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mudando de assunto: milagres


Acho que já falamos demais sobre a existência de Deus. Que tal uma breve
menção à existência de MILAGRES? Algumas referências da área, para quem
tiver interesse. 

Dawid, P.; Gillies, D. (1989). A Bayesian Analysis of Hume's Argument
Concerning Miracles. The Philosophical Quarterly, 39(154), 57-65. 

Earman, John. (1993). Bayes, Hume, and Miracles. Faith and Philosophy,
10, 293-310.

Earman, John. (2002). Bayes, Hume, Price, and Miracles. In Swinburne,
Richard, ed. Bayes's Theorem, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 91-109.

Gillies, D. (1991). A Bayesian Proof of a Humean Principle. The British
Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 42(2), 255-256. 

Holder, R.D. (1998). Hume on Miracles: Bayesian Interpretation, Multiple
Testimony, and the Existence of God. The British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 49(1), 49-65.

[A última frase do abstract desse paper é bem interessante: "Conditions
are given under which testimony for miracles may provide support for the
existence of God."]  

Levine, Michael. (1998). Bayesian Analyses of Hume's Argument concerning
Miracles. Philosophy and Theology, 10(1), 101-106.

Owen, D. (1987). Hume Versus Price on Miracles and Prior Probabilities:
Testimony and the Bayesian Calculation. The Philosophical Quarterly,
37(147), 187-202. 

Sobel, J.H. (1987). On the Evidence of Testimony for Miracles: A
Bayesian Interpretation of David Hume's Analysis. The Philosophical
Quarterly, 37(147), 166-186. 

Saudações a todos, religiosos ou não. 


Francisco Cribari-Neto               voice: +55-81-21267425
Departamento de Estatistica          fax:   +55-81-21268422
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco   e-mail: cribari@de.ufpe.br
Recife/PE, 50740-540, Brazil         web: www.de.ufpe.br/~cribari

 "Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of
  society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we
  shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity,
  ignorance, greed and love of power."   P.J. O'Rourke