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Séries Temporais , Análise de Dependência e
Aplicações em Atuária e Finanças

Dia 31/10/06, Terça Feira,  17:30 h

Sala 247, Bloco A, IME-USP

Bivariate Density Classification based on Marginal Knowledge

Mariela Fernandez

 A continuous bivariate density on a compact support can be approximated 
by an exponential of a polynomial. Assuming the geometrical behavior of the
marginals is known, possible ranges of the polynomial's coefficients can
 be determined. In this talk we will give the influence of the geometrical
behavior of the marginals on the bivariate density and show
 when the proposed methodology can be extended to unlimited support.  


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Pedro Morettin <pam@ime.usp.br>