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invitation to cmpd2-II Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 08:02:38 -0200
From: Paulo F. A. Mancera <pmancera@ibb.unesp.br>
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: invitation to cmpd2-II Conference on Computational and
    Mathematical Population Dynamics

Dear colleague,

It is our pleasure to invite you to submit session proposal at the II
Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics
(CMPD2), which will be held at Campinas City, Brazil, July 16 - 20, 2007.
The topics of session proposals are for instance in ecology (including
epidemic spread), cell population dynamics (including immunology, tumor
growth) and molecular biology (including molecular evolution and
genetics, genomics). The proposal must include research area (topic),
title, brief summary and potential participants. All proposals must be
sent to cmpd2@ime.unicamp.br , writing in the message subject SESSION
We remeber you that dadline for Session Proposals is February 28, 2007.
Additionally deadline for submission of Abstract for oral or poster
presentations is March 31, 2007. More information avaiable at
We look forward to seeing you in July, 2007 to attend to II Conference
on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics.

Paulo F. A. Mancera
On behalf of Organizing Committe