<1>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi] > cd <2>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi] > cd www/mac324 <3>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324] > cd projeto/dicas/STs_hash <4>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > ll *.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 314 May 10 09:45 Item.c lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoshi mac 15 May 24 09:58 ST.c -> prog14.3Knuth.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 1035 Apr 19 03:15 getline.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 754 May 19 20:01 prog12.2.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 2061 May 24 09:56 prog14.3.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 2655 May 24 09:59 prog14.3Knuth.c <5>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > make clean /bin/rm -f *~ \#~ .\#* *.o *.log *.dvi *.toc core a.out <6>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > make prog12.2 gcc -g -Wall -c getline.c gcc -g -Wall -c Item.c gcc -g -Wall -c ST.c gcc -g -Wall -c prog12.2.c gcc -g -Wall -o prog12.2 getline.o Item.o ST.o prog12.2.o -lm <7>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > prog12.2 < british | tail -n30 electrodialysers (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19961: unpaganises (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19962: memorialisation (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19963: amphitheatred (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19968: boulevardises (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19971: versionise (ocorreu 1 vez) salinometre (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19972: reflectorising (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19981: Jacobinise (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19990: caracolling (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19991: Presbyterianise (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19992: misrecognise (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19993: vocationalises (ocorreu 1 vez) Max no. of items in the lists: 4 Average no. of items in the lists: 0.3947 Statistics: 7894 keys. Statistics: 7894 distinct keys. <8>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > ln -sf prog14.3.c ST.c <9>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > ll total 344 -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 314 May 10 09:45 Item.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 547 Apr 19 13:00 Item.h -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 2924 May 24 10:00 Item.o -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 809 Apr 21 14:58 Makefile lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoshi mac 10 May 24 10:02 ST.c -> prog14.3.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 312 May 23 19:17 ST.h -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 6956 May 24 10:00 ST.o -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 285112 May 23 19:58 bla lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoshi mac 28 May 19 19:53 british -> /home/mac/yoshi/dict/british -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 44 Apr 18 20:13 entra.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 339 Apr 19 03:29 entra2.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 1035 Apr 19 03:15 getline.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 353 May 5 08:25 getline.h -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 4032 May 24 10:00 getline.o -rwxr-xr-x 1 yoshi mac 18172 May 24 10:00 prog12.2* -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 754 May 19 20:01 prog12.2.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 3448 May 24 10:00 prog12.2.o -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 2061 May 24 09:56 prog14.3.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 2655 May 24 09:59 prog14.3Knuth.c -rw-r--r-- 1 yoshi mac 3185 May 19 20:05 saida.txt <10>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > touch ST.c <11>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > make prog12.2 gcc -g -Wall -c ST.c gcc -g -Wall -o prog12.2 getline.o Item.o ST.o prog12.2.o -lm <12>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > prog12.2 < british | tail -n30 pyramidise (ocorreu 1 vez) polygamise (ocorreu 1 vez) nicotinise (ocorreu 1 vez) jeopardise (ocorreu 1 vez) inhumanise (ocorreu 1 vez) futilise (ocorreu 1 vez) cutinise (ocorreu 1 vez) apostatise (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19989: syphonophore (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19990: formulariser (ocorreu 1 vez) decolouriser (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19991: unvulgarises (ocorreu 1 vez) phosphorises (ocorreu 1 vez) interiorises (ocorreu 1 vez) formularises (ocorreu 1 vez) decolourises (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19992: empanelled (ocorreu 1 vez) embowelled (ocorreu 1 vez) *** list 19994: coenamoured (ocorreu 1 vez) Max no. of items in the lists: 23 Average no. of items in the lists: 0.3947 Statistics: 7894 keys. Statistics: 7894 distinct keys. <13>[rebutosa:/home/mac/yoshi/www/mac324/projeto/dicas/STs_hash] > make clean /bin/rm -f *~ \#~ .\#* *.o *.log *.dvi *.toc core a.out