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Alexandre M. Roma's Curriculum Vitae
Universidade de São Paulo
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - MAP
Caixa Postal 66281
CEP 05389-970 São Paulo, SP - BRAZILTEL: 011 818.6136 FAX: 011 818.613
roma@ime.usp.br http://www.ime.usp.br/~roma
Degrees PhD in Mathematics, CIMS, New York University, 1996.
Advisors: Charles S. Peskin & Marsha J. Berger.MSc in Mathematics, CIMS, New York University, 1993. MSc in Space Science, National Institute of Space Science, Brazil (INPE), 1990. BA in Applied Mathematics, IME-USP, Brazil, 1987. Positions Professor, since 1996, University of Sao Paulo, Department of Applied Mathematics, Brazil. Assitant Professor, 1990-95, University of Sao Paulo, Department of Applied Mathematics, Brazil. Teaching Assistant, 1988-90, University of Sao Paulo, Department of Applied Mathematics, Brazil. Awards Undergraduate and Graduate Offices' SIAE Grant, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1997. Grant to develop a series of videotapes featuring distinguished brazilian mathematicians' talks. Graduate School of Arts and Science Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, New York University, 09/1994-05/95. Assistantship, CIMS, New York University, 09/1994-05/95. Research Assistantship, US Department of Energy, New York University, Summer '95. Doctoral Scholarship, FAPESP, Brazil, 1991-94. MSc Scholarship, CNPq, Brazil, 1987. Summer Course Scholarship, CNPq, Brazil, Summer '85. Invited
PresentationsSummer School on Computational Methods in Biology, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC), Petropolis, RJ, Brazil, 01/31-02/11, 2000. Symposium on Adaptive Methods for Partial Differential Equations, University of Utah, 06/1998. 1st Summer School on Scientific Computing, National Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 01/1996. XIX National Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (XIX CNMAC), Brazil, 09/08-12, 1996. Short Courses XX National Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (XX CNMAC), Goiania, Brazil. Short course on Numerical Resolution of Ordinary Differential Equations with Initial Conditions: An Ilustrated Introduction with Biomedicine Models, 09/08-12, 1997. Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Summer course on Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations, Summer '97. Meeting
OrganizationWorkshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics, University of Sao Paulo, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, 02/02-04, 1999. In colaboration with Luis Carlos de Castro Santos (IME-USP). University & New Technologies: Impacts & Implications, International Symposium, University of Sao Paulo, 03/31-04/03, 1998. In colaboration with Carlos A.B. Dantas (IME-USP) and others. XX National Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (XX CNMAC), Gramado, Brazil, 09/08-12, 1997. In colaboration with Julio Claeyssen (UFRGS) and others. Computational Fluid Dynamics & Applications, Minisymposium in the II PanAmerican Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Gramado, Brazil, 09/08-12, 1997. In colaboration with Joao Luiz. F. Azevedo (ITA-CTA) e Jose Alberto Cuminato (ICMC-USP). Mathematical Modeling & Numerical Methods, Series of talks at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1996-99. In colaboration with Joyce S. Bevilacqua and Luis Carlos C. Santos (IME-USP). Research
InterestsMy main research interest is to develop an efficient computational setting for the Immersed Boundary Method employing an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Technique (Berger), capable of removing the original uniform mesh restriction of the method. This adaptive version for the Immersed Boundary Method can enhance the accuracy by covering locally an immersed boundary vicinity with a sequence of nested, progressively finer rectangular grid patches which dynamically follow the immersed boundary motion. I developed this Adaptive Immersed Boundary Method during my PhD program. Looking into the future, I have several applications in sight for this adaptive version of the Immersed Boundary Method. Among them, I intend to revisit few Peskin's models, mainly to study the interaction between blood and natural/artificial heart valves. Also, I have a great interest in the simulation of aquatic animal locomotion and flows in flexible, arbitrarily shaped tubes. For further details click here. Publications For a complete list of them click here.
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