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PosDoc positions Postdoc positions (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)

    5-Year Research Positions - Univ. Coimbra, Portugal

The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (CMUC) invites
applications for three 5-year research positions, two in Applied and
Computational Mathematics and one in Statistics.

The Centre is interested in a variety of research topics,

- analysis and control of PDEs
- applied harmonic analysis
- high-performance computing
- modeling and simulation of complex systems
- optimization
- statistical estimation and inference

and applications to biology, engineering, finance, and imaging.

Applicants should have a PhD in Mathematical Sciences, at least three years
of post-doctoral experience, and a strong command of English.

The positions are part of a prestigious national program for research. The
applications will be screened by an international panel of the highest
quality. The candidates selected will participate in a stimulating and
interdisciplinary research environment. The positions might revert to
tenure-track in the future.

The salary is highly competitive, in the order of 42500 euros a year. The
positions do not involve teaching duties, but there will be the opportunity
to teach graduate courses if desired.

CMUC will provide social benefits and a professional travel allowance.

The deadline for application is September 10, 2007, and the application
details are given in


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Lucia Pereira Barroso <lbarroso@ime.usp.br>

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CMUC - Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra