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Sofwatre TErracrime desenolvido pelo LESTE-UFMG e pelo DPI-INPE

Caros colegas,

a noticia abaixo circulou recentemente na internet.
Trata-se do software TErracrime desenvolvido pelo LESTE-UFMG
(Lab de Estatistica Espacial) e pelo DPI-INPE.
Trata-se da primeira versao de nosso software de visulaizacao e mais
analise dados espaciais. Pode-se pensar num Arcview(ou Mapinfo) + 
capacidade de analise
estatistica espacial.

O lancamento oficial do software sera' no dia 18/12 pelo Ministro da Justica
em Brasilia.

Em breve teremos mais noticias no site do LESTE.
O sofwtare estara' disponivel para download APOS o lancamento oficial.

Renato Assuncao
Coordenador do LESTE-UFMG

links: http://creativecommons.org/press-releases/entry/3919

Brazilian Government First to Adopt New "CC-GPL"
Tuesday, December 2, 2003

The Brazilian Committee for the Implementation of Free Software will
release code under the Free Software Foundation's General Public
License, with Creative Commons providing new human- and machine-readable

Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, and Tokyo, JAPAN  The government of Brazil
today announced its adoption of the CC-GPL, an innovation on the Free
Software Foundation's (FSF) General Public License, for the release of
publicly funded software. Brazil is the first adopter of the new CC-GPL,
which combines the proven utility and popularity of the GPL with
Creative Commons' innovative user interface.

"Brazil's adoption of the CC-GPL is extremely significant," said
Lawrence Lessig, Creative Commons' chairman and professor of law at
Stanford University, from Tokyo, where Creative Commons is presenting
its projects in Japan this week. "Brazil has recognized that code
produced and funded by the people should be made available to the
people, and it has pioneered a tool that provides the best of both the
Free Software Foundation and Creative Commons."

"Brazilian government adoption of the GPL is an enormous step forward in
the cause of software freedom," said Professor Eben Moglen of Columbia
Law School and General Counsel of the Free Software Foundation. "We
welcome the chance to work together with Creative Commons to make the
GNU GPL even more attractive to governments, which are recognizing that
the principle of 'share and share alike' is the most efficient, most
equitable, and most pro-development licensing strategy for software the
public pays to create or to acquire."

The first piece of software Brazil will release under the CC-GPL is
TerraCrime 1.0, which analyzes and creates statistical reports on
criminal activity in a particular geographic area, cross-referencing the
data with other variables such as population, time of the incident, etc.
The software was developed by the Laboratorio de Estatistica Espacial
(LESTE  Spacial Statistics Laboratory) of the the Federal University of
Minas Gerais (UFMG) and by the Divisao de Processamento de Imagens (DPI
 Image Processing Division) of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
Espaciais (INPE  National Institute of Space Research).

With the CC-GPL, Creative Commons has applied its three-layer user
interface to the FSF's classic software license. First is the Commons
Deed, a plain-language summary of the GPL's key terms. Next is the Legal
Code, the full license in all its detail  in this case, the General
Public License, provided in both English and a Portuguese translation by
the Brazilian government. Third is Creative Commons' metadata, a
machine-readable expression of the license, so that users can search for
and sort CC-GPL-licensed code by terms of use.

Lessig said Creative Commons and the FSF will begin offering the CC-GPL
to the general public shortly.

About the Brazilian Committee for the Implementation of Free Source

The Information Technology Institute (ITI - Instituto de Tecnologia da
Informacao) is an administrative entity connected directly with the
Presidency of the Republic in Brazil. It has appointed a Committee for
the Implementation of Free Software, and it is responsible for steering
the free software policy in Brazil.

About the Free Software Foundation (FSF)

FSF is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Project, an
effort launched in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system
which is free software: the GNU system. (GNU is a recursive acronym for
"GNU's Not Unix"; it is pronounced "guh-noo.") Variants of the GNU
operating system which use the kernel Linux are now widely deployed;
though these systems are often referred to as "Linux," they are more
accurately called GNU/Linux systems. The Foundation also develops,
publishes, and secures compliance with the GNU General Public License
(GNU GPL) and GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL), which are
the world's most widely used free software licenses.

For more, see http://gnu.org/.

About Creative Commons

A nonprofit corporation, Creative Commons promotes the creative re-use
of intellectual works  whether owned or public domain. It is sustained
by the generous support of The Center for the Public Domain, the John D.
and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation.
Creative Commons is based at Stanford Law School, where it shares staff,
space, and inspiration with the school's Center for Internet and

For general information, visit http://creativecommons.org/.