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A Zellner's message. [BAYES-NEWS] 9th Bayesian Brazilian Meeting (EBEB)

Prezada Rosangela e organizadores da 9EBEB,

repassei a informacao do evento para o Bayes-News conforme havia lhe prometido. Ainda a pouco eu recebi uma resposta do Arnold Zellner. Estou reenviando a mensagem dele a quem possa interessar. Desculpem pela eventual dupla postagem.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arnold Zellner <fazellne@chicagogsb.edu >
Date: Oct 15, 2007 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [BAYES-NEWS] 9th Bayesian Brazilian Meeting (EBEB)
To: "Ralph S. Silva" <ralph.stat@gmail.com>

Ralph, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming 9th meeting and thanks for informing me about it.  Since I shall be offering a graduate course at the U. of California at Berkeley (Neyman-Pearson country)  on Bayesian topics during February, I regret very much, in view of several past very pleasant visits to Rio and Sao Paulo, that I shall not be able to attend.  However, it occurred to me that you might like to take a look at my invited paper for the Jim Press Retirement Conference that is attached. In it you will find a review of his adventures with Bayesian analysis during his stay at Chicago and beyond and comments on his many research and other contributions, including his and Reuben Klein's arranging our very successful 1990 Bayesian research meeting in Rio. Also, in Section 4 of the paper is an account of some new developments in Bayesian analysis that may be of interest to you all. If you think it appropriate, you can have copies of my paper made available to participants in y
our meeting.   Best wishes for a very successful meeting!    Cordially,  Arnold


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