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RE: Linux - Instalacao

DJMT Corporation Inc. writes:
 > Oi!
 > Estou com um probleminha aqui e gostaria de saber o que fazer.
 > Eh sobre o linux...
 > eu instalei-o recentemente no meu computador. Criei uma particao para o
 > windows, e com o que sobrou do espaco do HD, coloquei o linux.
 > Eu gostaria de saber como q eu faco para, pelo linux, visualizar e mexer nos
 > arquivos da particao do windows (C:).
 > Se isso for possivel, ajudem-me! :)


Question 3.2.  How do I access files on my DOS partition or floppy ?

Use the DOS filesystem, i.e. type, for example:
        mkdir /dos
        mount -t msdos -o conv=text,umask=022,uid=100,gid=100 /dev/hda3 /dos
If it's a floppy, don't forget to umount it before ejecting it !

You can use the conv=text/binary/auto, umask=nnn, uid=nnn and gid=nnn
options to control the automatic line-ending conversion, permissions and
ownerships of the files in the DOS filesystem as they appear under Linux.
If you mount your DOS filesystem by putting it in your /etc/fstab you can
record the options (comma-separated) there, instead of defaults.

Alternatively you can use `mtools', available in both binary and source
form on the FTP sites -- see Q2.5 `Where can I get Linux material by FTP

A kernel patch (known as the fd-patches) is available which allows
floppies with nonstandard numbers of tracks and/or sectors to be used;
this patch is included in the 1.1 alpha testing kernel series.


Retirei o texto acima do seguinte FAQ:


                            06 Mar 1996
                Ian Jackson <ijackson@gnu.ai.mit.edu>

This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions about Linux, the free Unix
for 386/486/586 [see Q1.1 `What is Linux ?' for more details].  It should
be read in conjunction with the HOWTO documents, which are available in

* ftp.funet.fi ( : /pub/OS/Linux/doc/HOWTO
* tsx-11.mit.edu ( : /pub/linux/docs/HOWTO
* sunsite.unc.edu ( : /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO

and mirror sites thereof -- see Q2.5 `Where can I get Linux material by
FTP ?'.  See Q2.1 `Where can I get the HOWTOs and other documentation ?'
for a list of the HOWTOs and more information.  The INFO-SHEET and
META-FAQ, found in the same place, also list other sources of Linux

The Linux Documentation Project documentation is available on
sunsite.unc.edu in /pub/Linux/docs/LDP.  These documents (more are in
preparation) are invaluable to the newcomer or for use as a reference

Please check out these documents and this FAQ, especially Q12.1 `You still
haven't answered my question !', before posting your question to a

See Q13.2 `Formats in which this FAQ is available' for details of where to
get the PostScript, Emacs Info, HTML (WWW) and plain ASCII versions of
this document.

A new version of this document appears approximately monthly.  If this
copy is more than a month old it may be out of date.



 Section 1.  Introduction and General Information
 Q1.1        What is Linux ?
 Q1.2        What software does it support ?
 Q1.3        Does it run on my computer ?  What hardware is supported ?
 Q1.4        What ports to other processors are there ?
 Q1.5        How much hard disk space does Linux need ?
 Q1.6        Is Linux PD ?  Copyrighted ?

 Section 2.  Network sources and resources
 Q2.1        Where can I get the HOWTOs and other documentation ?
 Q2.2        Where should I look on the World Wide Web for Linux stuff ?
 Q2.3        What newsgroups are there for Linux ?
 Q2.4        How do I install Linux ?



 > Obrigado!
 > ass.: DJMT