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Fwd: 3rd SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities: 1st announcement

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3rd SIPTA School on Imprecise Probabilities: 1st announcement

[All our apologies for cross-posting.]

Third school of the Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and
Applications (SIPTA), July 2-8, 2008, Montpellier, France.

Dear colleagues,

The Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (SIPTA)
organizes the 3rd edition of its school in Montpellier, France, during
2-8 July 2008, the local organization being handled by the Laboratoire
d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microelectronique (LIRMM) of the
university of Montpellier. The city of Montpellier is located in the
south of France, on the Mediterranean coast, and the school will be held
at the Centre Regional de Documentation Pedagogique, which is located in
the very centre of Montpellier.

The aim of SIPTA schools is to introduce interested students and
researchers with the basics of imprecise probability topics, both
theoretical and applied. Some of the best specialists in different
aspects of imprecise probabilities lecture, during one week time, on the
main concepts and techniques associated to their area of expertise, in a
friendly environment favouring interactions between participants.

Topics & Lecturers

Imprecise probability is used as a generic term to cover all
mathematical or statistical models which measure chance or uncertainty
without sharp numerical probabilities. Imprecise probability models are
needed in inference problems where the relevant information is scarce,
vague or conflicting, and in decision problems where preferences may
also be incomplete. The topics covered this year will include:

- Coherent lower previsions (Enrique Miranda, Spain, and Gert De Cooman,
- Predictive inference: from Bayesian inference to Imprecise Probability
(Jean-Marc Bernard, France)
- Imprecise immediate predictions (Gert De Cooman, Belgium)
- Independence concepts in Imprecise Probability (Fabio Cozman, Brazil)
- Possibility theory (Didier Dubois, France)
- Algorithms & approximation methods for Imprecise Probability (Fabio
Cozman, Brazil)
- Game-theoretic probability and its link with Imprecise Probability
(Glenn Shafer, USA)

The final program should be announced shortly on the summer school


Since the number of participants is limited, we recommend you to inform
us of your intention to participate to the school as soon as possible,
by pre-registering by means of a simple reply to this email, indicating
your name, email, status and affiliation, or by filling the
pre-registration form at the school website.

More information is available at the school website:


We are looking forward to meeting you in Montpellier. We also welcome
you to circulate this announcement around you.

Best regards,

Jean-Marc Bernard < Jean-Marc.Bernard@univ-paris5.fr>
Kevin Loquin <Kevin.Loquin@lirmm.fr>
(for the scientific and organizing committees)

Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel: 44-23-80597169
Fax: 44-23-80595763
Alternate e-mail: pedrolns@soton.ac.uk