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Seguem abaixo informações sobre uma conferência que estamos organizando aqui em Southampton, para agosto de 2008. Para os apreciadores de um bom debate, talvez seja uma daquelas imperdíveis...


Workshop and Conference

Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute – S3RI

Southampton - 25-29 August, 2008


Bayesian methods have become increasingly popular across a broad range of statistical applications, stimulated by the development of efficient computational methods such as MCMC. Sample survey inference, however, is still largely based on the randomization distribution over repeated sampling, with models being used only as a last resort, such as in small area estimation or when compensating for measurement errors or nonresponse.


The aim of this meeting is to highlight the potential advantages of Bayesian methodology and discuss and illustrate its possible applications in diverse areas of sample survey design and inference. The meeting will begin with a 1.5 days workshop, given by Professor Malay Ghosh (University of Florida, U.S.) and Professor Rod Little (University of Michigan, U.S.). It will be  followed by a 2.5 days conference, consisting of invited and contributed research and applied papers, and a special panel discussion.


Information on registration to the workshop and conference and submission of abstracts of contributed papers can be found on the conference website www.s3ri.soton.ac.uk/ssbs08/.

Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel: 44-23-80597169
Fax: 44-23-80595763
Alternate e-mail: pedrolns@soton.ac.uk