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Com esse e-mail pretendo manter acesos os conflitos produtivos.
Ando lendo umas coisas antigas, pois o Leo anda me forçando a pensar na tese
dele com mais profundidade. Indico para os colegas 4 preciosidades:

1 ? IJ Good (1952): Rational decisions ? JRSS B 14(1):107-14
2 ? IJ Good (1967): A Bayesian significance test for multinomial distributions ?
JRSS B 29(3): 399-431
3 ? EN West & O Kempthorne (1972): A comparison of Chi2 and likelihood ratio
tests for composite alternatives. JSCS 1(1): 1-33
4 ? O Kempthorne (1976): Of what use are tests of significance and tests of
hypothesis. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 5(8):763-77

Mas quero chamar a atenção para o seguinte trecho do Good Guru:

?Apart from philosophical reasons, the fact that the Bayesian test is free from
asymptotical theory is a perfect pragmatic reason for its use.?

Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>