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Noticia da IBS (International Biometrics Society)

A pedido do Prof. Paulo Justiniano,  Presidente da RBRAS, encaminho a
mensagem abaixo.

Antonio Carlos Pedroso de Lima


Prezados membros da ABE

Tomo a liberdade de divulgar aqui uma importante noticia da
IBS (international biometrics society) a respeito de
um programa para incentivar publicações de
pessoas que não tenham o ingles como sua língua nativa.

Reproduzo abaixo a mensagem do Presidente Tom Luis
(que vai estar presente no SEAGRO em Santa Maria)
e tb disponível em:

Os links, formulários e informações adicionais também estâo disponíveis
na pagina da RBRAS:

Na página há tb instruções para os eventuais interesados se associarem
também à  RBRAS.

Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
Presidente da RBRAS
LEG (Laboratório de Estatística e Geoinformação)
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Caixa Postal 19.081
CEP 81.531-990
Curitiba, PR  -  Brasil
Tel: (+55) 41 3361 3573
Fax: (+55) 41 3361 3141
e-mail: paulojus AT  ufpr  br

Volunteer Editor's Program: Call for Manuscripts

Most major science and policy journals publish in and require that
manuscripts be submitted in English.  Because effective communication
improves the chances that a submitted manuscript will be accepted, authors
whose native language is not English and who do not have easy access to
colleagues who can improve the prose, are at a distinct disadvantage.   To
reduce this inequity, I have asked for volunteers who are willing to help
IBS members polish up the prose in a manuscript that they intend to submit
for publication.  The response has been very gratifying and so the program
can begin.

The target journal need not be Biometrics or the Journal of Agricultural,
Biological and Environmental Statistics (JABES); the goal is to increase
the publication success rate for IBS members irrespective of the intended
journal.  To take advantage of this service, you need to be a member of
the International Biometric Society and have prepared a very mature draft
of your manuscript; one that is ready to submit once the prose has been
polished.   You should identify the journal to which you plan to submit so
that the editor will have the appropriate readership in mind when editing.
The volunteer editor can provide additional input, but editing is the only
expectation.   To keep the focus on this role, the volunteer editor should
not be included as a co-author.

To request editing, email either a Word or a LaTex document (for LaTex
please include both the LaTex input and a pdf of the composed document) to
me at (tlouis@jhsph.edu <mailto:tlouis@jhsph.edu>).  I'll acknowledge
receipt and find an appropriate editor.   If there is sufficient activity,
we'll create a way for connections between authors and editors to be made
via the IBS website rather than through me.

I'm excited about this initiative and look forward to its success.

Best regards,


Professor Thomas A. Louis, PhD
President of the International Biometric Society

Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 North Wolfe Street, E3545; Baltimore, MD 21205-2179 USA
1-410-614-7838(office); 410-955-0958(fax);  202-494-9331(mobile)
tlouis@jhsph.edu;    http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~tlouis/

"Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods"  R. A. Fisher, 1948
Antonio Carlos Pedroso de Lima
Departamento de Estatistica
Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica
Universidade de Sao Paulo