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Re: [ABE-L]: mudando de assunto: milagres

   e também :

        1 -  do já citado John Earman

       Hume's Abject Failure: The Argument Against Miracles (Oxford
        University Press, 2000)     ,

       mas, agora,

       2 -  de Robert J Fogelin:

         A Defense of Hume on Miracles  (Princeton Monographs on
           Philosophy)    e

         Hume´s Skepticism in the Treatise of Human Nature
           (1985. Routledge and Kegan Paul)


On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Francisco Cribari wrote:

> Caros,
> Acho que já falamos demais sobre a existência de Deus. Que tal uma breve
> menção à existência de MILAGRES? Algumas referências da área, para quem
> tiver interesse.
> Dawid, P.; Gillies, D. (1989). A Bayesian Analysis of Hume's Argument
> Concerning Miracles. The Philosophical Quarterly, 39(154), 57-65.
> Earman, John. (1993). Bayes, Hume, and Miracles. Faith and Philosophy,
> 10, 293-310.
> Earman, John. (2002). Bayes, Hume, Price, and Miracles. In Swinburne,
> Richard, ed. Bayes's Theorem, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 91-109.
> Gillies, D. (1991). A Bayesian Proof of a Humean Principle. The British
> Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 42(2), 255-256.
> Holder, R.D. (1998). Hume on Miracles: Bayesian Interpretation, Multiple
> Testimony, and the Existence of God. The British Journal for the
> Philosophy of Science, 49(1), 49-65.
> [A última frase do abstract desse paper é bem interessante: "Conditions
> are given under which testimony for miracles may provide support for the
> existence of God."]
> Levine, Michael. (1998). Bayesian Analyses of Hume's Argument concerning
> Miracles. Philosophy and Theology, 10(1), 101-106.
> Owen, D. (1987). Hume Versus Price on Miracles and Prior Probabilities:
> Testimony and the Bayesian Calculation. The Philosophical Quarterly,
> 37(147), 187-202.
> Sobel, J.H. (1987). On the Evidence of Testimony for Miracles: A
> Bayesian Interpretation of David Hume's Analysis. The Philosophical
> Quarterly, 37(147), 166-186.
> Saudações a todos, religiosos ou não.
> FC
> --
> Francisco Cribari-Neto               voice: +55-81-21267425
> Departamento de Estatistica          fax:   +55-81-21268422
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco   e-mail: cribari@de.ufpe.br
> Recife/PE, 50740-540, Brazil         web: www.de.ufpe.br/~cribari
>  "Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of
>   society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we
>   shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity,
>   ignorance, greed and love of power."   P.J. O'Rourke