(Version of Feb. 1, 2016)
click here for the version in Portuguese (much more complete).
1. Technical
1.1 The Relational Model of Data: problems and solutions
1.2 Empty values in the Relational Model of Data
1.3 A new concurrency and compactation algorithm for B-trees
1.4 Application generators and the Itautec VRC system
1.5 Entity/Object-oriented analysis
1.6 Extensible hashing methods
1.7 Basic concepts and practice of compiler construction
1.8 The non-normalized relational database model: the future has already
2. Philosophical on computers
2.1 The misery of data processing
2.2 Psychological influences of computers
2.3 An antidote to computer thinking (essay)
2.4 The computer as an instrument of counter-art (paper)
2.5 Competency management: concepts, systems and case studies (paper,
2.7 A.I. - Artificial Intelligence or Automated Imbecility? Can machines
feel and think? (paper)
2.8 Alan Turing: a scientific, technical and social precursor
3. General philosophical
3.1 The necessary balance of scientific, artistic and social activities
3.2 The non-neutrality of technology and the electronic media
3.3 TV: pros and cons. What should be done?
3.4 TV and violence: a perfect marriage (paper)
3.5 The mission of technology (paper)
3.6 Is there just matter or also spirit in the universe? (paper)
3.7 Goethe's Theory of Colors, his scientific method and modern science
(with practical demonstrations using an overhead projector)
3.8 The threefold organization of social organisms - neither capitalism
nor socialism
3.9 Considerations on Hitler
3.10 Einstein and religion: an example of a conflict and how it may be
3.11 Social laws: obligation or consciousness?
3.12 Science, religion and spirituality (paper)
4. Educational
4.1 Electronic media and education: TV, video games and computers (paper)
4.2 Computers in education: why, when, how (paper)
4.3 Computers and children
4.4 The obsolescence of education
4.5 I am studying sciences: is life just science? (for undergraduate students)
4.6 Waldorf Education: concepts and practices of a more humane education
4.7 Algorithms and their analysis (paper)
4.8 The "Paper Computer": a tool for introducing basic concepts of computers
4.9 "HIPO" - a simulator of a simple, hypothetical computer for the introduction
of basic concepts through Machine Language (paper)
4.10 Education and Internet
4.11 The cognitive process and its aplication to education (presentation
and discussion of chapter
9 of Rudolf Steiner's TheStudy of the Human Being, GA 293
4.12 A critical analysis of the "One Laptop Per Child" project
4.13 How to protect your children from the Internet
4.14 What is the essence of computers?
4.15 The anti-educational TV
5. Historical-artistic
5.1 The Chartres cathedral: the word turned into image (with slides projection)
5.2 The Inca culture: from the rock to the group soul (with slides projection)
6. Voyages (with slide projection)
6.1 Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
6.2 Fernando de Noronha island, Brazil
6.3 São Luís and Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil
here for a list of programmed interviews and public lectures
and courses.