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minicurso - Non-parametric Maximum Likelihood and Random Effect Models, John Hinde - 6 e 7/12/2006

Caros colegas
Sera realizado nos dias 6 e 7 de dezembro das 14 as 18h o minicurso
Non-parametric Maximum Likelihood and Random Effect Models
a ser lecionado por John Hinde (University of Ireland, Galway, Irlanda)

This course will provide an introduction to random effect modelling with
exponential family mixtures using a comprehensive package developed in the
statistical software system R, a widely-used, free, open-source system.
The implemented procedures allow the modelling of many types of data, such
as continuous measurements, counts and proportions, with additional levels
of variability to take account of more complex sample designs,
longitudinal observations and other forms of structured unobserved
variability. The course will include theory, computational aspects, and
practical hands-on experience. The topics tobe covered are:

1.Motivation for random effect models
- Unobserved heterogeneity
- Random effect formulation
2.Mixture densities
3.Normal and general random effect models
- Overdispersion
- Variance component models
- Measurement error models

Maiores informacoes com a
Luciane Brajao <lbrajao@carpa.ciagri.usp.br>
Vagas limitadas.

Um abraco, Clarice

Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio
Departamento de Ciencias Exatas      | Phone: +55 019 34294144 R:216
ESALQ/USP                            | Fax:   +55 019 34294346
Caixa Postal 9                       | http://ce.esalq.usp.br/
13418-900 PIRACICABA, SP             |
BRASIL                               | clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br

52¦ ReuniÆo Anual da RegiÆo Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de
Biometria e 12§ Simposio de Estatistica Aplicada a Experimentacao
Agronomica (SEAGRO)
23 a 27/07/2007, Santa Maria, RS