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Fwd: Variety in Statistics Assessment (ViSA) Project - Call for Contributions

Para conhecimento.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
The Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE)
under the auspices of the UK Higher Education Maths, Stats and OR
Network is funding a new international project that is designed to
collect examples of a wide range of different assessment methods from
tertiary level statistics teachers worldwide

The ViSA project aims to gather accounts of recent successful
experiences in assessment of statistical learning at tertiary level,
from around the world.  The book "The assessment challenge in statistics
education" (1997) edited by Iddo Gal and Joan Garfield addressed similar
issues, although it covered all levels of education, whilst here the
focus is tertiary level, which has seen many changes in the student
intake and assessment methods in the last 10 years.  The main focus of
ViSA is a virtual international conference, with refereed proceedings to
be published as a book in 2009.

If you have an innovative or tried-and-tested successful approach in
assessing statistics learning that you would like to share, then think
about making a contribution.  Some themes, by no means exhaustive, are:

Using different media in assessment; experiment-based assessment;
survey-based assessment; using real data; individualising assessment
tasks.  You may also want to contribute from a particular subject
viewpoint, such as the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics) subjects, or Business, Economics, Health or Psychology.
Contributions that include critical discussion of the assessment
process, ideally relating this to research studies, will be particularly

In the first instance, abstracts, of up to 500 words, should be
submitted electronically, by 16th March 2008, to
  During April 2008, selected authors will be
invited to submit full papers, with a final submission date in
September2008.  These papers will be peer refereed and authors will be
invited to take account of the referees' comments in the usual way.
Final versions of papers will be due at the end of March 2009.
Published authors will receive a free copy of the book.

Other activities associated with this project included a working group
at the Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching Conference in Birmingham, UK,
December 2007 (www.umtc.ac.uk), with a related presentation at the
MSOR/CETL Conference in Lancaster planned for September 2008.  Also, it
is anticipated that the Association of Statistics Lecturers in
Universities (ASLU) Conference in 2009 will be dedicated to the ViSA
project, with selected contributors presenting their work either in
person or through video link.  Other regional meetings may also be
organised from time to time.  A website has been set up on the RSSCSE
web site at (www.rsscse.org.uk/activities/visa).

We look forward to hearing about your experiences

The ViSA Project Leaders

Penelope Bidgood,
Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics,  Kingston
University   p.bidgood@kingston.ac.uk

Neville Hunt
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Coventry University

Flavia Jolliffe
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science  University
of Kent  F.Jolliffe@kent.ac.uk
Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK