Anatoly Yambartsev (Anatoli Iambartsev)
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1999
- M.S. in Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1994
- 2015 - Present Professor Associado, Probability and Statistics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- 2005 - 2015 Professor Doutor, Probability and Statistics, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
1st semester 2019
MAE 0499 Processos Estocásticos Course Files
MAE5704/IBI5081 Técnicas Computacionais em Probabilidade e Estatística Course Files
Journal Papers / Conference Papers / Technical Reports
Logachov, A., Logachova, O., Yambartsev, A., "Large deviations in a population dynamics with
catastrophes". Statistics & Probability Letters, v.149, p. 29-37, 2019.
E. Pechersky, S. Pirogov, G. M. Schütz, A. Vladimirov, A. Yambartsev
"Large Fluctuations in two-level systems with stimulated emission" (PDF)
submitted Proceedings of the Workshop "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems" (CQIS),
July 24-29, Dubna, Russia, 2017, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, v.198, pp.133-144, 2019
E. Pechersky, A. Yambartsev and V. Zagrebnov
"Stochastic Dynamics of Einstein Matter-Radiation Model with Spikes" submitted Stochastic Models, 2018.
N. Vvedenskaia, A. Logachev, Y. Suhov, A. Yambartsev
"Local large deviation principle for inhomogeneous birth-death processes" Problems of Information Transmission.
v.54, p.263-280, 2018.
E. Pechersky, S. Pirogov, G. M. Schütz, A. Vladimirov, A. Yambartsev
"Large Fluctuations of Radiation in Stochastically Activated Two-Level Systems"(PDF)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50(45), 455203, 2017
Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Peter T. Otto, and Anatoly Yambartsev "Coalescence and minimal spanning trees of irregular graphs"(PDF) submitted
"A note on weak convergence results for uniform infinite causal triangulations"(PDF).
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, v.32, p. 597-615, 2018
Eugene Pechersky, Guillem Via and Anatoly Yambartsev
"Stochastic Ising model with plastic interactions"(PDF)
Statistics & Probability Letters, vol.123, 100-106, 2017
Cerda Hernandez, J.; Zohren, S.; Yambartsev, A. "On the critical probability of percolation on random causal triangulations"(PDF). Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, v. 31, p. 215-228, 2017
GONZÁLEZ-NAVARRETE, MANUEL; PECHERSKY, EUGENE; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY "Phase Transition in Ferromagnetic Ising Model with a Cell-Board External Field"(PDF) Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 162, p. 139-161, 2016
GANNON, M.; Pechersky, E.; SUHOV, Y.; YAMBARTSEV, A. "Random walks in a queueing network environment"(PDF arXiv) Journal of Applied Probability, v. 53, p. 448-462, 2016
Anatoly Yambartsev, Michael Perlin, Yevgeniy Kovchegov, Natalia Shulzhenko, Karina L. Mine, Xiaoxi Dong, Andrey Morgun "Unexpected links reflect the noise in networks"(PDF) Biology Direct (2016) DOI: 10.1186/s13062-016-0155-0
THOMAS, LINA D.; VYSHENSKA, DARIIA; SHULZHENKO, NATALIA; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY; MORGUN ANDREY "Differentially correlated genes in co-expression networks control phenotype transitions" F1000Research, v. 5, p. 2740, 2016
PECHERSKY, E.; PIROGOV, S.; GEORG ROBERT SADOWSKI; YAMBARTSEV, A. "Dynamics of Tectonic Plates"(PDF). Information processes, v. 15, p. 51-65, 2015
MORGUN, A.; YAMBARTSEV, A.; THOMAS, L.; SHULZHENKO, N.; RAMSEY, S.; DONG, X. "Reverse enGENEering of Regulatory Networks from Big Data: A Roadmap for Biologists" Bioinformatics and Biology Insights, v. 9, p. 61-74, 2015
MOGULSKII, ANATOLI; PECHERSKY, EUGENE ; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY "Large deviations for excursions of non-homogeneous Markov processes"(PDF arXiv) Electronic Communications in Probability, v. 19, p. 1-8, 2014
KELBERT, M.; SUHOV, Y.; YAMBARTSEV, A. "A Mermin-Wagner theorem on Lorentzian triangulations with quantum spins"(PDF arXiv). Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, v. 28, p. 515-537, 2014
SISKO, V.; YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZOHREN, S. "Growth of Uniform Infinite Causal Triangulations"(PDF arXiv). Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 150, p. 353-374, 2013
KELBERT, M.; SUHOV, Y.; YAMBARTSEV, A. "A Mermin Wagner Theorem for Gibbs States on Lorentzian Triangulations"(PDF arXiv). Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 150, p. 671-677, 2013
Karina L Mine, Natalia Shulzhenko, Anatoly Yambartsev, Mark Rochman, Gerdine FO Sanson, Malin Lando, Sudhir Varma, Jeff Skinner, Natalia Volfovsky, Tao Deng, Sylvia MF Brenna, Carmen RN Carvalho, Julisa CL Ribalta, Michael Bustin, Polly Matzinger, Ismael DCG Silva, Heidi Lyng, Maria Gerbase-DeLima, Andrey Morgun "Gene network reconstruction reveals cell cycle and antiviral genes as major drivers of cervical cancer" Nature communications 4, 1806 (2013)
Jose C. Hernandez, Yuri Suhov, Anatoly Yambartsev, and Stefan Zohren "Bounds on the critical line via transfer matrix methods for an Ising model coupled to causal dynamical triangulations" Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (6), 063301 (2013)
THOMAS, LINA D.; FOSSALUZA, VICTOR; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY "Building complex networks through classical and Bayesian statistics - A comparison"(PDF arXiv) In: XI BRAZILIAN MEETING ON BAYESIAN STATISTICS: EBEB 2012, 2012, Amparo-SP. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012. v. 1490. p. 323-331
Shcherbakov, Vadim; Yambartsev, Anatoly "On Equilibrium Distribution of a Reversible Growth Model".
Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 148, p. 53-66, 2012
Maxim Krikun, Anatoly Yambartsev
"Phase transition for the Ising model on the critical Lorentzian triangulation"
Journal of Statistical Physics 148 (3), 422-439 (2012)
Skinner, Jeff; Kotliarov, Yuri; Varma, Sudhir; Mine, Karina L.; Yambartsev, Anatoly; Simon, Richard; Huyen, Yentram;
Morgun, Andrey
"Construct and Compare Gene Coexpression Networks with DAPfinder and DAPview"(PDF).
BMC Bioinformatics, v. 12, p. 286, 2011
Pechersky, E.; Galves, A.; Yambartsev, A. "Gibbs models with a variable range of interactions on triangle grid" In: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2011, St. Petersburg. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 2011. p. 2945
Pechersky, E.; Sadowski, G.; Suhov, Y.; Yambartsev, A. "A Markov process of tectonic plate motions"(PDF). In: International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IPPI", 2011, Moscow. International Mathematical Conference "50 Years of IPPI" Proceedings, 2011
Pablo A Ferrari, Eugene A Pechersky, Valentin V Sisko, Anatoly Yambartsev "Gibbs random graphs on point processes" Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (11), 113303 (2010)
Pechersky, E.; Yambartsev, A. "Percolation Properties of the Non-ideal Gas"(PDF arXiv). Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 137, p. 501-520, 2009
Valeska B Guzman, Anatoly Yambartsev, Amador Goncalves-Primo, Ismael DCG Silva, Carmen RN Carvalho, Julisa CL Ribalta, Luiz Ricardo Goulart, Natalia Shulzhenko, Maria Gerbase-DeLima, Andrey Morgun "New approach reveals CD28 and IFNG gene interaction in the susceptibility to cervical cancer" Human molecular genetics (2008) 17 (12): 1838-1844
Luiz Renato G. Fontes, Marina Vachkovskaia, and Anatoly Yambartsev "Repulsion of an evolving surface on walls with random heights" Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 42 (2), 207-213 (2006)
FONTES, L. R. G. ; VACHKOVSKAIA, M. ; YAMBARTSEV, A. "A dynamical surface interacting with rarefeid wall". Markov Processes and Related Fields, v. 11, p. 649-660, 2005
Yambartsev, A.; Goncalves-Primo, A.; Morgun, A.; Gerbase-DeLima, M.; Shulzhenko, N. Selection of control genes for quantitative RT-PCR based on microarray data" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, v. 337, p. 306-312, 2005
FONTES, L. R. G.; VACHKOVSKAIA, M.; YAMBARTSEV, A. "Entropic repulsion on a rarefied wall" Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Online), Paris, v. AC, p. 105-112, 2003
Vadim Malyshev, Anatoly Yambartsev, and Andrei Zamyatin "Two-dimensional Lorentzian models" Mosc. Math. J 1 (3), 439-456 (2001)
YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZAMYATIN, Andrei "A Stabilization Law for Two Semi-Infinite Interacting String of Characters" Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, v. 34, n.3, p. 361-388, 2003
YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZAMYATIN, Andrei "Dynamics of Two Interacting Queues" Markov Processes and Related Fields, v. 7, n.2, p. 301-324, 2001
YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZAMYATIN, Andrei "Classification of two interacting strings of characters"(in russian) Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, v. 56, n.3, p. 165-167, 2001
YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZAMYATIN, Andrei "Transience dynamic of two interacting random strings"(in russian) Fundamental And Applied Mathematics, v. 2, n.4, p. 1029-1043, 1996
YAMBARTSEV, A.; ZAMYATIN, Andrei "Transience dynamic of interacting strings"(in russian) Proceeding Of The International Conference In The Memory Of P L Chebyshev, v. 2, p. 383-385, 1996