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Seminário do Grupo de Inferência Bayesiana (GIB-UFSCar/USP)
015/05/2009-14 horas ( horário)

Sala de seminários do Departamento de Estatística- UFSCar-São Carlos-SP


Carlos A. R. Diniz

(Trabalho em conjunto com os Profs. Marcelo H. Tutia e José G. Leite)


 In this paper a Bayesian approach is applied to the correlated binomial model, CB(n,p,ρ ), proposed by Luceño,  1995. The data augmentation scheme is used in order to overcome the complexity of the mixture likelihood. MCMC methods, including Gibbs sampling and Metropolis within Gibbs, are applied to estimate the posterior marginal for the probability of success  p and for the correlation coefficient ρ The sensitivity of the posterior is studied taking into account several reference priors and it is shown that the posterior characteristics appear not to be influenced by these prior distributions. The article is motivated by a study of plant selection.

 Key words: correlated binomial distribution;  Bayesian inference; MCMC methods.

Estão todos convidados para este seminário especial às 14:00 h.  Lembramos que neste semestre o GIB realizará  mensalmente um seminário conjunto com o ICMC-USP.  Abraços, Josemar

Para mais detalhes consultar a página: www.ufscar.br/~des