Simple PHP Blog: ---------------- Author ------ Created by: Alexander Palmo (apalmo bigevilbrain com) Date: 08/02/2004 Contributors ------------ RSS, RDF, Atom, ping, GZip, email, search and some bug fixes and enhacements by Javier Gutierrez (guti ya com) Date: 12/05/2004 TXT Powered logo by Juano (powerjuano hotmail com) Date: 10/07/2004 Trackbacks by Arjan Hakkesteegt (sphpblog hakwerk com) Date: 28/11/2004 Block management enhacement, and theme/color preview by Fco Jesús Gil (ridgarou gmail com) Date: 10/02/2005 Graphic capcha contributed by Oscar Cubo Medina (ocubo fi upm es) Date: 18/02/2005 Auto parse URL contributed by diegocaro (diegocaro gmail com) Date: 21/02/2005 Entries listing contributed by Jan Normann Nielsen ( Date: 16/07/2005 Translations ------------ Chinese Language File (c) 2004 Jfly, jflycn hotmail com Danish Language File (c) 2004 Thomas Petersen, thomasp nsd dk Dutch & Nederlands Language Files (c) 2004 S. Klippert, French Language File (c) 2004 Thibaud ChonŽ, thibaud chone insa-lyon fr German Language File (c) 2004 Josef Angstenberger, jtxa users sourceforge net Italian Language File (c) 2004 Porro Luciano (alias drudo), drudo3 jumpy it, Japanese Language File (c) 2004-2005 Sanshiro Akiyama Malay Language File (c) 2004 Mohammad Fahmi Adam, farisi hotmail com Portuguese Language File (c) 2004 Nuno Cardoso, Russian Language File (c) 2004 Artyom Pervukhin, trem pm convex ru Spanish Language File (c) 2004 Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti), guti ya com, and Fco Jesús Gil ridgarou gmail com Turkish Language File (c) 2004 A. Murat Eren, meren uludag org tr Traditional Chinese UTF-8 Language File (c) 2004 Markmcm, mcha226 hotmail com (c) 2004 Judge Hu, judgehou gmail com