Semana de Combinatória

Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade de São Paulo
9 to 11 November 1994

An event dedicated to Professor Paul Erdős on the occasion of his visit to Brazil.
This event was supported by FAPESP under grant Proc. 94/4099-9.


			    Wednesday, 9 November

 2:00 Cláudio L. Lucchesi (UNICAMP)
      Bases for the matching lattice of a matching-covered graph

 2:50 Ofélia T. Alas (USP)
      Three applications of combinatorics to general topology

 3:40 Coffee
 4:00 Paul Erdős (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
      Applications of the probabilistic method to combinatorics
      and number theory 

 6:00 N is a Number - A Portrait of Paul Erdős
      by George P. Csicsery

			    Thursday, 10 November

 9:10 Ricardo Dahab (UNICAMP)
      The Birkhoff-Lewis equations: historical review and
      recent results 

10:00 Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP)
      Extremal problems for random combinatorial structures

10:50 Coffee

11:10 Sóstenes L. Lins (UFPE)
      Combinatorial attractors for 3-manifolds: an approach 
      to the homeomorphism problem

12:00 Lunch

 2:00 Clóvis C. Gonzaga (UFRJ)
      Convergence of large step interior point algorithms

 2:50 Coffee

 3:10 Francisco Miraglia (USP)
      A measure-theoretic version of the Erdös-Rado theorem

 7:10 Commemoration Dinner

			     Friday, 11 November

 9:10 Imre Simon (USP)
      Idempotent analysis

10:00 Nicolau Saldanha (IMPA)
      Spaces of domino tilings

10:50 Coffee

11:10 Said Sidki (UnB)
      A primitive ring associated to a Burnside 3-group

12:00 Lunch

 2:00 Pablo Ferrari (USP)
      Poisson approximation for the net flux of customers between

 2:50 Coffee
 3:10 Paul Erdős (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
      My favourite problems and results in finite and infinite

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Last modified: Mon Oct 30 09:15:21 GMT 1995