dummy array

wprp real*4 dummy array

wptp real*4 dummy array

wpwp real*4 dummy array

zts real*4 dummy array


Module: leaftw Source File: model/rsurf.f


dens real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

fracliq real*4 dummy array

gsf real*4 dummy array

hflxvc real*4

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

kroot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1680 size:72

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

m4 int*4 dummy

nveg int*4

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

pcpgl real*4 dummy array

prss real*4 dummy array

qpcpgl real*4 dummy array

qw real*4

qwshed real*4

qwt real*4

rd real*4

root real*4 array in common /all/ offset:337464 size:1440

rshort real*4 dummy array

schar real*4 dummy array

slbs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336376 size:48

slmsts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336600 size:48

slpots real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336648 size:48

snowfac real*4 dummy array

soilhcap real*4

tempk real*4 dummy array

tgp real*4 dummy array

transp real*4 dummy array

vels real*4 dummy array

vf real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

w real*4

wflxvc real*4

wgp real*4 dummy array

wshed real*4

wt real*4

zts real*4 dummy array


Module: make_autotab Source File: model/mic_init.f


akbar real*4 array size:5184

akbarx real*4 array size:15552

amk real*4 array size:144

amk0 real*4 array size:144

amk1 real*4 array size:144

amk2 real*4 array size:144

ank real*4 array size:144

ank0 real*4 array size:144

ank1 real*4 array size:144

ank2 real*4 array size:144

diam real*4 array size:148

en1 real*4

en2 real*4

gnu real*4 dummy array

r1 real*4

r2 real*4

sum1 real*4

sum10 real*4

sum2 real*4

sum20 real*4

sun1 real*4

sun10 real*4

sun2 real*4

sun20 real*4

x real*4 array size:148


Module: makeplt Source File: isan/aplt.f


arr real*4 dummy array

conrhi real*4

conrinc real*4

conrlo real*4

coor real*4 array size:400000

horiz char*1

icoor int*4 dummy

isflag int*4 dummy

islab int*4 dummy

ittt int*4

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

nib int*4

nie int*4

nii int*4

njb int*4

nje int*4

njj int*4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

px1 real*4

px2 real*4

py1 real*4

py2 real*4

sarr real*4 array size:40000

scoor real*4 array size:40000

topo real*4 dummy array

vert char*1

xmax real*4

xmin real*4

xplot real*4 array size:4000

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

xx1 real*4

xx2 real*4

ymax real*4

ymin real*4

yplot real*4 array size:4000

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

yy1 real*4

yy2 real*4

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224


Module: makesfc1 Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

idatevs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:16000 size:8000

ifileok int*4

ihourvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:24000 size:8000

imonthvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:8000 size:8000

iyearvs int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:0 size:8000

makesst int*4

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24


Module: makevarf Source File: isan/avarf.f


a real*4 dummy array

ari real*4 dummy array

ars real*4 dummy array

asf real*4 dummy array

guess1st char*8 in common /cntrlc/ offset:808

hybbot real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:436

hybtop real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:440

levth int*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:12 size:400

nisn int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:8

nsigz int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:444

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

sfcinf real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:888

sigzwt real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:892


Module: mapback Source File: isan/astga.f


jgridsp int*4 dummy

plat real*4 dummy

plon real*4 dummy

snelat real*4 dummy

snelon real*4 dummy

swlat real*4 dummy

swlon real*4 dummy


Module: mapbacklc Source File: isan/astga.f


jgridsp int*4 dummy

plat real*4 dummy

plon real*4 dummy

rota real*4 dummy

snelat real*4 dummy

snelon real*4 dummy

swlat real*4 dummy

swlon real*4 dummy


Module: master_getall Source File: model/mpass_full.F


a real*4 dummy array

ibcflg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:25096 size:2048

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

il1 int*4

ir2 int*4

ixoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:16384 size:2048

iyoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:18432 size:2048

jb1 int*4

jt2 int*4

msgtags int*4 array size:16

msgtyp int*4

mxp int*4

mxyp int*4

mxysp int*4

mxyzp int*4

myp int*4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672


Module: master_sendinit Source File: model/mpass_full.F


a real*4 dummy array

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

mxp int*4

mxyp int*4

mxysp int*4

mxyzp int*4

myp int*4

n4 int*4

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nxbeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:0 size:2048

nxend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:2048 size:2048

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nybeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:4096 size:2048

nyend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:6144 size:2048

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vtime1 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:0

vtime2 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:4


Module: masterput_cofnest Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

ei1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:59844 size:41696

ei2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:101540 size:41696

ei3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:143236 size:41696

ei4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:184932 size:41696

ei5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:226628 size:41696

ei6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:268324 size:41696

ei7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:310020 size:41696

ej1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:351716 size:9696

ej2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:361412 size:9696

ej3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:371108 size:9696

ej4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:380804 size:9696

ej5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:390500 size:9696

ej6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:400196 size:9696

ej7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:409892 size:9696

ek1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:419588 size:4224

ek2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:423812 size:4224

ek3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:428036 size:4224

ek4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:432260 size:4224

ek5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:436484 size:4224

ek6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:440708 size:4224

ek7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:444932 size:4224

fbcf real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:449156 size:16896

iabuff int*4

iobuff int*4

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nwords int*4


Module: masterput_grid_dimens Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

ibcflg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:25096 size:2048

iget_paths_master int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:4635148 size: 786432

inode_paths_master int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:47628 size: 4587520

iobuff int*4

ixoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:16384 size:2048

iyoff int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:18432 size:2048

lbc_buffs int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5421580 size:32768

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nbuff_nest1 int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5454348 size:256

newbuff_nest1 int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:5454604 size:256

nwords int*4

nxbegc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:8192 size:2048

nxendc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:10240 size:2048

nxpts int*4

nybegc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:12288 size:2048

nyendc int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:14336 size:2048

nypts int*4

nzpts int*4


Module: masterput_gridinit Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

iobuff int*4

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nnx int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:0 size:32

nnx1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:32 size:32

nnx2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:64 size:32

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

nnxysp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:288 size:32

nnxyzp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:256 size:32

nny int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:96 size:32

nny1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:128 size:32

nny2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:160 size:32

nnz int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:192 size:32

nwords int*4


Module: masterput_gridset Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

deltazn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338932 size:32

dtlongn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339568 size:32

dzm2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:12672 size:4224

dzmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:4224 size:4224

dzt2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:8448 size:4224

dztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:0 size:4224

iabuff int*4

iobuff int*4

ipm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4228 size:41696

jpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:45924 size:9696

kpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:55620 size:4224

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nrz int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4 size:4224

nwords int*4

xmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:58592 size:41696

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ymn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:109984 size:9696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028


Module: masterput_micphys Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cfvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360584 size:60

coltabc real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:1892 size:148800

coltabr real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:150692 size:209600

emb0 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360704 size:28

iabuff int*4

iobuff int*4

ipairc int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:92 size:900

ipairr int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:992 size:900

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nwords int*4

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

pwvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360644 size:60

shape real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360404 size:60


Module: masterput_misc Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

ht real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:0 size:528

ht2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:528 size:528

ht2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:4224 size:4224

ht4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1056 size:528

ht4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:8448 size:4224

htn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:0 size:4224

hw real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1584 size:528

hw2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2112 size:528

hw2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:16896 size:4224

hw4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2640 size:528

hw4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:21120 size:4224

hwn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:12672 size:4224

iabuff int*4

iadvf int*4 in common /all/ offset:16

iadvl int*4 in common /all/ offset:12

ibctop int*4 in common /all/ offset:140

impl int*4 in common /all/ offset:8

iobuff int*4

isched int*4 array in common /schedule/ offset:4 size:2000

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

nsubs int*4 in common /schedule/ offset:0

ntsteps int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:64

nwords int*4

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

sspct real*4 in common /all/ offset:2044

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224


Module: masterput_nl Source File: model/mpass_init.F


akmin real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1852 size:32

albedo real*4 in common /all/ offset:1892

aparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:80

buff real*4 array size:4

centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

confrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1780

cparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:64

cphas real*4 in common /all/ offset:2032

csx real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1816 size:32

csz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1784 size:32

deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

deltaz real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3176

distim real*4 in common /all/ offset:1772

drtcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1760

dthcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1964

dtlong real*4 in common /all/ offset:2036

dzmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:339564

dzrat real*4 in common /all/ offset:339560

frqanl real*4 in common /files/ offset:4

frqhis real*4 in common /files/ offset:0

frqprt real*4 in common /prtcom/ offset:2404

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

gparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:84

gridu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339664 size:32

gridv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339696 size:32

hparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:88

iabuff int*4

iaggr int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:24

ibnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:32

icloud int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:8

icorflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:40

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idiffk int*4 array in common /all/ offset:104 size:32

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

ihtran int*4 in common /all/ offset:60

ilwrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:44

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

initfld int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:60

initial int*4 in common /all/ offset:4

inucprg int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:4

iobuff int*4

ioutput int*4 in common /files/ offset:8

ipris int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:16

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

isfcl int*4 in common /all/ offset:136

isnow int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:20

iswrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:48

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

jbnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:36

jnmb int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:36 size:28

lcon int*4

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

lonrad int*4 in common /all/ offset:20

lsflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:28

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

naddsc int*4 in common /all/ offset:1648

nestz1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1652

nestz2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1656

nfpt int*4 in common /all/ offset:64

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

nknest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1616 size:32

nndtrat int*4 array in common /all/ offset:176 size:32

nnqparm int*4 array in common /all/ offset:144 size:32

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nratio int*4 in common /all/ offset:72

nslcon int*4 in common /soil2/ offset:164

nstratx int*4 array in common /all/ offset:208 size:32

nstraty int*4 array in common /all/ offset:240 size:32

nstratz1 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:272 size:528

nstratz2 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:800 size:528

nudlat int*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3700

nvegpat int*4 in common /all/ offset:1676

nvgcon int*4 in common /veg2/ offset:0

nwords int*4

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzs int*4 in common /all/ offset:1664

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

pparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:72

radfrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1768

rparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:68

seatmp real*4 in common /all/ offset:1776

slmstr real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:80 size:80

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

soildz real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:160

sparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:76

stgoff real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:0 size:80

timmax real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:0

timstr real*4 in common /files/ offset:16

tnudcent real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3708

tnudlat real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3704

tnudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3712

tvgoff real*4 in common /veg2/ offset:4

wcldbs real*4 in common /all/ offset:1756

xkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1896 size:32

zkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1928 size:32

znudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3716

zrough real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:168

zz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339032 size:528


Module: masterput_processid Source File: model/mpass_init.F


machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

mainnum int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:22528

nmachs int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:24836

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: masterput_vtab Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

iobuff int*4

isclrp int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27296 size:2240

isclrt int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:29536 size:2240

ivopt2d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:4480 size:4480

ivopt3d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:0 size:4480

ivopt3ds char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:8960 size:4480

ivopt3m char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:17920 size:560

ivtab2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:2624 size:2240

ivtab3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:384 size:2240

ivtab3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:4864 size:2240

ivtab3m int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:31776 size:280

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

mp2tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9120 size:2240

mp2tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11392 size:2240

mp2tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13664 size:2240

mp2tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15936 size:2240

mp3tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:32 size:2240

mp3tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2304 size:2240

mp3tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4576 size:2240

mp3tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6848 size:2240

mpstab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18208 size:2240

mpstab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20480 size:2240

mpstab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22752 size:2240

mpstabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:25024 size:2240

nmp21 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9088 size:32

nmp22 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11360 size:32

nmp23 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13632 size:32

nmp2i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15904 size:32

nmp31 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:0 size:32

nmp32 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2272 size:32

nmp33 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4544 size:32

nmp3i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6816 size:32

nmps1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18176 size:32

nmps2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20448 size:32

nmps3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22720 size:32

nmpsi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:24992 size:32

nsclr int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27264 size:32

nv2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:32 size:32

nv3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:0 size:32

nv3dmt int*4 in common /vtabls/ offset:32056

nv3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:64 size:32

nwords int*4


Module: mcphys Source File: model/mic_driv.f


accpx real*4 array size:28

c1tabcc real*4 array size:120

c1tabcr real*4 array size:18000

c2tabcc real*4 array size:120

c2tabrr real*4 array size:1600

cap real*4 dummy array

ccp real*4 dummy array

cctab real*4 array size:2956800

cfden real*4 array size:60

cfemb0 real*4 array size:60

cfen0 real*4 array size:60

cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cfmasft real*4 array size:60

cfvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360584 size:60

cgp real*4 dummy array

chp real*4 dummy array

colf real*4

colfacc real*4 dummy array

colfacc2 real*4 dummy array

colfacr real*4 dummy array

colfacr2 real*4 dummy array

coltabc real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:1892 size:148800

coltabr real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:150692 size:209600

cparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:64

cpp real*4 dummy array

crp real*4 dummy array

csp real*4 dummy array

cx real*4 dummy array

d1ecc real*4

d1ecr real*4

d1max real*4

d1min real*4

d2max real*4

d2min real*4

denfac real*4 dummy array

dict real*4 array size:60

dispemb0 real*4 array size:28

dispemb1 real*4 array size:28

dn0 real*4 dummy array

dn0i real*4 dummy array

dnfac real*4 array size:60

dpcp0 real*4 array size:28

dpcpg real*4 dummy array

dps real*4

dps2 real*4

dpsmi real*4 array size:60

dtlt real*4 dummy

dynvisc real*4 dummy array

dzt real*4 dummy array

eff real*4 dummy array

emb real*4 dummy array

emb0 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360704 size:28

emb0log real*4 array size:28

emb1 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360732 size:28

emb1log real*4 array size:28

enmlttab real*4 array size:12060

enxfer real*4 dummy array

fracc real*4 array size:9240

frachz real*4 array size:1040

frefac1 real*4 array size:60

frefac2 real*4 array size:60

gam real*4 array size:60000

gaminc real*4 array size:40000

gamm real*4 array size:16

gamn1 real*4 array size:16

gamsip13 real*4 array size:20000

gamsip24 real*4 array size:20000

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

ia int*4 dummy

icat int*4

iccnprg int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:0

ict1 int*4 dummy array

ict2 int*4 dummy array

ipairc int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:92 size:900

ipairr int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:992 size:900

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 dummy

jhabtab int*4 array size:24800

jhcat int*4 dummy array

jnmb int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:36 size:28

jz int*4 dummy

k1 int*4 array size:40

k1cnuc int*4

k1pnuc int*4

k2 int*4 array size:40

k2cnuc int*4

k2pnuc int*4

k3 int*4 array size:40

kfall int*4 dummy array

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

mc1 int*4

mc2 int*4

mc3 int*4

n2 int*4

n3 int*4

nembs int*4 dummy

ngr int*4 dummy

parm real*4 array size:28

pcpfill real*4 dummy array

pcpg real*4 dummy array

pcprx real*4 array size:28

pi real*4 dummy array

pi0 real*4 dummy array

pi4dt real*4

pow1 real*4

pp real*4 dummy array

press real*4 dummy array

pwden real*4 array size:60

pwemb0 real*4 array size:60

pwen0 real*4 array size:60

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

pwvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360644 size:60

q2 real*4 dummy array

q6 real*4 dummy array

q7 real*4 dummy array

qhydm real*4 dummy array

qpcpg real*4 dummy array

qr real*4 dummy array

qrxfer real*4 dummy array

qx real*4 dummy array

r1tabcc real*4 array size:120

r1tabcr real*4 array size:18000

r2ecr real*4

r2err real*4

r2max real*4

r2min real*4

rap real*4 dummy array

rcp real*4 dummy array

rctab real*4 array size:2956800

rdynvsci real*4 dummy array

rgp real*4 dummy array

rhp real*4 dummy array

rice real*4 dummy array

rictmax real*4

rictmin real*4

rliq real*4 dummy array

rmlttab real*4 array size:804

rpp real*4 dummy array

rrp real*4 dummy array

rsp real*4 dummy array

rtgt real*4 dummy array

rtp real*4 dummy array

rv real*4 dummy array

rvisair real*4 dummy array

rvlsair real*4 dummy array

rvs0 real*4 dummy array

rvsref real*4 dummy array

rvsrefp real*4 dummy array

rvstr real*4 dummy array

rx real*4 dummy array

rxfer real*4 dummy array

sa real*4 dummy array

sb real*4 dummy array

sc real*4 array size:8

sclp real*4 dummy array

sd real*4 dummy array

se real*4 dummy array

sf real*4 dummy array

sfcpcp real*4 dummy array

sg real*4 dummy array

sh real*4 dummy array

shape real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360404 size:60

shedtab real*4 array size:12060

sipfac real*4 array size:60

sj real*4 array size:28

sk real*4 array size:8

sl real*4 array size:8

sm real*4 dummy array

ss real*4 dummy array

su real*4 dummy array

sumuy real*4 dummy array

sumuz real*4 dummy array

sumvr real*4 dummy array

sw real*4 dummy array

sy real*4 dummy array

sz real*4 dummy array

tair real*4 dummy array

tairc real*4 dummy array

tairstrc real*4 dummy array

theta real*4 dummy array

thp real*4 dummy array

thrmcon real*4 dummy array

til real*4 dummy array

tref real*4 dummy array

ttest real*4 dummy array

tx real*4 dummy array

vap real*4 dummy array

vapdif real*4 dummy array

vctr31 real*4 dummy array

vctr32 real*4 dummy array

vctr33 real*4 dummy array

vt real*4 dummy array

vtfac real*4 array size:60

wct1 real*4 dummy array

wct2 real*4 dummy array

zm real*4 dummy array


Module: micinit Source File: model/mic_init.f


dpsi real*4

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28


Module: micro Source File: model/mic_driv.f


a real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

dzt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17084 size:528

enxfer real*4 array size:25872

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jz int*4 dummy

kfall int*4 array size:120000

mxp int*4 dummy

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy

nembs int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

pcpfill real*4 array size:8000000

qrxfer real*4 array size:25872

rxfer real*4 array size:25872

sfcpcp real*4 array size:120000

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928

vmc real*4 array size:15312

vmic real*4 array size:96096

vmic10 real*4 array size:5280

vmic2 real*4 array size:3168

vmic9 real*4 array size:4752

zm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16556 size:528


Module: micro_master Source File: model/mic_init.f


cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cfvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360584 size:60

cname char*80

coltabc real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:1892 size:148800

coltabr real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:150692 size:209600

emb0 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360704 size:28

emb1 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360732 size:28

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

ipairc int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:92 size:900

ipairr int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:992 size:900

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

pwvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360644 size:60


Module: mkccntab Source File: model/mic_init.f


press real*4

tair real*4

trefl real*4


Module: mkcoltb Source File: model/mic_init.f


ans real*4

cfvt real*4 dummy array

dnx real*4

dny real*4

dx real*4 array size:80

dxhi real*4

dxlo real*4

fx real*4 array size:80

gnu real*4 dummy array

gx real*4 array size:80

gyn1 real*4

gyn2 real*4

gynp real*4

gynp1 real*4

gynp2 real*4

pwvt real*4 dummy array

vny real*4


Module: mksedim_tab Source File: model/mic_init.f


diam real*4

diam0 real*4

gnu real*4 dummy array


Module: model Source File: model/rdriv.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

isched int*4 array in common /schedule/ offset:4 size:2000

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

t1 real*4

t2 real*4

wtime_start real*4


Module: movenest Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4

ibpx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:292 size:32

ibsx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:388 size:2240

ibux int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:4 size:32

ibvx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:100 size:32

ibwx int*4 array in common /nbndind/ offset:196 size:32

idi int*4

idj int*4

ifm int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nx int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:4

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52

nxysp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:56

nxyzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:48

ny int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:20

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: mrsi Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy array

t real*4 dummy array


Module: mrsl Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy array

t real*4 dummy array


Module: namein Source File: lib/rname.f


fnum real*4

group char*(*) dummy

int int*4

isub1 int*4

isub2 int*4

iunit int*4 dummy

line char*80

linew char*80

ncw int*4

nr int*4

ntok int*4

nvalue int*4

tokens char array size:4000

value char array size:8000

varn char*20


Module: negadj1 Source File: model/mic_misc.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216

vctr7 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:7296 size:1216

vctr9 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:9728 size:1216


Module: newtemp Source File: model/mic_misc.f


press real*4 dummy array

tair real*4 dummy array


Module: node_decomp Source File: model/para_init.f


a real*4 dummy array

ibcflg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:25096 size:2048

iget_paths_master int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:4635148 size: 786432

inode_paths_master int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:47628 size: 4587520

ipm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4228 size:41696

ixb int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:39436 size:2048

ixe int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:41484 size:2048

iyb int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:43532 size:2048

iye int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:45580 size:2048

jpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:45924 size:9696

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

nmachs int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:24836

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nxbeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:0 size:2048

nxend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:2048 size:2048

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

nybeg int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:4096 size:2048

nyend int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:6144 size:2048


Module: node_getfeed Source File: model/mpass_feed.F


a real*4 dummy array

buff real*4 array size:4

buffm real*4 array size:4

i1 int*4

i1c int*4

i2 int*4

i2c int*4

iadbuff int*4

iadbuffm int*4

ibuff int*4

ibuffm int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

ivar_feed int*4 array size:280

ivar_type int*4 array size:280

j1 int*4

j1c int*4

j2 int*4

j2c int*4

k1 int*4

k1c int*4

k2 int*4

k2c int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machf int*4

mi0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:224 size:32

mibcon int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:288 size:32

mj0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:256 size:32

mmxp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:0 size:32

mmyp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:32 size:32

mmzp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:64 size:32

msgid int*4

nbuff_feed int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:4

nfx int*4

nfy int*4

nfz int*4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nvar int*4

nwds int*4

nwords int*4


Module: node_getinit Source File: model/mpass_full.F


a real*4 dummy array

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

msgtype int*4

mxyp int*4

mxysp int*4

mxyzp int*4

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vtime1 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:0

vtime2 real*4 in common /var2/ offset:4


Module: node_getlbc Source File: model/mpass_lbc.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

msgid int*4

mtc int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

node_src int*4


Module: node_getnbc Source File: model/mpass_nest.F


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

c real*4 array size:4

i1c int*4 array size:256

i2c int*4 array size:256

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

icoff int*4

ifm int*4 dummy

ihostnum int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

ivar_feed int*4 array size:280

ivar_type int*4 array size:280

j1c int*4 array size:256

j2c int*4 array size:256

k1c int*4 array size:256

k2c int*4 array size:256

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machf int*4

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

mi0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:224 size:32

mibcon int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:288 size:32

mj0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:256 size:32

mmxp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:0 size:32

mmyp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:32 size:32

mmzp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:64 size:32

msgid int*4

nbuff_nest int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:12

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nvar int*4

nwords int*4

nxc int*4

nyc int*4

nzc int*4


Module: node_getst Source File: model/mpass_st.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

msgid int*4

mtc int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

node_src int*4


Module: node_getturb Source File: model/mpass_turb.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

msgid int*4

mtc int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

node_src int*4


Module: node_index Source File: model/rnode.f


ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44


Module: node_sendall Source File: model/mpass_full.F


a real*4 dummy array

master_num int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:36

msgnum int*4

msgtags int*4 array size:16

mxyp int*4

mxysp int*4

mxyzp int*4


Module: node_sendfeed Source File: model/mpass_feed.F


a real*4 dummy array

buff real*4 array size:4

buffm real*4 array size:4

i0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:28

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

iadbuff int*4

iadbuffm int*4

ibuff int*4

ibuffm int*4

ibytes int*4

icm int*4

ifm int*4

ihostnum int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

iptr int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

ivar_feed int*4 array size:280

ivar_type int*4 array size:280

j0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:32

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

k1c int*4

k2c int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

msgid int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

nbuff_feed int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nstratx int*4 array in common /all/ offset:208 size:32

nstraty int*4 array in common /all/ offset:240 size:32

nvar int*4

nwords int*4


Module: node_sendlbc Source File: model/mpass_lbc.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

msgid int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: node_sendnbc Source File: model/mpass_nest.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

iptr int*4

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

ivar_feed int*4 array size:280

ivar_type int*4 array size:280

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

k1 int*4

k2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

mi0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:224 size:32

mj0 int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:256 size:32

mmxp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:0 size:32

mmyp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:32 size:32

mmzp int*4 array in common /pnoden/ offset:64 size:32

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

nvar int*4


Module: node_sendst Source File: model/mpass_st.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

msgid int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: node_sendturb Source File: model/mpass_turb.F


a real*4 dummy array

i1 int*4

i2 int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

irecv_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:0 size:256

isend_req int*4 array in common /requests/ offset:256 size:256

j1 int*4

j2 int*4

lbc int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:1552 size:4

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

msgid int*4

mtp int*4

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: nodeget_cofnest Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 dummy array size:4

ei1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:59844 size:41696

ei2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:101540 size:41696

ei3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:143236 size:41696

ei4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:184932 size:41696

ei5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:226628 size:41696

ei6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:268324 size:41696

ei7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:310020 size:41696

ej1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:351716 size:9696

ej2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:361412 size:9696

ej3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:371108 size:9696

ej4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:380804 size:9696

ej5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:390500 size:9696

ej6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:400196 size:9696

ej7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:409892 size:9696

ek1 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:419588 size:4224

ek2 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:423812 size:4224

ek3 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:428036 size:4224

ek4 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:432260 size:4224

ek5 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:436484 size:4224

ek6 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:440708 size:4224

ek7 real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:444932 size:4224

fbcf real*4 array in common /nest/ offset:449156 size:16896

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

msgtype int*4

nwords int*4


Module: nodeget_grid_dimens Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

iget_paths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:104712 size:12288

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

ipaths int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:33032 size:71680

lbc_buff int*4 array in common /buff_sizes/ offset:16 size:512

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

msgtype int*4

nbuff_nest int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:12

newbuff_nest int*4 in common /buff_sizes/ offset:8

nodei0 int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:14596 size:2048

nodeia int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:6404 size:2048

nodeibcon int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:18692 size:2048

nodeiz int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:8452 size:2048

nodej0 int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:16644 size:2048

nodeja int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:10500 size:2048

nodejz int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:12548 size:2048

nodemxp int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:260 size:2048

nodemyp int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:2308 size:2048

nodemzp int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4356 size:2048

nwords int*4


Module: nodeget_gridinit Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

msgtype int*4

nnx int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:0 size:32

nnx1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:32 size:32

nnx2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:64 size:32

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

nnxysp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:288 size:32

nnxyzp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:256 size:32

nny int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:96 size:32

nny1 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:128 size:32

nny2 int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:160 size:32

nnz int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:192 size:32

nwords int*4


Module: nodeget_gridset Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

deltaxn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338964 size:32

deltayn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338996 size:32

deltazn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:338932 size:32

dtlongn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339568 size:32

dzm2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:12672 size:4224

dzmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:4224 size:4224

dzt2n real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:8448 size:4224

dztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:0 size:4224

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

ipm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4228 size:41696

jpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:45924 size:9696

kpm int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:55620 size:4224

msgtype int*4

nrz int*4 array in common /nest/ offset:4 size:4224

nwords int*4

xmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:58592 size:41696

xtn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:16896 size:41696

ymn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:109984 size:9696

ytn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:100288 size:9696

zmn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:123904 size:4224

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028


Module: nodeget_micphys Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

cfmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360464 size:60

cfvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360584 size:60

coltabc real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:1892 size:148800

coltabr real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:150692 size:209600

emb0 real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360704 size:28

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

ipairc int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:92 size:900

ipairr int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:992 size:900

msgtype int*4

nwords int*4

pwmas real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360524 size:60

pwvt real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360644 size:60

shape real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360404 size:60


Module: nodeget_misc Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

dn01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:323032 size:4224

ht real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:0 size:528

ht2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:528 size:528

ht2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:4224 size:4224

ht4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1056 size:528

ht4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:8448 size:4224

htn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:0 size:4224

hw real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1584 size:528

hw2 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2112 size:528

hw2n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:16896 size:4224

hw4 real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:2640 size:528

hw4n real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:21120 size:4224

hwn real*4 array in common /sigmaz/ offset:12672 size:4224

iabuff int*4

iadvf int*4 in common /all/ offset:16

iadvl int*4 in common /all/ offset:12

ibctop int*4 in common /all/ offset:140

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

impl int*4 in common /all/ offset:8

iobuff int*4

isched int*4 array in common /schedule/ offset:4 size:2000

msgtype int*4

nsubs int*4 in common /schedule/ offset:0

ntsteps int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:64

nwords int*4

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

sspct real*4 in common /all/ offset:2044

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

time real*4 in common /all/ offset:338928

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224


Module: nodeget_nl Source File: model/mpass_init.F


akmin real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1852 size:32

albedo real*4 in common /all/ offset:1892

aparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:80

buff real*4 array size:4

centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

confrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1780

cparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:64

cphas real*4 in common /all/ offset:2032

csx real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1816 size:32

csz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1784 size:32

deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

deltaz real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3176

distim real*4 in common /all/ offset:1772

drtcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1760

dthcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1964

dtlong real*4 in common /all/ offset:2036

dzmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:339564

dzrat real*4 in common /all/ offset:339560

frqanl real*4 in common /files/ offset:4

frqhis real*4 in common /files/ offset:0

frqprt real*4 in common /prtcom/ offset:2404

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

gparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:84

gridu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339664 size:32

gridv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339696 size:32

hparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:88

iabuff int*4

iaggr int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:24

ibnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:32

ibytes int*4

icloud int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:8

icorflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:40

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idiffk int*4 array in common /all/ offset:104 size:32

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

ihostnum int*4

ihtran int*4 in common /all/ offset:60

ilwrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:44

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

initfld int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:60

initial int*4 in common /all/ offset:4

inucprg int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:4

iobuff int*4

ioutput int*4 in common /files/ offset:8

ipris int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:16

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

isfcl int*4 in common /all/ offset:136

isnow int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:20

iswrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:48

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

jbnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:36

jnmb int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:36 size:28

lcon int*4

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

lonrad int*4 in common /all/ offset:20

lsflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:28

msgtype int*4

naddsc int*4 in common /all/ offset:1648

nestz1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1652

nestz2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1656

nfpt int*4 in common /all/ offset:64

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

nknest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1616 size:32

nndtrat int*4 array in common /all/ offset:176 size:32

nnqparm int*4 array in common /all/ offset:144 size:32

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nratio int*4 in common /all/ offset:72

nslcon int*4 in common /soil2/ offset:164

nstratx int*4 array in common /all/ offset:208 size:32

nstraty int*4 array in common /all/ offset:240 size:32

nstratz1 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:272 size:528

nstratz2 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:800 size:528

nudlat int*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3700

nvegpat int*4 in common /all/ offset:1676

nvgcon int*4 in common /veg2/ offset:0

nwords int*4

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzs int*4 in common /all/ offset:1664

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

pparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:72

radfrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1768

rparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:68

seatmp real*4 in common /all/ offset:1776

slmstr real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:80 size:80

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

soildz real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:160

sparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:76

stgoff real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:0 size:80

timmax real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:0

timstr real*4 in common /files/ offset:16

tnudcent real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3708

tnudlat real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3704

tnudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3712

tvgoff real*4 in common /veg2/ offset:4

wcldbs real*4 in common /all/ offset:1756

xkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1896 size:32

zkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1928 size:32

znudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3716

zrough real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:168

zz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339032 size:528


Module: nodeget_processid Source File: model/mpass_init.F


ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

machs int*4 array in common /machinfo/ offset:4 size:256

master_num int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:36

mchnum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:40

msgtype int*4

mynum int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:52

nmachs int*4 in common /machinfo/ offset:0

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216


Module: nodeget_vtab Source File: model/mpass_init.F


buff real*4 array size:4

iabuff int*4

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

iobuff int*4

isclrp int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27296 size:2240

isclrt int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:29536 size:2240

ivopt2d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:4480 size:4480

ivopt3d char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:0 size:4480

ivopt3ds char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:8960 size:4480

ivopt3m char array in common /vtabopt/ offset:17920 size:560

ivtab2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:2624 size:2240

ivtab3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:384 size:2240

ivtab3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:4864 size:2240

ivtab3m int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:31776 size:280

mp2tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9120 size:2240

mp2tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11392 size:2240

mp2tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13664 size:2240

mp2tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15936 size:2240

mp3tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:32 size:2240

mp3tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2304 size:2240

mp3tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4576 size:2240

mp3tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6848 size:2240

mpstab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18208 size:2240

mpstab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20480 size:2240

mpstab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22752 size:2240

mpstabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:25024 size:2240

msgtype int*4

nmp21 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9088 size:32

nmp22 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11360 size:32

nmp23 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13632 size:32

nmp2i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15904 size:32

nmp31 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:0 size:32

nmp32 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2272 size:32

nmp33 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4544 size:32

nmp3i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6816 size:32

nmps1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18176 size:32

nmps2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20448 size:32

nmps3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22720 size:32

nmpsi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:24992 size:32

nsclr int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27264 size:32

nv2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:32 size:32

nv3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:0 size:32

nv3dmt int*4 in common /vtabls/ offset:32056

nv3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:64 size:32

nwords int*4


Module: nstbdriv Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nstbot int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:68

nsttop int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:64

tymeinvs real*4

tymeinvv real*4


Module: nstbtnd Source File: model/rnest.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: nstfeed Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4

ibcon int*4

icm int*4

ifm int*4 dummy

iz int*4

ja int*4

jz int*4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: nudge Source File: model/rvari.f


ibcon int*4

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

pi0 real*4 dummy array

rtgt real*4 dummy array

varp real*4 dummy array

varp2 real*4 dummy array

varpf real*4 dummy array

varpp real*4 dummy array

varrf real*4 dummy array

varrp real*4 dummy array

vartf real*4 dummy array

vartp real*4 dummy array


Module: nvfillm Source File: model/rname.f


afilout char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:240

akmin real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1852 size:32

albedo real*4 in common /all/ offset:1892

aparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:80

cc char*(*) dummy

centlat real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1968 size:32

centlon real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2000 size:32

coltabfn char*80 in common /micphys/ offset:360296

confrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1780

cparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:64

cphas real*4 in common /all/ offset:2032

csx real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1816 size:32

csz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1784 size:32

deltax real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3168

deltay real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3172

deltaz real*4 in common /grid/ offset:3176

distim real*4 in common /all/ offset:1772

drtcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1760

dthcon real*4 in common /all/ offset:1964

dtlong real*4 in common /all/ offset:2036

dzmax real*4 in common /all/ offset:339564

dzrat real*4 in common /all/ offset:339560

expnme char*64 in common /allch/ offset:0

ff real*4 dummy

frqanl real*4 in common /files/ offset:4

frqhis real*4 in common /files/ offset:0

frqprt real*4 in common /prtcom/ offset:2404

gnu real*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:360376 size:28

gparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:84

grids char array size:336

gridu real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339664 size:32

gridv real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339696 size:32

group char*(*) dummy

hfilin char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:0

hfilout char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:80

hparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:88

hs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:335480 size:800

iaa int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:604 size:200

iab int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:804 size:200

iaggr int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:24

ibnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:32

icloud int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:8

icorflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:40

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idiffk int*4 array in common /all/ offset:104 size:32

igraup int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:28

igrids int*4 array size:168

ihail int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:32

ihtran int*4 in common /all/ offset:60

ii int*4 dummy

iindat int*4 array size:216

ilwrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:44

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

indat char array size:432

initfld int*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:60

initial int*4 in common /all/ offset:4

inrflg int*4

inucprg int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:4

ioutput int*4 in common /files/ offset:8

iplfld char array in common /prtchr/ offset:800 size:400

iplvect int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:204 size:200

ipris int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:16

iprnt int*4 array size:64

ipsflg int*4 in common /soundg/ offset:0

irain int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:12

irtsflg int*4 in common /soundg/ offset:8

is1 int*4

isbval int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:404 size:200

isfcl int*4 in common /all/ offset:136

isnow int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:20

isoilflg int*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:96 size:32

isoilfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:1920 size:640

isound int*4 array size:40

isstflg int*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:32 size:32

isstfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:640 size:640

istart int*4 array size:132

iswrtyp int*4 in common /all/ offset:48

itime1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1960

itoptflg int*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:0 size:32

itoptfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:0 size:640

itsflg int*4 in common /soundg/ offset:4

iupdsst int*4 in common /sst2/ offset:96160

iusflg int*4 in common /soundg/ offset:12

ivegtflg int*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:64 size:32

ivegtfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:1280 size:640

ixsctn int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:4 size:200

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88

jbnd int*4 in common /all/ offset:36

joa int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1004 size:200

job int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1204 size:200

kwrite int*4 in common /files/ offset:24

level int*4 in common /option/ offset:0

lonrad int*4 in common /all/ offset:20

lsflg int*4 in common /all/ offset:28

mkcoltab int*4 in common /micphys/ offset:360292

naavg int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1604 size:200

naddsc int*4 in common /all/ offset:1648

nestz1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1652

nestz2 int*4 in common /all/ offset:1656

nfpt int*4 in common /all/ offset:64

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

ninest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1552 size:32

njnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1584 size:32

nknest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1616 size:32

nndtrat int*4 array in common /all/ offset:176 size:32

nnqparm int*4 array in common /all/ offset:144 size:32

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

noavg int*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1804 size:200

nofilflg int*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:128 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

nplt int*4 in common /prtcom/ offset:0

nratio int*4 in common /all/ offset:72

nslcon int*4 in common /soil2/ offset:164

nstratx int*4 array in common /all/ offset:208 size:32

nstraty int*4 array in common /all/ offset:240 size:32

nstratz1 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:272 size:528

nstratz2 int*4 array in common /all/ offset:800 size:528

nudlat int*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3700

nvegpat int*4 in common /all/ offset:1676

nvgcon int*4 in common /veg2/ offset:0

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

nzg int*4 in common /all/ offset:1660

nzs int*4 in common /all/ offset:1664

pctlcon real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:172

plconhi real*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:2204 size:200

plconin real*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:1404 size:200

plconlo real*4 array in common /prtcom/ offset:2004 size:200

plfmt char array in common /prtchr/ offset:0 size:400

pltit char array in common /prtchr/ offset:400 size:400

polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

pparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:72

prnt char array size:128

ps real*4 array in common /all/ offset:334680 size:800

radfrq real*4 in common /all/ offset:1768

rparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:68

rts real*4 array in common /soundg/ offset:16 size:800

runtype char*10 in common /filchr/ offset:320

seatmp real*4 in common /all/ offset:1776

sfcfiles char*80 in common /filchr/ offset:331

silavwt real*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:160 size:32

slmstr real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:80 size:80

slz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336520 size:80

soildz real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:160

sound char array size:80

sparm real*4 in common /micphys/ offset:76

sstfpfx char*80 in common /sstchr/ offset:2561280

start char array size:264

stgoff real*4 array in common /soil2/ offset:0 size:80

timeunit char*1 in common /filchr/ offset:330

timmax real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:0

timstr real*4 in common /files/ offset:16

tnudcent real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3708

tnudlat real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3704

tnudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3712

toptwvl real*4 array in common /topocom/ offset:192 size:32

ts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333080 size:800

tvgoff real*4 in common /veg2/ offset:4

us real*4 array in common /all/ offset:331480 size:800

varfpfx char*80 in common /varchr/ offset:160160

vr char*(*) dummy

vs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:332280 size:800

wcldbs real*4 in common /all/ offset:1756

xkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1896 size:32

zkhkm real*4 array in common /all/ offset:1928 size:32

znudtop real*4 in common /stuff/ offset:3716

zrough real*4 in common /soil2/ offset:168

zz real*4 array in common /all/ offset:339032 size:528


Module: nvfills Source File: isan/asgen.f


acon3 real*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:444 size:120

cons3 real*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:156 size:120

consz real*4 array in common /pcstsz/ offset:12 size:120

control char array size:136

conu1 real*4 array in common /pcst1/ offset:88 size:120

conu3 real*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:36 size:120

cv char*(*) dummy

fv real*4 dummy

gobrad real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:424

gobsep real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:420

gridwt real*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:848 size:40

group char*(*) dummy

guess1st char*8 in common /cntrlc/ offset:808

hybbot real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:436

hybtop real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:440

i1st_flg int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:60

iapr char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:568

iarawi char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:648

iasrfce char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:728

ibot1j int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:216

ibot3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:284

icontrol int*4 array size:68

icra3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:84 size:80

icrb3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:164 size:80

icrfld3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:960 size:240

icrl3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:244 size:80

icrtyp3 int*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:4 size:80

idonlys char array in common /stach/ offset:400 size:400

iflds3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:480 size:240

ifldsz char array in common /pcstc/ offset:1200 size:240

ifldu1 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:0 size:240

ifldu3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:240 size:240

ifnisn char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:240

ifnprs char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:160

ifnsig char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:400

ifnvar char*80 in common /cntrlc/ offset:320

igridfl int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:416

iinst3 int*4 array size:100

iinst4 int*4 array size:192

ilft1i int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:208

ilft3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:276

inrflg int*4

inst3 char array size:200

inst4 char array size:384

ioflgi int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:32

ioflgp int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:28

ioflgs int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:44

ioflgv int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:36

iplev int*4 array in common /pcst1/ offset:4 size:80

ipltisn int*4 in common /pltparms/ offset:4

ipltprs int*4 in common /pltparms/ offset:0

ipltsig int*4 in common /pltparms/ offset:12

ipltsta int*4 in common /pltparms/ offset:8

irgt1i int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:212

irgt3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:280

is1 int*4

isan_inc int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:56

isfc_flg int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:68

istaplt int*4 in common /sta/ offset:20

istarep int*4 in common /sta/ offset:16

istis3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:720 size:240

iszbeg int*4 in common /pcstsz/ offset:0

iszend int*4 in common /pcstsz/ offset:4

iszinc int*4 in common /pcstsz/ offset:8

itop1j int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:220

itop3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:288

iup3beg int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:0

iup3end int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:4

iup3inc int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:8

iupa_flg int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:64

iv int*4 dummy

ivels3 int*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:412 size:120

ivelsz int*4 array in common /pcstsz/ offset:136 size:120

ivelu1 int*4 array in common /pcst1/ offset:224 size:120

ivelu3 int*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:292 size:120

levth int*4 array in common /oparms/ offset:12 size:400

maxsfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:36

maxsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:32

mstage int*4 array in common /cntrl/ offset:0 size:12

ncrfld3 int*4 in common /pcst3a/ offset:564

ncross3 int*4 in common /pcst3a/ offset:0

nfeedvar int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:896

nflds3 int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:32

nfldsz int*4 in common /pcstsz/ offset:132

nfldu1 int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:84

nfldu3 int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:28

nigrids int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:428

nisn int*4 in common /oparms/ offset:8

nonlys int*4 in common /sta/ offset:12

notid char array in common /stach/ offset:0 size:400

notsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:8

nplev int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:0

npltraw int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:532

nstis3 int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:536

respon real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:80 size:40

sfcinf real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:888

sigzwt real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:892

stasep real*4 in common /sta/ offset:24

swvlnth real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:120 size:40

thcon3 real*4 array in common /pcst3a/ offset:324 size:120

topsigz real*4 in common /oparms/ offset:432

v char*(*) dummy

wvlnth real*4 array in common /sta/ offset:40 size:40


Module: nvtran Source File: lib/rname.f


chval char*80

fnum real*4

group char*(*) dummy

int int*4

isub1 int*4 dummy

isub2 int*4 dummy

ncw int*4

value char dummy array

varn char*(*) dummy


Module: obanl Source File: isan/asti.f


dat_i_i real*4 dummy array

dat_obs real*4 dummy array

dat_p_i real*4 dummy array

dat_p_obs real*4 array size:4

dat_qual real*4 array size:4

delx real*4 dummy

dely real*4 dummy

dlat_obs real*4 dummy array

dlon_obs real*4 dummy array

g_lat real*4 dummy array

g_lon real*4 dummy array

gamma real*4

gobrad real*4 dummy

gobsep real*4 dummy

gridwt real*4 dummy

iaddr1 int*4

iaddrq int*4

igns int*4

igrdflg int*4 dummy

ioff1 int*4

ioffq int*4

iqflag int*4

max_obs int*4 dummy

n_obs int*4 dummy

ngs1 int*4

npx int*4 dummy

npy int*4 dummy

npz int*4 dummy

nvar int*4 dummy

nwords int*4

nxp int*4 dummy

nyp int*4 dummy

p_lat real*4 dummy array

p_lon real*4 dummy array

polat real*4 dummy

polon real*4 dummy

respon real*4 dummy

swx real*4 dummy

swy real*4 dummy

tm1 real*4

tm2 real*4

wvlnth real*4 dummy

x4k real*4


Module: obs_sigz Source File: isan/asti.f


psz real*4 array size:400

tsz real*4 array size:400


Module: optlib Source File: model/rprnt.f


a real*4 dummy array

i int*4 dummy

j int*4 dummy

k int*4 dummy

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nz int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:40

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

val2 real*4

valprs real*4

valtemp real*4

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528

ztop real*4 in common /all/ offset:339028


Module: os Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy

t real*4 dummy


Module: osjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


p real*4 dummy

t real*4 dummy


Module: par_bintp Source File: model/rnest_par.f


ibcon int*4 dummy


Module: par_model Source File: model/rdriv.f


a real*4 dummy array

ibytes int*4

ihostnum int*4

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

msgtyp int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nmachs int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:24836

ptimes real*4 array size:512

t1 real*4

t2 real*4

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

wtime_start real*4


Module: pc03 Source File: model/mic_misc.f


cfemb0 real*4 dummy

cfen0 real*4 dummy

cx real*4 dummy array

dn0 real*4 dummy array

dn0i real*4 dummy array

emb real*4 dummy array

emb0 real*4 dummy

emb1 real*4 dummy

enmlttab real*4 dummy array

i int*4 dummy

icat int*4 dummy

jflag int*4

jhcat int*4 dummy array

jnmb int*4 dummy

k1 int*4 dummy

k2 int*4 dummy

ninc int*4 dummy

parm real*4 dummy

rx real*4 dummy array

vap real*4 dummy array


Module: pltisn Source File: isan/astga.f


cons3 real*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:156 size:120

conu3 real*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:36 size:120

glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

ibot3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:284

iflds3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:480 size:240

ifldu3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:240 size:240

igib int*4

igil int*4

igir int*4

igit int*4

ilft3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:276

irgt3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:280

itop3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:288

ivels3 int*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:412 size:120

ivelu3 int*4 array in common /pcst3/ offset:292 size:120

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

sdat real*4 dummy array

snelat real*4

snelon real*4

swlat real*4

swlon real*4

udat real*4 dummy array


Module: pltpr Source File: isan/astga.f


conu1 real*4 array in common /pcst1/ offset:88 size:120

ibot1j int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:216

ifldu1 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:0 size:240

igib int*4

igil int*4

igir int*4

igit int*4

ilft1i int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:208

inproj int*4 in common /lambert/ offset:28

iprtrans int*4

irgt1i int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:212

itop1j int*4 in common /pcst1/ offset:220

ivelu1 int*4 array in common /pcst1/ offset:224 size:120

np1 int*4 dummy

np2 int*4 dummy

nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

p real*4 dummy array

poleplat real*4

poleplon real*4

snelat real*4

snelon real*4

swlat real*4

swlon real*4


Module: pltsig Source File: isan/astga.f


consz real*4 array in common /pcstsz/ offset:12 size:120

ibot3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:284

ifldsz char array in common /pcstc/ offset:1200 size:240

igib int*4

igil int*4

igir int*4

igit int*4

ilft3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:276

irgt3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:280

itop3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:288

ivelsz int*4 array in common /pcstsz/ offset:136 size:120

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

snelat real*4

snelon real*4

swlat real*4

swlon real*4

udat real*4 dummy array


Module: pltxy Source File: isan/astga.f


aa real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:303000 size:250000

cntlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:56

cntlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:60

con real*4 dummy

iffd char*(*) dummy

imtrans int*4 dummy

jgspc int*4 dummy

k int*4 dummy

lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

llll int*4

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

nnxx int*4

nnyy int*4

nstg int*4 dummy

p real*4 dummy array

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

px1 real*4

px2 real*4

py1 real*4

py2 real*4

rota real*4

snelat real*4 dummy

snelon real*4 dummy

spv real*4 array in common /aa/ offset:0 size:8

swlat real*4 dummy

swlon real*4 dummy

title char*20

vv real*4 array in common /plscr/ offset:553000 size:250000

xnelat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:48

xnelon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:52

xswlat real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:40

xswlon real*4 in common /lambert/ offset:44

xx1 real*4

xx2 real*4

yy1 real*4

yy2 real*4


Module: polarst Source File: model/rinit.f


fmapm real*4 dummy array

fmapmi real*4 dummy array

fmapt real*4 dummy array

fmapti real*4 dummy array

fmapu real*4 dummy array

fmapui real*4 dummy array

fmapv real*4 dummy array

fmapvi real*4 dummy array

glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

platn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2056 size:32

plonn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:2088 size:32

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212


Module: powtjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


pt real*4

t real*4 dummy

tc real*4

td real*4 dummy


Module: pr_hystatic_z Source File: isan/astp.f


t1 real*4 dummy array

t2 real*4 dummy array


Module: pr_miss_fill Source File: isan/astp.f


a real*4 dummy array

prsln real*4 dummy array


Module: prdctp1 Source File: model/raco.f


heatdv real*4 dummy array


Module: prdctp2 Source File: model/raco.f


ia int*4 dummy

ibcon int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

pp real*4 dummy array


Module: prdctu Source File: model/raco.f


dpdx real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

ibcon int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

rtgu real*4 dummy array

th0 real*4 dummy array

topu real*4 dummy array

up real*4 dummy array

vt3dh real*4 dummy array


Module: prdctv Source File: model/raco.f


dpdy real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

ibcon int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

rtgv real*4 dummy array

th0 real*4 dummy array

topv real*4 dummy array

vp real*4 dummy array

vt3dh real*4 dummy array


Module: prdctw1 Source File: model/raco.f


ia int*4 dummy

ibcon int*4

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

rtgt real*4 dummy array

topt real*4 dummy array

vt3dh real*4 dummy array

wp real*4 dummy array


Module: prebarn Source File: isan/asti.f


glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gsx real*4 dummy array

gsy real*4 dummy array

polat real*4 dummy

polon real*4 dummy

ssln real*4 dummy array

sslt real*4 dummy array


Module: predict Source File: model/rtimi.f


af real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: predtr Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

dtlt real*4 in common /cntrlr/ offset:52

mxyzp int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: press_miss Source File: isan/astp.f


ierr int*4

ithere int*4 dummy array

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

prs real*4 array size:80

prsln real*4 array size:80

rn real*4 dummy array

tn real*4 dummy array

un real*4 dummy array

vn real*4 dummy array

zn real*4 dummy array


Module: pressio Source File: isan/asgen.f


ans char*1

d real*4 dummy array

ifn char*(*) dummy

ioflag int*4

iun int*4 dummy

locfn char*80

npts int*4

scr real*4 dummy array


Module: prgintrp Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

i0c int*4 dummy

icm int*4

ifm int*4 dummy

initflg int*4 dummy

j0c int*4 dummy

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

m1c int*4 dummy

m2c int*4 dummy

m3c int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

maxnzp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:60

n2c int*4 dummy

n3c int*4 dummy

nnstbot int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1424 size:32

nnsttop int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1392 size:32

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: prosep Source File: model/rvtab.f


line char*(*) dummy


Module: prstage Source File: isan/astp.f


nprx int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:0

npry int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:4

nprz int*4 in common /nprdat/ offset:8

p real*4 dummy array


Module: prtopt Source File: model/rprnt.f


ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68

ps real*4 array in common /all/ offset:334680 size:800

ts real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333080 size:800

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216


Module: prtout Source File: model/rprnt.f


a real*4 dummy array

abcisa real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:0 size: 1212

f char*8

horiz char*1

i int*4

iaddr int*4

ihdim int*4

ioff int*4

iplfld char array in common /prtchr/ offset:800 size:400

iplgrd int*4

ivdim int*4

j int*4

k int*4

ll int*4

mm int*4

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

npsize int*4

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

ordin real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:1216 size: 1212

plfmt char array in common /prtchr/ offset:0 size:400

scrslb real*4 array size:4

t char*8

tt char*68

vert char*1

xlab char*8

xpt real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:2432 size: 1212

ylab char*8

ypt real*4 array in common /vctemp/ (due to equivalence) offset:3648 size: 1212


Module: pzcombo Source File: isan/askewt.f


dir real*4 dummy array

dwpt real*4 dummy array

ht real*4 dummy array

nlev int*4 dummy

pres real*4 dummy array

rmixx real*4

spd real*4 dummy array

temp real*4 dummy array


Module: radcomp Source File: model/rmisc.f


albedt real*4 dummy array

cosz real*4 dummy array

dn0r real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:1076 size:528

dzmr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:3720 size:528

dztr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:4248 size:528

fracliq real*4 dummy array

fthrl real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:3192 size:528

fthrs real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:4776 size:528

glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gsf real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

m4 int*4 dummy

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

nzpp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:36

pird real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:1604 size:528

prd real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:2132 size:528

rlong real*4 dummy array

rlongup real*4 dummy array

rshort real*4 dummy array

rtr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:548 size:528

rvr real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:20 size:528

schar real*4 dummy array

snowfac real*4 dummy array

tempk real*4 dummy array

temprd real*4 array in common /radcom/ offset:2660 size:532

tgp real*4 dummy array

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr10 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:10944 size:1216

vctr11 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:12160 size:1216

vctr12 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:13376 size:1216

vctr13 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:14592 size:1216

vctr14 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:15808 size:1216

vctr15 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:17024 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216

vctr7 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:7296 size:1216

vctr8 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:8512 size:1216

vctr9 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:9728 size:1216

vt2dc real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

wgp real*4 dummy array


Module: radiate Source File: model/rmisc.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

mxp int*4 dummy

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672


Module: rams_grad Source File: model/rgrad.f


a real*4 dummy array

dzm real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17612 size:528

dzt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:17084 size:528

ht real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:0 size:528

hw real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:1584 size:528

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

jaa int*4

jdim int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:76

jzz int*4

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

optyp char*6 dummy

vc3da real*4 dummy array

vc3db real*4 dummy array

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216


Module: rams_master Source File: model/rdriv.f


a real*4 array size:4

b real*4 array size:4

iaddr int*4

iaddrb int*4

iboff int*4

ioff int*4

isched int*4 array in common /schedule/ offset:4 size:2000

machnum int*4 array in common /parallel/ offset:22532 size:256

master_num int*4 dummy

membsz int*4 in common /nbndind/ offset:0

memsize int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:0

name_name char*(*) dummy

ngrids int*4 in common /all/ offset:24

nmachs int*4 in common /parallel/ offset:24836

nndtrat int*4 array in common /all/ offset:176 size:32

nproc int*4 dummy

nsubs int*4 in common /schedule/ offset:0

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

taskids int*4 dummy array

vtab_name char*(*) dummy


Module: rams_mkmap Source File: isan/aplt.f


rlat real*4 dummy

wlon real*4 dummy

xlat1 real*4

xlat2 real*4

xlon1 real*4

xlon2 real*4

xt1 real*4 dummy

xt2 real*4 dummy

yt1 real*4 dummy

yt2 real*4 dummy


Module: rams_node Source File: model/rnode.f


a real*4 array size:4

b real*4 array size:4

iaddr int*4

iaddrb int*4

iboff int*4

icm int*4

ioff int*4

master_num int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:36

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nxtnest int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1360 size:32

t1 real*4

t2 real*4

totcpu real*4

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

wstart real*4


Module: rams_output Source File: model/rdriv.f


a real*4 dummy array

idummy int*4

ifileok int*4

iidate int*4

iihour int*4

iimonth int*4

iiyear int*4

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

sstfil2 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560640 size:640


Module: rams_sst_init Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifileok int*4

iidate int*4

iihour int*4

iimonth int*4

iiyear int*4

isstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96128 size:32

nnxyp int*4 array in common /grpnts/ offset:320 size:32

sstfil1 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560000 size:640

sstfil2 char array in common /sstchr/ offset:2560640 size:640


Module: rams_sstf_init Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

flnm char*80

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idatex int*4

ifileok int*4

ihourx int*4

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

imonthx int*4

iy int*4

iyearx int*4

nsstf int*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:96096 size:32

sstfil char array in common /sstchr/ offset:1280000 size:1280000

ssttime real*4 array in common /sst2/ offset:32000 size:64000


Module: rams_varf_init Source File: model/rvari.f


fpref char*256

idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

idatex int*4

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

imonthx int*4

iy int*4

nvarf int*4 in common /var2/ offset:8008

varfil char array in common /varchr/ offset:160 size:160000

vtime real*4 array in common /var2/ offset:8 size:8000


Module: rawplt Source File: isan/astga.f


chlat char*5

chlon char*7

chtop char*6

dashs char*12

fsize real*4

gsb real*4

gsl real*4

gsr real*4

gst real*4

gub real*4

gul real*4

gur real*4

gut real*4

ll1 int*4

lt2 int*4

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

pp real*4 dummy array

ppmax real*4

ppmin real*4

pr real*4 dummy array

prmax real*4

prmin real*4

pt real*4 dummy array

ptmax real*4

ptmin real*4

puz real*4 dummy array

puzmax real*4

puzmin real*4

pvz real*4 dummy array

pvzmax real*4

pvzmin real*4

pz real*4 dummy array

pzmax real*4

pzmin real*4

pzz real*4 dummy array

pzzmax real*4

pzzmin real*4

sb1 real*4

sb2 real*4

sbb real*4

sl1 real*4

sl2 real*4

sll real*4

solids char*12

sr1 real*4

sr2 real*4

srr real*4

st1 real*4

st2 real*4

stt real*4

ub1 real*4

ub2 real*4

ubb real*4

ul1 real*4

ul2 real*4

ull real*4

ullab real*4

ur1 real*4

ur2 real*4

urr real*4

ut1 real*4

ut2 real*4

utt real*4

uvmax real*4

uvmin real*4

value3 char*3

value4 char*4

xvals real*4 dummy array

yvals real*4 dummy array

z100m real*4

z250m real*4

z500m real*4


Module: rayf Source File: model/rbnd.f


nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: rayft Source File: model/rbnd.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

mxyzp int*4

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8


Module: refs1d Source File: model/rhhi.f


hs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:335480 size:800

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

ns int*4 in common /all/ offset:68

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

rts real*4 array in common /soundg/ offset:16 size:800

thds real*4 array in common /all/ offset:333880 size:800

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

us real*4 array in common /all/ offset:331480 size:800

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vs real*4 array in common /all/ offset:332280 size:800

ztn real*4 array in common /spacing/ offset:119680 size:4224


Module: refs3d Source File: model/rinit.f


nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

pi0 real*4 dummy array

pi01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:314584 size:4224

th0 real*4 dummy array

th01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:318808 size:4224

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: rmspaces Source File: model/rdriv.f


string char*(*) dummy


Module: rtgintrp Source File: model/rnest.f


fld real*4 dummy array

n1 int*4 dummy

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216


Module: satadjst Source File: model/rthrm.f


p real*4 dummy array

t real*4 dummy array


Module: satlftjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


pt real*4

thw real*4 dummy

tone real*4

ttwo real*4


Module: sfcinit Source File: model/rsurf.f


glat real*4 dummy array

glon real*4 dummy array

gsf real*4 dummy array

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

n4 int*4 dummy

prss real*4 dummy array

schar real*4 dummy array

tgp real*4 dummy array

wgp real*4 dummy array


Module: sfclyr Source File: model/rsurf.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

mxp int*4 dummy

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672


Module: sfcopqr Source File: model/rinit.f


dato real*4 dummy array

datq real*4 dummy array

glatp real*4

glonp real*4

niq int*4 dummy

njq int*4 dummy

nono int*4

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

rval real*4

title3 char*80

xp real*4

xr real*4

yp real*4

yr real*4


Module: sfcout Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: sfcproc Source File: isan/asti2.f


ddx real*4 dummy

ffx real*4 dummy

px real*4 dummy

tdx real*4 dummy

tx real*4 dummy

uss real*4 dummy array

vss real*4 dummy array


Module: sfcprt Source File: model/rprnt.f


fracliq real*4 array size:80

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

tempk real*4 array size:80

tgp real*4 dummy array


Module: sfcrad Source File: model/rsurf.f


fracliq real*4 dummy array

slcpd real*4 array in common /all/ offset:336328 size:48

tempk real*4 dummy array

tgp real*4 dummy array


Module: sfcread Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: shradc Source File: lib/rrad.f


cosz real*4 dummy

nz int*4

sc real*4 dummy array


Module: shradp Source File: lib/rrad.f


sc real*4 dummy array


Module: sigzio Source File: isan/asgen.f


ifn char*(*) dummy

ioflag int*4

iun int*4 dummy

locfn int*4

npts int*4

scra real*4 dummy array

scrb real*4 dummy array

udat real*4 dummy array


Module: skewt Source File: isan/askewt.f


aos real*4

atsa real*4

cspopt char*2

ctit char*80

dir real*4 dummy array

dwpt real*4 dummy array

isnorm int*4

iswide int*4

k int*4

ll int*4

lrat char array size:16

nzlev int*4 dummy

p real*4

pln real*4 array size:88

plv real*4 array size:44

pres real*4 dummy array

rat real*4 array size:32

sb real*4

sbn real*4

sl real*4

sln real*4

spd real*4 dummy array

sr real*4

srn real*4

st real*4

stid char*5 dummy

stn real*4

sx real*4 array size:12960

sy real*4 array size:12960

t real*4

temp real*4 dummy array

tk real*4

tp real*4 array size:120

tx real*4

ub real*4

ubn real*4

ul real*4

uln real*4

ur real*4

urn real*4

ut real*4

utn real*4

x real*4

x1 real*4

x2 real*4

xb real*4 array size:28

xm real*4

y real*4

y1 real*4

y2 real*4

yb real*4 array size:28

ypd real*4


Module: skewtplt Source File: isan/askewt.f


gdir real*4 array size:2000

gdwpt real*4 array size:2000

ght real*4 array size:2000

gpres real*4 array size:2000

gspd real*4 array size:2000

gstid char*5 dummy

gtemp real*4 array size:2000

gxlat real*4 dummy

gxlon real*4 dummy

idate int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:20

ihour int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:24

imonth int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:16

iyear int*4 in common /cntrl/ offset:12

lp int*4 dummy

lz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

nzlev int*4

psnd real*4 dummy array

rsnd real*4 dummy array

tsnd real*4 dummy array

usndz real*4 dummy array

vsndz real*4 dummy array

zsnd real*4 dummy array

zsndz real*4 dummy array


Module: sndganls Source File: isan/askewt.f


adr1 real*4

adr2 real*4

ash1 real*4

ash2 real*4

dewp real*4 dummy array

ht real*4 dummy array

iht1 int*4

iht2 int*4

lab char*80

nlevels int*4 dummy

nlevs int*4

plcl real*4

pres real*4 dummy array

pres2 real*4 array size:600

pwat real*4 array size:600

rmix real*4 array size:600

sppr real*4

sptd real*4

sptt real*4

temp real*4 dummy array

tlcl real*4

txp real*4 array size:600

uwnd real*4 array size:600

vwnd real*4 array size:600

wbptlcl real*4

wdir real*4 dummy array

wetth real*4 array size:600

wspd real*4 dummy array


Module: sndproc Source File: isan/asti2.f


dz real*4 dummy array

fz real*4 dummy array

idsta char*(*) dummy

lp int*4 dummy

lz int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

maxsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:32

nsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:0

psnd real*4 dummy array

rsnd real*4 dummy array

stln real*4 dummy array

stlt real*4 dummy array

topsnd real*4 dummy array

tsnd real*4 dummy array

usndz real*4 dummy array

uz real*4 array size:2000

vsndz real*4 dummy array

vz real*4 array size:2000

zsnd real*4 dummy array

zsndz real*4 dummy array

zz real*4 dummy array


Module: soilopr Source File: model/rusgs.f


dato int*4 dummy array

glatp real*4

glonp real*4

nono int*4

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

title3 char*80

xp real*4

yp real*4


Module: sort3 Source File: lib/rutil.f


a real*4 dummy array size:4


Module: sort6 Source File: isan/askewt.f


a real*4 dummy array size:4


Module: soundtopo Source File: isan/asti.f


delx real*4 dummy

dely real*4 dummy

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

polat real*4 dummy

polon real*4 dummy

sdat real*4 array size:8

stln real*4 dummy array

stlt real*4 dummy array

stx real*4

sty real*4

swx real*4 dummy

swy real*4 dummy

topt real*4 dummy array


Module: sstnest Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4 dummy

isstfn char array in common /topccom/ offset:640 size:640

ivtime int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32

npatch int*4 in common /all/ offset:1672

vnam real*4

vsstfil char array in common /sstchr/ offset:0 size:1280000


Module: sstout Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4 dummy

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: sstread Source File: model/make_sfc.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:52


Module: stalib Source File: isan/astgb.f


p real*4 dummy array


Module: staplt Source File: isan/astga.f


ibot3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:284

igib int*4

igil int*4

igir int*4

igit int*4

ilft3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:276

irgt3i int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:280

istis3 char array in common /pcstc/ offset:720 size:240

itop3j int*4 in common /pcst3/ offset:288

n1 int*4 dummy

n2 int*4 dummy

nameraw char array in common /stach/ offset:16800 size:16000

namesfc char array in common /stach/ offset:800 size:16000

ns1 int*4 dummy

nssfc int*4 in common /sta/ offset:4

nsta int*4 in common /sta/ offset:0

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

sdat real*4 dummy array

sflat real*4 dummy array

sflon real*4 dummy array

snelat real*4

snelon real*4

stln real*4 dummy array

stlt real*4 dummy array

swlat real*4

swlon real*4


Module: staxy Source File: isan/astga.f


iffd char*(*) dummy

k int*4 dummy

lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

ns1 int*4 dummy

ns2 int*4 dummy

sdat real*4 dummy array

sf real*4

ssln real*4 dummy array

sslt real*4 dummy array

stvar real*4

sval char*16

u real*4

v real*4


Module: staxyn Source File: isan/astga.f


lbl char*80 in common /st3ch/ offset:0

ssln real*4 dummy array

sslt real*4 dummy array

sval char*16

u real*4

v real*4


Module: strain Source File: model/rturb.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

ia_1 int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

iz1 int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

ja_1 int*4 dummy

jz int*4 dummy

jz1 int*4 dummy

m1 int*4 dummy

m2 int*4 dummy

m3 int*4 dummy

scr2 real*4 dummy array

up real*4 dummy array

vp real*4 dummy array

vt3da real*4 dummy array

vt3db real*4 dummy array

vt3dc real*4 dummy array

vt3dd real*4 dummy array

vt3de real*4 dummy array

vt3df real*4 dummy array

vt3dg real*4 dummy array

vt3dn real*4 dummy array

wp real*4 dummy array


Module: strip Source File: lib/rname.f


lin1 char*(*) dummy


Module: strmfun Source File: isan/asti.f


ars real*4 dummy array

temp real*4 array size:400


Module: tabmelt Source File: model/mic_init.f


gnu real*4 dummy array


Module: tend0 Source File: model/rmisc.f


a real*4 dummy array

mxyzp int*4

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0


Module: the2t Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy

to real*4


Module: thermo Source File: model/rthrm.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 dummy

iz int*4 dummy

ja int*4 dummy

jnmb int*4 array in common /micphys/ offset:36 size:28

jz int*4 dummy

mxp int*4 dummy

myp int*4 dummy

mzp int*4 dummy

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

vctr3 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:2432 size:1216

vctr4 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:3648 size:1216

vctr5 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:4864 size:1216

vctr6 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:6080 size:1216


Module: thetae Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy

pit real*4

rv real*4 dummy


Module: thrmstr Source File: model/mic_misc.f


fracliq real*4

qx real*4 dummy array

tcoal real*4


Module: timestep Source File: model/rtimh.f


a real*4 dummy array

b real*4 dummy array

i0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:28

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

izu int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:152

j0 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:32

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

jz1 int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:140

jzv int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:156

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

t1 real*4

w1 real*4


Module: tkemy Source File: model/rturb.f


vctr32 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:37696 size:1216

vctr33 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:38912 size:1216


Module: trmgph Source File: lib/rutil.f


c real*4 array size:1000

l int*4 dummy


Module: tsa Source File: lib/rutil.f


p real*4 dummy

tq real*4


Module: tsajb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


p real*4 dummy

tq real*4


Module: tw Source File: lib/rutil.f


aos real*4

piter real*4

press real*4

rvap real*4

temper real*4


Module: uevetouv Source File: lib/hutil.f


polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

qlat real*4 dummy

qlon real*4 dummy

x0 real*4

x1 real*4

y0 real*4

y1 real*4


Module: usgssoil Source File: model/rusgs.f


bats real*4 dummy array

dato int*4 array size:600000

deltallo real*4

deltaxp real*4

deltayp real*4

iblksizo int*4

isbego int*4

iwbego int*4

mof int*4

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

no int*4

np int*4

ofn char*80 dummy

pctlnd real*4 dummy array

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

title char*80

usgs real*4 dummy array

xt real*4 dummy array

yt real*4 dummy array


Module: usgsveg Source File: model/rusgs.f


dato int*4 array size:5779216

deltallo real*4

deltaxp real*4

deltayp real*4

iblksizo int*4

isbego int*4

iwbego int*4

mof int*4

n2 int*4 dummy

n3 int*4 dummy

n4 int*4 dummy

n5 int*4 dummy

no int*4

np int*4

nvegpat int*4 dummy

ofn char*80 dummy

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

schar real*4 dummy array

title char*80

xt real*4 dummy array

yt real*4 dummy array


Module: uvtoueve Source File: lib/hutil.f


polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

qlat real*4 dummy

qlon real*4 dummy

x0 real*4

x1 real*4

y0 real*4

y1 real*4


Module: uwc Source File: model/rprnt.f


ntpt int*4

umn real*4 array size:687984

v1 real*4 array size:5212

wmn real*4 array size:687984


Module: uwcomp Source File: model/rprnt.f


a real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: vapict Source File: model/mic_misc.f


cfemb0 real*4 dummy

cfen0 real*4 dummy

cx real*4 dummy array

dn0 real*4 dummy array

dn0i real*4 dummy array

emb real*4 dummy array

emb0 real*4 dummy

emb1 real*4 dummy

enmlttab real*4 dummy array

i int*4 dummy

icat int*4 dummy

jflag int*4

jhcat int*4 dummy array

jnmb int*4 dummy

k1 int*4 dummy

k2 int*4 dummy

ninc int*4 dummy

parm real*4 dummy

rx real*4 dummy array

vap real*4 dummy array


Module: varfile_nstfeed Source File: isan/avarf.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32

nnzp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1520 size:32


Module: varlib Source File: isan/astgb.f


aaa real*4

p real*4 dummy array

smix real*4

temp real*4


Module: varref Source File: model/rvari.f


dn0 real*4 dummy array

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32

pi0 real*4 dummy array

rt01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:327256 size:4224

rtgt real*4 dummy array

rtp real*4 dummy array

th0 real*4 dummy array

thp real*4 dummy array

topt real*4 dummy array

u01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:306136 size:4224

uc real*4 dummy array

v01dn real*4 array in common /all/ offset:310360 size:4224

vc real*4 dummy array

vctr1 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:0 size:1216

vctr2 real*4 array in common /vctemp/ offset:1216 size:1216

zt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:16028 size:528


Module: varsetc Source File: lib/rname.f


ch char*(*) dummy


Module: varsetc2 Source File: lib/rname.f


ch char*(*) dummy


Module: varuv Source File: isan/avarf.f


polelat real*4 in common /all/ offset:2048

polelon real*4 in common /all/ offset:2052

qlat real*4

qlon real*4

up real*4 dummy array

up1 real*4

vp real*4 dummy array

vp1 real*4

xt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:3180 size:5212

yt real*4 array in common /grid/ offset:13604 size:1212


Module: vecstrm Source File: isan/aplt.f


ier int*4

nii int*4 dummy

njj int*4 dummy

px1 real*4 dummy

px2 real*4 dummy

py1 real*4 dummy

py2 real*4 dummy

u real*4 dummy array

v real*4 dummy array

vhi real*4

vlo real*4

work real*4 dummy array

ymax real*4 dummy

ymin real*4 dummy


Module: vegopr Source File: model/rusgs.f


bats int*4

datp int*4

datq int*4

glatp real*4

glonp real*4

patchdatq int*4 array size:120

polelat real*4 dummy

polelon real*4 dummy

title3 char*80

xp real*4

yp real*4


Module: vegseasn Source File: model/rsurf.f


idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88


Module: vfintrp Source File: model/rnest.f


a real*4 dummy array

ifm int*4 dummy

maxnxp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:64

maxnyp int*4 in common /ioparm/ offset:68

nnxp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1456 size:32

nnyp int*4 array in common /all/ offset:1488 size:32


Module: vfirec Source File: lib/rvfor.f


isval int*4

nc int*4


Module: vforec Source File: lib/rvfor.f


a real*4 dummy array

amax real*4

amin real*4

bias real*8

fact real*8

iunit int*4 dummy

n int*4 dummy

nbits int*4 dummy

scr real*4 dummy array

type char*(*) dummy


Module: viirec Source File: lib/rvfor.f


isval int*4

nc int*4


Module: viorec Source File: lib/rvfor.f


bias real*4

fact real*4

ia int*4 dummy array

iamax int*4

iamin int*4

iunit int*4 dummy

n int*4 dummy

nbits int*4 dummy

scr real*4 dummy array


Module: visurf Source File: isan/avarf.f


ppp real*4

ttt real*4


Module: vptsets Source File: model/rtimi.f


a real*4 dummy array

ia int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:12

ibcon int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:44

iz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:16

ja int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:20

jz int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:24

mxp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:0

myp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:4

mzp int*4 in common /pnode/ offset:8

ngrid int*4 in common /ioinfo/ offset:0

nxp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:0

nyp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:16

nzp int*4 in common /dompts/ offset:32


Module: vshyd Source File: isan/avarf.f


ppp real*4

ttt real*4


Module: vtables Source File: model/rvtab.f


ccond1 char*8

ccond2 char*8

cdimen char*8

cname char*8

ctable char array size:160

cvar char*8

iachr2d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:94080 size:4480

iachr3d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:89600 size:4480

iachr3ds char array in common /vtabch/ offset:98560 size:4480

iatab2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:20544 size:2240

iatab3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:18304 size:2240

iatab3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:22784 size:2240

ihchr2d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:76160 size:4480

ihchr3d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:71680 size:4480

ihchr3ds char array in common /vtabch/ offset:80640 size:4480

ihtab2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:11584 size:2240

ihtab3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:9344 size:2240

ihtab3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:13824 size:2240

ischrp char array in common /vtabch/ offset:107520 size:4480

ischrt char array in common /vtabch/ offset:116480 size:4480

isclrp int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:27296 size:2240

isclrt int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:29536 size:2240

ivchr2d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:58240 size:4480

ivchr3d char array in common /vtabch/ offset:53760 size:4480

ivchr3dm char array in common /vtabch/ offset:67200 size:4480

ivchr3ds char array in common /vtabch/ offset:62720 size:4480

ivtab2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:2624 size:2240

ivtab3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:384 size:2240

ivtab3dm int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:7104 size:2240

ivtab3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:4864 size:2240

line char*80

mp2chr1 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:17920 size:4480

mp2chr2 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:22400 size:4480

mp2chr3 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:26880 size:4480

mp2chri char array in common /vtabch/ offset:31360 size:4480

mp2tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9120 size:2240

mp2tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11392 size:2240

mp2tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13664 size:2240

mp2tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15936 size:2240

mp3chr1 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:0 size:4480

mp3chr2 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:4480 size:4480

mp3chr3 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:8960 size:4480

mp3chri char array in common /vtabch/ offset:13440 size:4480

mp3tab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:32 size:2240

mp3tab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2304 size:2240

mp3tab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4576 size:2240

mp3tabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6848 size:2240

mpschr1 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:35840 size:4480

mpschr2 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:40320 size:4480

mpschr3 char array in common /vtabch/ offset:44800 size:4480

mpschri char array in common /vtabch/ offset:49280 size:4480

mpstab1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18208 size:2240

mpstab2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20480 size:2240

mpstab3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22752 size:2240

mpstabi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:25024 size:2240

na2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:288 size:32

na3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:256 size:32

na3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:320 size:32

nh2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:160 size:32

nh3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:128 size:32

nh3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:192 size:32

nmp21 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:9088 size:32

nmp22 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:11360 size:32

nmp23 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:13632 size:32

nmp2i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:15904 size:32

nmp31 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:0 size:32

nmp32 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:2272 size:32

nmp33 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:4544 size:32

nmp3i int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:6816 size:32

nmps1 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:18176 size:32

nmps2 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:20448 size:32

nmps3 int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:22720 size:32

nmpsi int*4 array in common /mpvtable/ offset:24992 size:32

nsclrp int*4

nsclrt int*4

ntab int*4

nv2d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:32 size:32

nv3d int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:0 size:32

nv3dm int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:96 size:32

nv3ds int*4 array in common /vtabls/ offset:64 size:32


Module: vterpp_s Source File: isan/asti.f


np1 int*4 dummy

np2 int*4 dummy

npd int*4

npi3 int*4 dummy

pi2 real*4 dummy array

pid real*4 array size:88

ppd real*4 array size:88

rd real*4 array size:88

ri2 real*4 dummy array

sigzr real*4 array size:400

tempd real*4 array size:88

thetd real*4 array size:88

ti2 real*4 dummy array

ud real*4 array size:88

ui2 real*4 dummy array

vd real*4 array size:88

vi2 real*4 dummy array

vvv real*4 array size:400

zd real*4 array size:88


Module: vwrt Source File: lib/rvfor.f


isval int*4


Module: vwrti Source File: lib/rvfor.f


isval int*4


Module: w Source File: lib/rutil.f


t real*4 dummy


Module: wetthrm3 Source File: model/rthrm.f


fracliq real*4

q6 real*4 dummy array

q7 real*4 dummy array

tcoal real*4


Module: windbarb Source File: isan/askewt.f


x real*4 array size:12

xcirc real*4 array size:1440

y real*4 array size:12

ycirc real*4 array size:1440


Module: wjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


t real*4 dummy


Module: wmrjb1 Source File: isan/askewt.f


t real*4 dummy


Module: x02 Source File: model/mic_misc.f


cfemb0 real*4 dummy

cfen0 real*4 dummy

cx real*4 dummy array

dn0 real*4 dummy array

dn0i real*4 dummy array

emb real*4 dummy array

emb0 real*4 dummy

emb1 real*4 dummy

enmlttab real*4 dummy array

fracliq real*4

i int*4 dummy

icat int*4 dummy

jflag int*4

jhcat int*4 dummy array

jnmb int*4 dummy

k1 int*4 dummy array

k2 int*4 dummy array

ninc int*4 dummy

parm real*4 dummy

qx real*4 dummy array

rx real*4 dummy array

tcoal real*4

vap real*4 dummy array


Module: xj Source File: model/mic_init.f


dxy real*4

xnu real*4 dummy

ynu real*4 dummy

ynup real*4


Module: zen Source File: model/rmisc.f


idate1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:96

imonth1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:92

iyear1 int*4 in common /all/ offset:88