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Fw: Announcing Valencia 9: Benidorm, June3-8, 2010

Caros Colegas,

Como representante do Capitulo Brasileiro da International Society for 
Bayesian Analysis (ISBra), repasso a mensagem abaixo do Professor Jose 
Bernardo sobre o tradicional encontro de Valencia, que sera realizado de 03 
a 08 de junho em 2010.

Em tempo, anotem em suas agendas o 10o Encontro Brasileiro de Estatistica 
Bayesiana, que sera realizado de 21 a 24 de marco de 2010, em Angra dos 
Maiores informacoes serao disponibilizadas em breve.


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Valencia Meeting <valenciameeting@uv.es>
To: Valencia List 1:;
Sent: Tue, 12 May 2009 17:20:57 +0200
Subject: Announcing Valencia 9: Benidorm, June3-8, 2010

Dear friends and colleagues,

This is to announce that the
Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
and the
2010 ISBA World Meeting
will jointly be held in
Benidorm (Alicante, Spain), June 3rd to June 8th, 2010.

As already announced in Valencia 8, this will be 
the last Valencia meeting I will personally 
organize (I will be 60 when the conference takes 
place). From Valencia 9 on, the Valencia meetings 
will become regular ISBA world meetings (which 
will not necessarily take place in the State of 
Valencia). ISBA world meetings will therefore 
take place every two years.

As in the past edition, the Valencia 9 Programme Committee consists of:

Susie Bayarri (Universitat de València, Spain)
James O. Berger (Duke University, USA)
José M. Bernardo (Universitat de València, Spain)
A. Philip Dawid  (University of Cambridge, UK)
David  Heckerman (Microsoft Research, USA)
Adrian F. M. Smith (Director General for Science and Research, UK)
Mike West (Duke University, USA)

Conference Information

As in previous editions, the  conference will 
include a set of tutorials, which will be 
delivered on Thursday, June 3rd. The Valencia 
conference will start in the early morning of 
Friday June 4th.
The conference dinner and the traditional cabaret 
will take place the night of Tuesday June 8th.

The Conference will be held at Hotel Bali, at 
precisely the same location where Valencia 8 was 
held in 2006, where a set of rooms have been 
pre-booked. This is a four star hotel very close 
to the beach, with appropriate conference 
Flights should be booked to Alicante 
International (ALC); ground transportation will 
be provided between the airport and the 
conference venue.

The conference programme will be announced in the 
conference  web page within a couple of months.
The Valencia 9 program will include 25 invited 
talks of 30 minutes each, whose presentation will 
be followed a by 15 minute discussion initiated 
by a 10 minute invited discussion. Contributed 
papers will be presented in poster form in the 
plenary evening sessions which have become an 
identity sign of the Valencia meetings. There 
will be five poster sessions, every evening from 
June 3rd through June 7th.

Only one presentation (whether oral or poster) 
per person will be allowed and any presenter 
(whether speaker or poster) must be a registered 
participant. Coauthoring meeting both 
restrictions is, of course, possible.

Registration will open at at the conference web 
page, www.uv.es/valenciameeting, just after the 
summer break. The registration fee will reflect 
all expenses required for the running of the 
meeting (transportation; facilities, equipment 
and human hiring; coffee breaks, etc) and also 
the conference banquet. Accommodation at the Bali 
(including breakfast and dinner) at the specially 
negotiated prices will be offered as an option on 
a first come, first served basis.
I very much hope to welcome all of you in Spain in June 2010.

Best regards,


The Valencia Mailing List contains about 2,000 
entries of people interested in Bayesian 
Statistics. It sends information about the 
Valencia International Meetings on Bayesian 
Statistics, and other material of interest to the 
Bayesian community.
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Valencia Meetings Mailing List (c/o Prof. Dr. Jose M. Bernardo)
Dept. Estadistica, Universidad de Valencia
Tel +34 96 354 4354 Fax +34 96 364 3560 (direct),
Tel +34 96 354 3087, Fax +34 96 354 3238 (office)

Valencia / ISBA Ninth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
Spain, June  2010
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your 
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)