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Fwd: FW: CALL FOR PAPERS: Statistics Surveys (an online review journal)

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Saudações, Pedro.

Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: Statistics Surveys (an online review journal)

Statistics Surveys, an online review journal published by the IMS, the ASA,
the Bernoulli Society, and the Statistical Society of Canada, has now been
publishing surveys of topics in statistics for two years.  See
http://www.i-journals.org/ss  for a complete listing.  We welcome new
submissions on topics in theoretical, computational and applied statistics
for 2009.

Have you carried out background research for a project?  Or have you written
an overview of a statistical topic that needs to be published or updated
(for example, an encyclopedia type article)? Or have you just finished a
book on a statistical topic and have review material that did not quite fit
in the context of the published book? Or are you a doctoral candidate who
has completed a major literature review as a part of your dissertation
research? If any of these fit you, then please consider turning your body of
knowledge into a review article and submitting it to the online,
open-access, and peer-reviewed journal Statistics Surveys.

Papers can emphasize theory or they can be computational in nature. The
style may range from reviews of recent research areas or older
well-established statistical topics. The two main requirements are that the
paper be an overview of a well-specified topic and that it is well-written
with clear exposition. See the journal website
(http://www.i-journals.org/ss/index.php ) for information on how to submit
articles and to read the current issue of the journal.

Wendy L. Martinez

Coordinating Editor