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Palestra do Prof. David Brillinger no IMPA

Caros colegas,
Ao parabenizar o Prof. David Brillinger pela
ocasiao especial, em que toma posse como membro
estrangeiro na ABC, e como disse Lucia,
ele fica "ainda mais brasileiro", aproveito para re-enviar o aviso de sua palestra amanha no IMPA. abracos, Eulalia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 13:10:08 -0300 (EST)
From: Maria Eulalia Vares - CMF <eulalia@cbpf.br>
To: abe-l@ime.usp.br, gprob-membros@ime.usp.br,
    Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes <beatriz@im.ufrj.br>
Subject: Palestra do Prof. David Brillinger no IMPA

Caros colegas,
o Prof. David Brillinger fara uma palestra no IMPA no proximo
dia 07 de junho. Detalhes a seguir. Abracos,
Eulalia, Vladas

Palestra Especial em Probabilidade

Data: 07 de junho de 2006 (quarta-feira) Horario: 15:30 h
Sala: a ser anunciada no  IMPA

Titulo: Using Potential Functions to Set Down SDEs with
Applications to Animal Movement

Palestrante:  David R. Brillinger
Statistics Department
University of California, Berkeley


Classical mechanics, particularly Newton's Second Law, has a lot to say about the description of motion, particularly in the case that a potential function exists.
A potential function may be used to motivate the choice of drift term in a
stochastic differential equation in modern developments for example.
For a statistician one issue is how to set down a pertinent potential function and to fit it to empirical data.
This talk concerns the use of potential functions in the modelling of empirical data on paths of: elephant seals, elk and Hawaiian monk seals.
In some cases the movement is bounded leading to interesting analysis questions.

David's url: www.stat.berkeley.edu/~brill David's email: brill@stat.berkeley.edu